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Transcript 04/28/2009 Aaron Factor

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:10 pm
by BBTranscriptTeam
Aaron Factor
Shirley, NY
High school science teacher

He has been raising his two teenage sisters.
They and his fiancé Stephanie are in the audience
In addition to the wedding, etc, he wants to plan a long needed family vacation and go to Disney

Expert: Astrophysicist and director at the Hayden Planetarium, Dr. Neil Tyson.

Topic Tree:

Hello, Dolly!
Place of Honor
Very Superstitious
Search Engines
Conversion Chart
Name That Pope
The Doctor’s Office
Kevin Bacon
(Rolling Stone)
(You Oughta Know)
(The Last Samurai)
(How Low Can You Go?)
(Now Hear This!)
(Lucky Seven)

$8000 (Kevin Bacon):
Kevin Bacon is married to star of what hit TV series?
A. Battlestar Galactica B. Medium
C. The Closer D. Weeds

Aaron has a good feeling it is
, says he will take a chance, then changes his mind

Ask the Expert :07
I have an ignorant guess. It is the Closer. Hunch would be a basis, one of those "slightly more right" than the others
Asked if he remembers who the star in The Closer is, Neil says I just remember how she looks like. She looks like a closer.
D. The Closer (:04)

Kyra Sedgwick
Mere asks why Aaron went with Dr. Neil's ignorant guess.
Aaron: His ignorance is a lot higher than mine
Mere says you mean a lot lower

$16K (The Doctor’s Office):

"Roux-en-Y" is a common type of surgery primarily aimed at achieving what result?
A. Spinal alignment B. Weight Loss
C. Improved vision D. Hair replacement
Aaron decided to go to Disney World with the $8000. He made his decision final with :08 left

B. Weight Loss

Mere mentions it is gastric bypass
Aaron walks with $8000

Commercial break

Re: Transcript 04/28/2009 Aaron Factor

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 4:44 am
by NellyLunatic1980
$16K: Never heard of that term. Let's try Dr. Tyson and see if he has the answer. This is a somewhat sciencey question. He may know it.

Re: Transcript 04/28/2009 Aaron Factor

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:31 am
by earendel
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Aaron Factor
Shirley, NY
High school science teacher
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$8000 (Kevin Bacon):
Kevin Bacon is married to star of what hit TV series?
A. Battlestar Galactica B. Medium
C. The Closer D. Weeds

Aaron has a good feeling it is
, says he will take a chance, then changes his mind

Ask the Expert :07
I have an ignorant guess. It is the Closer. Hunch would be a basis, one of those "slightly more right" than the others. Asked if he remembers who the star in The Closer is, Neil says I just remember how she looks like. She looks like a closer.
D. The Closer (:04)

Kyra Sedgwick
Mere asks why Aaron went with Dr. Neil's ignorant guess.
Aaron: His ignorance is a lot higher than mine
Mere says you mean a lot lower
I guess if you only have the ATE you might as well use it. I figured it would be a tough one for Dr. Neil but his "ignorant guess" came through.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$16K (The Doctor’s Office):

"Roux-en-Y" is a common type of surgery primarily aimed at achieving what result?
A. Spinal alignment B. Weight Loss
C. Improved vision D. Hair replacement
Aaron decided to go to Disney World with the $8000. He made his decision final with :08 left

B. Weight Loss

Mere mentions it is gastric bypass
I gotta say this is a WWOQ - there's not much of a "tease-out metric" to get this one from, so without lifelines I can't blame Aaron for walking away. I'd have gone with a Google PAF lifeline for this one.

Re: Transcript 04/28/2009 Aaron Factor

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:56 pm
by tanstaafl2
earendel wrote:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Aaron Factor
Shirley, NY
High school science teacher
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$8000 (Kevin Bacon):
Kevin Bacon is married to star of what hit TV series?
A. Battlestar Galactica B. Medium
C. The Closer D. Weeds

Aaron has a good feeling it is
, says he will take a chance, then changes his mind

Ask the Expert :07
I have an ignorant guess. It is the Closer. Hunch would be a basis, one of those "slightly more right" than the others. Asked if he remembers who the star in The Closer is, Neil says I just remember how she looks like. She looks like a closer.
D. The Closer (:04)

Kyra Sedgwick
Mere asks why Aaron went with Dr. Neil's ignorant guess.
Aaron: His ignorance is a lot higher than mine
Mere says you mean a lot lower
I guess if you only have the ATE you might as well use it. I figured it would be a tough one for Dr. Neil but his "ignorant guess" came through.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$16K (The Doctor’s Office):

"Roux-en-Y" is a common type of surgery primarily aimed at achieving what result?
A. Spinal alignment B. Weight Loss
C. Improved vision D. Hair replacement
Aaron decided to go to Disney World with the $8000. He made his decision final with :08 left

B. Weight Loss

Mere mentions it is gastric bypass
I gotta say this is a WWOQ - there's not much of a "tease-out metric" to get this one from, so without lifelines I can't blame Aaron for walking away. I'd have gone with a Google PAF lifeline for this one.
Guess it is a know or you don't kind of question. This I knew. Restless legs I didn't. I would say it is a little undervalued but on CindyBAM that is more the norm to have tougher 8-25K questions.