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Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:34 pm
by BBTranscriptTeam
George Maddocks
Baton Rouge, LA
School guidance counselor

The middle school where George is a guidance has 1,000 students.

George and his wife are living large in NYC; they took a limo into the city. Then his son and his son's girlfriend came and played Trivial Pursuit with them in the hotel room.

Meredith: Wait. You came to New York; you had a big room and you played Trivial Pursuit in it? George! George!

George: We've seen everything there is in New York. We come all the time!

Question Topics:
* Washington
* The Internet
* Reality TV
* Transportation
* Theater
* Liquor
* World Leaders
* Movie Stars
* Lawsuits
* Money
* Grammar
* Geography
* Vocabulary
* Advertising
* Familiar Phrases

$100 * Familiar Phrases
An old saying advises "eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow" what happens?

A: We die B: We travel
C: We work D: We go to the DMV

George: First of all, my wife says read it twice--

Meredith: Four seconds!

George: Think about your answers.

Meredith: Quick, quick, answer!

George: We die!

Meredith: Final?

George: Final!

Meredith: Yes!

George: I got it! I got it!

Meredith: [Hitting George with the checks] Don't do that again!

George: Look, I got it. It worked out. I always do better when I listen to her.

Meredith: George, look at the clock! You see where it says one second?

George: It's cool! It's cool!

Meredith: That would not have been cool if that had gone. I would have to say "buh-bye!" OK? Limo back to airport. Don't do that, again!

George: I'm not worried; don't you be.

Meredith: Okay! [They high five.]

George: Meredith, middle school--stress is us!

A: We die ( 1 )
$200 * Advertising
General stores often advertise "Live Bait" in hopes of attracting what people as customers?

A: Horseback riders B: Fishermen
C: Rock climbers D: Kayakers

George: B: Fishermen, final. Was that quick enough?
B: Fishermen ( 10 )
$300 * Vocabulary
By definition, a nunnery is what type of establishment?

A: Airport B: Delicatessen
C: Convent D: Athletic arena
C: Convent ( 10 )
$500 * Geography
The volatile region known as the Middle East is primarily located on which of these continents?

A: South America B: Asia
C: Europe D: Australia
B: Asia ( 3 )
$1,000 * Grammar
In the game show title "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire," what word is used as a pronoun?

A: Who B: Wants
C: Be D: Millionaire
A: Who ( 9 )
-- Commercial Break --

Meredith says George scared her on that first question, but he's been getting them right away since then.

Meredith: Well, it's so good to have you here, George. Are you enjoying it, so far?

George: We've really had a blast! It has really been a lot of fun. Any of you should audition, should take the test. It's not that tough. And they treat you very well.

$500,000 winner Ogi Ogas is introduced as today's Ask the Expert lifeline.

$2,000 * Money
What pro baseball pitcher shares his last name with a unit of currency once used in Austria?

A: Tom Glavine B: Greg Maddux
C: Curt Schilling D: Mike Mussina
C: Curt Schilling ( 23 )
$4,000 * Lawsuits
In 2006, what tech company won a trademark lawsuit brought against it by The Beatles' record label?

A: Yahoo! B: Gateway
C: Oracle D: Apple
D: Apple ( 23 )
$8,000 * Movie Stars
At her memorial, who was actor James Woods eulogizing when he said, "Fasten your seatbelts, its going to be a bumpy eternity"?

A: Bette Davis B: Greta Garbo
C: Audrey Hepburn D: Katharine Hepburn

With 19 seconds left, George Asks The Audience.

ATA: A: 44% B: 4% C: 16% D: 36%

George thought it was Bette Davis, but he needed confirmation.

A: Bette Davis ( 12 )

$16,000 * World Leaders
In 1980, Polish electrician Lech Walesa became the head of a labor movement known by what name?

A: Integrity B: Assembly
C: Community D: Solidarity
D: Solidarity ( 16 )
-- Commercial Break --

George has two loves in his life: his new wife, Pam, who's in the audience, and Louisiana. George tells everyone to come to the jazz fest in New Orleans.

George and Pam are building their dream home; they'd like to add a pool to it with the money he wins here.

$25,000 * Liquor
Popular in the world of hip-hop, Courvoisier is a nearly 200-year-old brand of what liquor?

A: Vodka B: Cognac
C: Scotch D: Rum

George: Well, Meredith, I see 26 seconds there; I've got time! I also do part-time chemical dependency counseling. I know a little bit about this subject. I don't know much about rap.

Meredith: Eleven seconds!

George: Eleven seconds, I'm cool! It's B: Cognac, final answer.

B: Cognac ( 6 )

Meredith: Take a look at the categories. What looks good to you and what are you nervous about, right now?

George: I'm nervous about none of it!

$50,000 * Theater
"What is the purpose of the two poker games?" is a study question in the CliffsNotes edition of which of these classic plays?

A: A Streetcar Named Desire B: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
C: Death of a Salesman D: Our Town

With 31 seconds left, George decides to phone a friend.

George's PAF Team are Armand, Gonzales, LA; David, Baton Rouge, LA; and Margaret, Baton Rouge, LA.

George choose to call the librarian, his sister, Margaret. He pauses while reading part of the question, then the four answers, then the rest of the question, while she repeats everything. Time runs out before she can give him an answer.

With 28 seconds left, George decides to Double Dip.

George's first answer is A: A Streetcar Named Desire.

A: A Streetcar Named Desire
-- Commercial Break --

George has a motto: "It is what it is." He like to go with the flow, but his wife prefers planning things out.

$100,000 * Transportation
According to the American Public Transportation Association, what U.S. state is home to the nation's largest ferry system?

A: Massachusetts B: Washington
C: Maine D: Maryland

With 39 seconds left, George decides to Ask The Expert.

Ogi: Largest ferry system--do you have any ideas?

George: Certainly not--Ogi, no I don't. Umm, I'm thinking it's not Maryland. I could make a case for Maine or Washington, probably not Massachusetts.

Ogi: Well, I live in Massachusetts and I've never heard of a ferry system here, though I can't be sure.

George: Well, it's not Maryland.

Ogi: And I used to live in Maryland, I don't think it's that, either.

George: Maine or Washington?

Ogi: I've been to Maine and I don't think there's a ferry system there.
If it was me, I'd go for Washington, but that's a strong feeling, not a definite answer.

[Ogi quickly repeats some of his reasoning. His answer is Washington.]

B: Washington ( 24 )
George trusted Ogi. He'll return on tomorrow's show.

Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:45 pm
by earendel
Since it's still the same day that the show aired, I'm putting everything in spoiler until tomorrow.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote: George Maddocks
Baton Rouge, LA
School guidance counselor

The middle school where George is a guidance has 1,000 students.
That is one BIG middle school!
BBTranscriptTeam wrote: George and his wife are living large in NYC; they took a limo into the city. Then his son and his son's girlfriend came and played Trivial Pursuit with them in the hotel room.

Meredith: Wait. You came to New York; you had a big room and you played Trivial Pursuit in it? George! George!

George: We've seen everything there is in New York. We come all the time![/i]
Good study prep, if you ask me. But no one has seen "everything" in New York.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote: $100 * Familiar Phrases
An old saying advises "eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow" what happens?

A: We die B: We travel
C: We work D: We go to the DMV

George: First of all, my wife says read it twice--

Meredith: Four seconds!

George: Think about your answers.

Meredith: Quick, quick, answer!

George: We die!

Meredith: Final?

George: Final!

Meredith: Yes!

George: I got it! I got it!

Meredith: [Hitting George with the checks] Don't do that again!

George: Look, I got it. It worked out. I always do better when I listen to her.

Meredith: George, look at the clock! You see where it says one second?

George: It's cool! It's cool!

Meredith: That would not have been cool if that had gone. I would have to say "buh-bye!" OK? Limo back to airport. Don't do that, again!

George: I'm not worried; don't you be.

Meredith: Okay! [They high five.]

George: Meredith, middle school--stress is us!

A: We die ( 1 )
Well he deserved it for being cheeky with Meredith. It was funny to watch but there was a lesson to be learned also.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote: $500,000 winner Ogi Ogas is introduced as today's Ask the Expert lifeline.[/i]
What happened to the other guy?
BBTranscriptTeam wrote: $8,000 * Movie Stars
At her memorial, who was actor James Woods eulogizing when he said, "Fasten your seatbelts, its going to be a bumpy eternity"?

A: Bette Davis B: Greta Garbo
C: Audrey Hepburn D: Katharine Hepburn

With 19 seconds left, George Asks The Audience.

ATA: A: 44% B: 4% C: 16% D: 36%

George thought it was Bette Davis, but he needed confirmation.

A: Bette Davis ( 12 )
This is why the clock is a bad idea - George might not have used ATA if he had had more time to think about the answer. OTOH in previous seasons people have used ATA "to be sure".
BBTranscriptTeam wrote: $25,000 * Liquor
Popular in the world of hip-hop, Courvoisier is a nearly 200-year-old brand of what liquor?

A: Vodka B: Cognac
C: Scotch D: Rum

George: Well, Meredith, I see 26 seconds there; I've got time! I also do part-time chemical dependency counseling. I know a little bit about this subject. I don't know much about rap.

Meredith: Eleven seconds!

George: Eleven seconds, I'm cool! It's B: Cognac, final answer.

B: Cognac ( 6 )
Not being either an imbiber of alcoholic beverages nor into the rap scene I still knew this one. What surprised me was that elwing answered it before I did. I asked her how she knew and she just gave me one of her infuriating knowing smiles.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote: $50,000 * Theater
"What is the purpose of the two poker games?" is a study question in the CliffsNotes edition of which of these classic plays?

A: A Streetcar Named Desire B: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
C: Death of a Salesman D: Our Town

With 31 seconds left, George decides to phone a friend.

George's PAF Team are Armand, Gonzales, LA; David, Baton Rouge, LA; and Margaret, Baton Rouge, LA.

George choose to call the librarian, his sister, Margaret. He pauses while reading part of the question, then the four answers, then the rest of the question, while she repeats everything. Time runs out before she can give him an answer.

With 28 seconds left, George decides to Double Dip.

George's first answer is A: A Streetcar Named Desire.

A: A Streetcar Named Desire
OK, I didn't know this. I don't know if ATA would help, so it's time to PAF. Back in the day one of my PAFs was a bookstore manager who was on duty during the taping and had pulled together a group of customers to help him had I phoned him.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote: $100,000 * Transportation
According to the American Public Transportation Association, what U.S. state is home to the nation's largest ferry system?

A: Massachusetts B: Washington
C: Maine D: Maryland

With 39 seconds left, George decides to Ask The Expert.

Ogi: Largest ferry system--do you have any ideas?

George: Certainly not--Ogi, no I don't. Umm, I'm thinking it's not Maryland. I could make a case for Maine or Washington, probably not Massachusetts.

Ogi: Well, I live in Massachusetts and I've never heard of a ferry system here, though I can't be sure.

George: Well, it's not Maryland.

Ogi: And I used to live in Maryland, I don't think it's that, either.

George: Maine or Washington?

Ogi: I've been to Maine and I don't think there's a ferry system there.
If it was me, I'd go for Washington, but that's a strong feeling, not a definite answer.

[Ogi quickly repeats some of his reasoning. His answer is Washington.]

B: Washington ( 24 )
George trusted Ogi. He'll return on tomorrow's show.
Way to go, Ogi! And kudos to George for going for it. But with no lilfelines left, I predict he'll be a "one and done" tomorrow.

Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 4:58 am
by NellyLunatic1980
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:* Washington
* The Internet
* Reality TV
* Transportation
* Theater
* Liquor
* World Leaders
* Movie Stars
* Lawsuits
* Money
* Grammar
* Geography
* Vocabulary
* Advertising
* Familiar Phrases
Everything after world leaders could be a problem. "Washington" is really vague. Could be Washington, DC. Could be Washington state. Could be George Washington.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$500,000 winner Ogi Ogas is introduced as today's Ask the Expert lifeline.
This is one disadvantage of episode-jumping this season: Different experts in one week.

$25K: I've seen bottles of Courvoisier, and I knew that it didn't look like vodka or rum. And scotch is not popular in hip-hop. So it had to be cognac.

$50K: No clue. Can I phone Frank Tangredi? This is in his wheelhouse.

$100K: It's either Massachusetts or Washington. I will also ask Ogi since he's from Massachusetts. He would know if it's his state or not.

I'm going for $250K with ATA and DD remaining.

Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 5:24 am
by frogman042
NellyLunatic1980 wrote:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote: ...
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$500,000 winner Ogi Ogas is introduced as today's Ask the Expert lifeline.
This is one disadvantage of episode-jumping this season: Different experts in one week.
Why do you think this was due to episode jumping? I don't think they ever committed to using the same expert for the entire week. They tape a week in 2 segments - 3 shows then 2 shows - that's a long tape day and I would think that it is harder to get an expert to commit to a full day then for a few hours at a shot. Ogi was the expert on Thursday which would be the start of the second taping session (there tends to be a sizable gap between the two sessions) - It could be that it was simply the case where they use one expert for the first segment and a different for the second.


Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 5:31 am
by NellyLunatic1980
frogman042 wrote:Why do you think this was due to episode jumping? I don't think they ever committed to using the same expert for the entire week. They tape a week in 2 segments - 3 shows then 2 shows - that's a long tape day and I would think that it is harder to get an expert to commit to a full day then for a few hours at a shot. Ogi was the expert on Thursday which would be the start of the second taping session (there tends to be a sizable gap between the two sessions) - It could be that it was simply the case where they use one expert for the first segment and a different for the second.

It's episode-jumping because Barbara Mayhall Hunter should've been yesterday's carryover contestant.

Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 7:11 am
by MarleysGh0st
earendel wrote:Since it's still the same day that the show aired, I'm putting everything in spoiler until tomorrow.
I think it's implicit that every transcript thread is a spoiler by definition, so it's not necessary to add spoiler tags to your own comments, unless you were going to say something about Friday's episode here.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 7:24 am
by Appa23
Uh Oh. Ear!

You may need to ask your wife if she know Leon Phelps. :lol:

Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:02 am
by MarleysGh0st
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:
$100 * Familiar Phrases
An old saying advises "eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow" what happens?

A: We die B: We travel
C: We work D: We go to the DMV

George: First of all, my wife says read it twice--

Meredith: Four seconds!

George: Think about your answers.

Meredith: Quick, quick, answer!

George: We die!

Meredith: Final?

George: Final!

Meredith: Yes!

George: I got it! I got it!

Meredith: [Hitting George with the checks] Don't do that again!

George: Look, I got it. It worked out. I always do better when I listen to her.

Meredith: George, look at the clock! You see where it says one second?

George: It's cool! It's cool!

Meredith: That would not have been cool if that had gone. I would have to say "buh-bye!" OK? Limo back to airport. Don't do that, again!

George: I'm not worried; don't you be.

Meredith: Okay! [They high five.]

George: Meredith, middle school--stress is us!
This really was an amazing exchange; I can't recall Meredith ever getting flustered like this before! Part of me is wishing that that George had let his time run out. Seeing that happen might have gotten Meredith upset enough to do something about eliminating the damned clock (like the time Regis was reported to have gotten angry about some question with a trick answer).

And then "Maddocks" would have become a Bored term--a brand new species of Clockllama verbosis! :twisted:

BBTranscriptTeam wrote: $8,000 * Movie Stars
At her memorial, who was actor James Woods eulogizing when he said, "Fasten your seatbelts, its going to be a bumpy eternity"?

A: Bette Davis B: Greta Garbo
C: Audrey Hepburn D: Katharine Hepburn
Without time to comment on the connection to her famous quote (and wasn't that the subject of another question, a season or two ago?) this was just a lifeless bit of celebrity fluff. Damned clock!

And the final ATE exchange was interesting for the fact that Ogi could be so wrong about states not having ferry systems when they did, while still arriving at the right answer. 8)

When the question was mentioned in the spoiler thread yesterday, my first thoughts were of the Alaska ferry system and the Staten Island ferry. The former turns out to have far less ridership than the others (but is far more essential for Alaskan panhandle communities that have no other connection to the outside world) while the latter is #2 in ridership, which I guess the question writers decided would have made the difficulty level too high.

Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:27 am
by frogman042
NellyLunatic1980 wrote:
frogman042 wrote:Why do you think this was due to episode jumping? I don't think they ever committed to using the same expert for the entire week. They tape a week in 2 segments - 3 shows then 2 shows - that's a long tape day and I would think that it is harder to get an expert to commit to a full day then for a few hours at a shot. Ogi was the expert on Thursday which would be the start of the second taping session (there tends to be a sizable gap between the two sessions) - It could be that it was simply the case where they use one expert for the first segment and a different for the second.

It's episode-jumping because Barbara Mayhall Hunter should've been yesterday's carryover contestant.
Which leads to an interesting question - what happened to Barbara's remaining episode.

All these people were in the green room with me. George went down after Barbara, and although I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure I know the full line-up on today's episode based on who was left that went before me and my episode airing Monday.

I fear that the conclusion of Barbara's episode may just never be shown, especially if she llama'ed (I don't know this for a fact, my guests can't remember), but just knowing who was in the green room and who has been aired and who still will be aired, I can account for everyone so there doesn't seem to be a point where she would be placed. Could they decide to splice her into someone elses show from another tape date to fill that time?

Does anyone know if someone has appeared on their first part of the game but thier conclusion has never aired?


Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:34 am
by Bob Juch
frogman042 wrote:
NellyLunatic1980 wrote:
frogman042 wrote:Why do you think this was due to episode jumping? I don't think they ever committed to using the same expert for the entire week. They tape a week in 2 segments - 3 shows then 2 shows - that's a long tape day and I would think that it is harder to get an expert to commit to a full day then for a few hours at a shot. Ogi was the expert on Thursday which would be the start of the second taping session (there tends to be a sizable gap between the two sessions) - It could be that it was simply the case where they use one expert for the first segment and a different for the second.

It's episode-jumping because Barbara Mayhall Hunter should've been yesterday's carryover contestant.
Which leads to an interesting question - what happened to Barbara's remaining episode.

All these people were in the green room with me. George went down after Barbara, and although I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure I know the full line-up on today's episode based on who was left that went before me and my episode airing Monday.

I fear that the conclusion of Barbara's episode may just never be shown, especially if she llama'ed (I don't know this for a fact, my guests can't remember), but just knowing who was in the green room and who has been aired and who still will be aired, I can account for everyone so there doesn't seem to be a point where she would be placed. Could they decide to splice her into someone elses show from another tape date to fill that time?

Does anyone know if someone has appeared on their first part of the game but thier conclusion has never aired?

I think this would be a first.

Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:42 am
by secondchance
MarleysGh0st wrote: This really was an amazing exchange; I can't recall Meredith ever getting flustered like this before! Part of me is wishing that that George had let his time run out. Seeing that happen might have gotten Meredith upset enough to do something about eliminating the damned clock (like the time Regis was reported to have gotten angry about some question with a trick answer).
We're on the same page again here... :twisted:
MarleysGh0st wrote:And then "Maddocks" would have become a Bored term--a brand new species of Clockllama verbosis! :twisted:
That's too funny, Marley! Very clever :lol:

Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:54 am
by MarleysGh0st
frogman042 wrote: All these people were in the green room with me. George went down after Barbara, and although I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure I know the full line-up on today's episode based on who was left that went before me and my episode airing Monday.
Were there any other contestants who went down between Barbara and George? If so, then I suppose they might have taken one episode out of order, although I don't see what the point of that would be, to move George's episode up just one day. Otherwise, I think the most likely explanation was that Barbara did llama and she and/or TPTB decided to edit that all out of Wednesday's episode, without editing her out of Tuesday's.

Definitely unusual!

If Barbara did llama, that would explain why Meredith might have been particularly sensitive to George almost doing it, too, right after her!

Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:02 am
by secondchance
MarleysGh0st wrote: Otherwise, I think the most likely explanation was that Barbara did llama and she and/or TPTB decided to edit that all out of Wednesday's episode, without editing her out of Tuesday's.

Definitely unusual!

If Barbara did llama, that would explain why Meredith might have been particularly sensitive to George almost doing it, too, right after her!
Ohhh-- I'll bet you're on to something here...

Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:07 am
by MarleysGh0st
BBTranscriptTeam wrote: $100 * Familiar Phrases
An old saying advises "eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow" what happens?

A: We die B: We travel
C: We work D: We go to the DMV
Does anyone else remember this question appearing in a promo photo for the new season, complete with the clock showing one second left? Was George's picture in that? I could have sworn we saw this with a woman contestant in the photo! :?

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:11 am
by secondchance
The woman/one second thing was posted on the bored somewhere, I believe... Don't remember what the question was. She was blonde, right?

Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:12 am
by frogman042
MarleysGh0st wrote:
frogman042 wrote: All these people were in the green room with me. George went down after Barbara, and although I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure I know the full line-up on today's episode based on who was left that went before me and my episode airing Monday.
Were there any other contestants who went down between Barbara and George? If so, then I suppose they might have taken one episode out of order, although I don't see what the point of that would be, to move George's episode up just one day. Otherwise, I think the most likely explanation was that Barbara did llama and she and/or TPTB decided to edit that all out of Wednesday's episode, without editing her out of Tuesday's.

Definitely unusual!

If Barbara did llama, that would explain why Meredith might have been particularly sensitive to George almost doing it, too, right after her!
That's why I asked my question - if everyone who airs today is who I think will air today and I'm almost sure that will be the case based on the article about Patrick that was posted. Also when they sent me my air date they have everyone's airdate for this coming week - that leaves no one left who isn't accountable to pair up Barbara's conclusion with.

Since I didn't see her actually play... I just guessing that she did llama and that they decided that they didn't have the time to include her final question(s) with George's episode - but that is just a total guess.

Remember this was just the 3rd day of taping for this season - maybe they didn't get the timing just right and couldn't get the editing to work... again I'm not sure. I also thought it was interesting that the didn't show her topic stack as well.


Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:22 am
by MarleysGh0st
Second Chance wrote:The woman/one second thing was posted on the bored somewhere, I believe... Don't remember what the question was. She was blonde, right?

Here's the thread where that was first posted:

TPTB definitely photoshopped a blonde's picture behind George's question!


Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:26 am
by secondchance
I guess they think the blonde looked more concerned than ol' George did.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:27 am
by MarleysGh0st
Second Chance wrote:I guess they think the blonde looked more concerned than ol' George did.
And less MAWGish. :|

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:42 pm
by MarleysGh0st
This article says George had a nice viewing party yesterday. ... v=menu57_2
He, his wife, family, and about 100 friends, gathered at City Café on O'Neal Lane to watch Thursday night's game.
No mention about whether they're continuing the party tonight!

Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:30 pm
by MarleysGh0st
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$1,000 * Grammar
In the game show title "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire," what word is used as a pronoun?

A: Who B: Wants
C: Be D: Millionaire
One more thing that we missed on this stack because the damned clock doesn't allow time for banter: This grammar question would have been the perfect opportunity for a contestant to ask Meredith why the title of the show doesn't include a question mark! :wink:

Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 4:22 pm
by 15QuestionsAway
MarleysGh0st wrote:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$1,000 * Grammar
In the game show title "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire," what word is used as a pronoun?

A: Who B: Wants
C: Be D: Millionaire
One more thing that we missed on this stack because the damned clock doesn't allow time for banter: This grammar question would have been the perfect opportunity for a contestant to ask Meredith why the title of the show doesn't include a question mark! :wink:
That's a great question, which does have an answer. I believe it has something to do with the look of the title with and without the question mark. The Brits, who are well known for their pedantic tendencies, raised this question almost immediately after the show first aired.

I'll research this and see if I can come up with the official answer. I know it's out there somewhere.

Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 10:42 am
by MarleysGh0st
15QuestionsAway wrote:
MarleysGh0st wrote:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$1,000 * Grammar
In the game show title "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire," what word is used as a pronoun?

A: Who B: Wants
C: Be D: Millionaire
One more thing that we missed on this stack because the damned clock doesn't allow time for banter: This grammar question would have been the perfect opportunity for a contestant to ask Meredith why the title of the show doesn't include a question mark! :wink:
That's a great question, which does have an answer. I believe it has something to do with the look of the title with and without the question mark. The Brits, who are well known for their pedantic tendencies, raised this question almost immediately after the show first aired.

I'll research this and see if I can come up with the official answer. I know it's out there somewhere.
Thanks, 15QA. I think we've talked about the official answer before--something about TV networks not liking question marks in show titles in general--but I was really interested in hearing Meredith answer this one on-air.

After all, she doesn't have to answer the "50/50 isn't random" charge any more! :wink:

Re: Transcript 09/25/08 - George Maddocks

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 12:36 pm
by TheConfessor
MarleysGh0st wrote:
15QuestionsAway wrote: That's a great question, which does have an answer. I believe it has something to do with the look of the title with and without the question mark. The Brits, who are well known for their pedantic tendencies, raised this question almost immediately after the show first aired.

I'll research this and see if I can come up with the official answer. I know it's out there somewhere.
Thanks, 15QA. I think we've talked about the official answer before--something about TV networks not liking question marks in show titles in general--but I was really interested in hearing Meredith answer this one on-air.

After all, she doesn't have to answer the "50/50 isn't random" charge any more! :wink:
It strikes me as odd that in seven years, Meredith has never called the show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire." To her, it is always just "Millionaire." I guess that's just part of the prevailing attitude on the show, not acknowledging that Regis Philbin used to host the show in its glory years. They seem to want everyone to forget the show's history, and pretend that WWTBAM started in 2002 with Meredith Vieira. It seems that they would rather bring back an "Expert" who won $100K from Meredith than any of the actual millionaires from the Regis era. I'm sure they must have their reasons.