Interesting poll results

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Interesting poll results

#1 Post by eyégor » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:43 am

From over at the Daily Kos - yes, it is populated by Democrats
69 percent think Bill Richardson looks better with a beard than without one. (10,186)

73 percent were open to the idea of a June "mini-convention," during which the superdelegates would publicly announce their support for Clinton or Obama. (7,724)

24 percent enjoy watching Major League Baseball games the most, except for the 59 percent who most enjoy any kind of baseball game where Bush gets booed off the field. (10,678)

34 percent believe John McCain is weakest on the economy. 26 percent believe he's weakest on Iraq. 20 percent believe he's weakest on honesty and integrity. (9,952)

68 percent are driving less because of gas prices (10,837)

78 percent have visited Washington, D.C. as a tourist. (9,686)

57 percent think FDR was the most effective wartime president, followed by Lincoln at 28 percent. George W. Bush received an astonishingly high 3 percent, for which we thank our visiting trolls. (13,641)

86 percent think the idea of John Edwards as Attorney General is either great or good. (13,192)

53 percent strongly favor abolishing the electoral college. 26 percent lean yes. (15,853)

42 percent would most like to have lunch with first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, followed by Jackie Kennedy at 19 percent and Abigail Adams at 15 percent. (12,213)

59 percent feel very good about our chances of winning back the White House in November. 34 percent are cautiously optimistic. (21,924)

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