Transcript 03/05/09 - John Heacock

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Transcript 03/05/09 - John Heacock

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:48 pm

John Heacock
Nashville, TN

Question Topics:
* Paperwork
* The Oval Office
* Burn After Reading
* Richard Belzer
* Whodonits
* A Beautiful Mind
* Ohio
* The Liquor Cabinet
* Bail Money
* Quotables
* Kid Lit
* Route 66
* Show Me the Money!
* Dick Clark
* Hail Storm

$100 * Hail Storm
The U.S. president is traditionally welcomed at official events with an upbeat song titled "Hail to the" what?

A: Professor B: Chief
C: Farmer D: Guy in the Necktie
B: Chief ( 7 )
$200 * Dick Clark
At different points in his TV career, Dick Clark has hosted game shows titled "$10,000," "$25,000" and "$100,000" what?

A: Octagon B: Cube
C: Pyramid D: Sphere
C: Pyramid ( 8 )
$300 * Show Me the Money!
Which of these food terms consists of two words that are each common slang terms for "money"?

A: Garlic clove B: Tomato sauce
C: Bread dough D: Chicken stock
C: Bread dough ( 8 )
$500 * Route 66
The aptly named Route 66 Rendezvous is a popular festival in Southern California where participants showcase their what?

A: Classic cars B: Antique furniture
C: Stamp collections D: Comic books
A: Classic cars ( 6 )
$1,000 * Kid Lit
"Buenos Noches, Luna" is the Spanish title of what classic children's book?

A: The Giving Tree B: Goodnight Moon
C: Caps for Sale D: The Runaway Bunny
B: Goodnight Moon ( 7 )
-- Commercial Break --

Meredith likes John's facial hair, but that's going away soon. John is a military policeman and is going to be deployed to Iraq for the second time in a couple months.

$2,000 * Quotables
Will Rogers reportedly said, "Long ago, when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it's called" what?

A: Football B: Golf
C: Soccer D: Tennis
B: Golf ( 17 )
$4,000 * Bail Money
In response to a 2008 fiscal crisis, President Bush proposed a high-profile government "bailout" plan worth roughly how much?

A: $700 million B: $7 billion
C: $70 billion D: $700 billion
D: $700 billion ( 17 )
$8,000 * The Liquor Cabinet
Made from the nectar of the blue agave plant, Patrón Silver is a pricey brand of what liquor?

A: Rum B: Tequila
C: Vodka D: Gin
B: Tequila ( 20 )
-- Commercial Break --

Before John goes to Iraq, he'll take a little piece of Meredith with him. Everyone in his unit have tatoos, but he doesn't, so he'll get one to commemorate his visit here. In fact, he committed to getting one if he passed the audition. The size and location depends on how well he does here. If it's her name, Meredith would like some say in what location its put. John was thinking maybe a Mt. Rushmore across the chest if he wins the million, with Meredith, Meredith, Meredith, Meredith.

$16,000 * Ohio
Because of the industry that flourished there in the early twentieth century, Akron, Ohio became known as the what?

A: Rubber Capital of the World B: Plastic Capital of the World
C: Coal Capital of the World D: Brick Capital of the World

John really thinks he knows it, but he's not sure. With 9 seconds left, he decides to Ask The Audienc

ATA: A: 67% B: 6% C: 18% D: 9%
A: Rubber Capital of the World ( 6 )
-- The Horn --

John will return on tomorrow's show. We'll find out then how big the tatoo will be and where he'll put it.

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Re: Transcript 03/05/09 - John Heacock

#2 Post by earendel » Fri Mar 06, 2009 7:26 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:John Heacock
Nashville, TN
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$16,000 * Ohio
Because of the industry that flourished there in the early twentieth century, Akron, Ohio became known as the what?

A: Rubber Capital of the World B: Plastic Capital of the World
C: Coal Capital of the World D: Brick Capital of the World

John really thinks he knows it, but he's not sure. With 9 seconds left, he decides to Ask The Audienc

ATA: A: 67% B: 6% C: 18% D: 9%
A: Rubber Capital of the World ( 6 )
John, if you " really think" you know it, why use the lifeline?

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Re: Transcript 03/05/09 - John Heacock

#3 Post by NellyLunatic1980 » Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:18 pm

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$2,000 * Quotables
Will Rogers reportedly said, "Long ago, when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it's called" what?

A: Football B: Golf
C: Soccer D: Tennis
E: Politics

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