Transcript 5/22/18 Margaret Schugt

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Transcript 5/22/18 Margaret Schugt

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:41 pm

Margaret Schugt
Long Beach, Cal.

In 2017, Peggy Whitson received a congratulatory phone call from the president after she set a U.S. record by spending her 535th day where?
A: In line at Six Flags B: In space
C: In an L.A. traffic jam D: In a mall photo booth

B: In space

Though they declined the offer, Johnny Cash’s family was once approached about using which of his hits in an ad for a hemorrhoid remedy?
A: I Walk the Line B: A Boy Named Sue
C: Ring of Fire D: Folsom Prison Blues

C: Ring of Fire

Famous for its music festival, the California desert town Coachella got its name from a printer’s misspelling of what Spanish word for ‘little shell’?
A: Conchilla B: Chinchilla
C: Chimichanga D: Cornchowda

A: Conchilla

Also known as hyperkulturemia, Stendhal Syndrome is a psychosomatic illness where the sufferer often faints or has a panic attack at the sight of what?
A: Beautiful works of art B: Gas prices
C: Lawn darts D: The bathroom scale

A: 55% B: 1% C: 6% D: 38%

A: Beautiful works of art

A “davenport” and a “chesterfield” are two kinds of what type of furniture?
A: Chair B: Couch
C: Lamp D: Ottoman

The answer Margaret was expecting isn’t there. Her friend Charlie Bates quotes the Barenaked Ladies song “If I Had $1,000,000”: “Maybe I’d buy you some furniture (a chesterfield or an ottoman).”

50/50 leaves couch and ottoman.

Margaret answers D: Ottoman.
The right answer is B: Couch.
Margaret is a llama.

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Re: Transcript 5/22/18 Margaret Schugt

#2 Post by ghostjmf » Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:21 pm

So far so good

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Re: Transcript 5/22/18 Margaret Schugt

#3 Post by earendel » Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:37 pm

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Margaret Schugt
Long Beach, Cal.

In 2017, Peggy Whitson received a congratulatory phone call from the president after she set a U.S. record by spending her 535th day where?
A: In line at Six Flags B: In space
C: In an L.A. traffic jam D: In a mall photo booth

B: In space

Though they declined the offer, Johnny Cash’s family was once approached about using which of his hits in an ad for a hemorrhoid remedy?
A: I Walk the Line B: A Boy Named Sue
C: Ring of Fire D: Folsom Prison Blues

C: Ring of Fire

Famous for its music festival, the California desert town Coachella got its name from a printer’s misspelling of what Spanish word for ‘little shell’?
A: Conchilla B: Chinchilla
C: Chimichanga D: Cornchowda

A: Conchilla

Also known as hyperkulturemia, Stendhal Syndrome is a psychosomatic illness where the sufferer often faints or has a panic attack at the sight of what?
A: Beautiful works of art B: Gas prices
C: Lawn darts D: The bathroom scale

A: 55% B: 1% C: 6% D: 38%

A: Beautiful works of art

A “davenport” and a “chesterfield” are two kinds of what type of furniture?
A: Chair B: Couch
C: Lamp D: Ottoman

The answer Margaret was expecting isn’t there. Her friend Charlie Bates quotes the Barenaked Ladies song “If I Had $1,000,000”: “Maybe I’d buy you some furniture (a chesterfield or an ottoman).”

50/50 leaves couch and ottoman.

Margaret answers D: Ottoman.
The right answer is B: Couch.
Margaret is a llama.

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