Transcript 05/18/09 Sam Keen (Eddington)

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Re: Transcript 05/18/09 Sam Keen (Eddington)

#26 Post by KillerTomato » Tue May 19, 2009 3:45 pm

tanstaafl2 wrote:
tanstaafl2 wrote: Excellent work with the double dip so that I didn't have to put you in the geo nitwit category!

Although if one were to consider a British Overseas Territory as part of Great Britain then that would be the best answer. Not that it was an option. Making Spain the best available option...
Hmm, perhaps I am the geo nitwit afterall! I have always taken it as fact that Europa Point in Gibraltar is the closest point in Europe to Africa. But Google Earth seems to suggest that the Spanish coast near Tarifa, west of Gibraltar, is closer to the African coast of Morocco than is Europa Point.

Actually, I thought the same thing; I always thought Gibralter was the southernmost point on the Iberian peninsula, so I was going to point out that this wasn't a good question for that reason. Before I did so, though, I looked at Google Maps and found the same thing you did, so I kept my trap shut.... It pays to double check before one posts! :-)
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Re: Transcript 05/18/09 Sam Keen (Eddington)

#27 Post by Weyoun » Tue May 19, 2009 3:51 pm

Ditto with Africa - Agulhas is further south than Good Hope. But I've been to Good Hope so I tell people I've been to the "bottom" of Africa.

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