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Transcript 12/20/07 - Brad Jones

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:17 pm
by BBTranscriptTeam
Brad Jones
Nashville, TN
Production designer

Brad is ready to go.

Will Smith nabbed his first Oscar nomination for portraying a legendary boxer in what movie?

A: Men in Black B: Ali
C: Wild Wild West D: I, Boxing Robot

"Dine and dash" is an act of theft typically staged at a what?

A: Restaurant B: Library
C: Post office D: Barbershop

The Sacramento River is the longest river in what U.S. state?

A: Alabama B: Minnesota
C: California D: Virginia

Which of these geological features shares its name with a verb meaning "to reach a stable level"?

A: Plateau B: Chasm
C: Ravine D: Cliff

The aptly named company "Big Primate Pictures" produced what recent Hollywood blockbuster?

A: Cars B: Spider-Man
C: War of the Worlds D: King Kong

A popular maker of parenting accessories, the Babybjörn company is headquartered in what country?

A: Poland B: Italy
C: Sweden D: France

In 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin directed that the first Earth Day be held on the 22nd day of what month?

A: February B: April
C: June D: August

ATA: A: 4% B: 72% C: 19% D: 5%

-- Commercial Break --

Brad often gets mistaken for Carson Daly. When he was younger, he looked a lot like Ferris Bueller. Once in Vegas he found himself on a red carpet. He waved and pretended to be a star. It turned out to be the Academy Awards for adult film awards.

Brad: One of the young ladies, I guess in the business, came up and said, "It's great to see you!" I said, "It's great to see you, too!"

The history of mankind is the subject of a Pulitzer Prize-winning book titled "Guns, Germs, and" what?

A: Cotton B: Wheat
C: Paper D: Steel

PAF: Brad calls Sibley, a friend of his and his wife's.

Sibley: Steel.

Brad: Okay, that was what I was leaning towards, but I'm glad you confirmed that. You're 100% sure?

Sibley: I am 100% sure.

Brad: Great! Great to hear your voice.

Sibley: Woo hoo!

Brad: Woo hoo! Thank you!

Sibley: You're welcome!

Brad: I'll talk to you when we get back home.

Sibley: Excellent! Bye bye.

-- Commercial Break --

Brad's wife Bethany, and his mom and sister, Paula and Lauren, are in the audience.

Brad has a wild side. He loves trying anything. If he wins a lot of money, he had a dream to be a race car driver.

A ubiquitous karaoke song, "The Girl From Ipanema" is perhaps the most famous example of what genre of music?

A: Flamenco B: Calypso
C: Bossa nova D: Mariachi

What well-known Washington, D.C. landmark appears on the back of the $50 bill?

A: Capitol building B: Supreme Court
C: Jefferson Memorial D: Washington Monument

50/50 leaves A & B.

Brad will return on tomorrow's show.

$100: B: Ali
$200: A: Restaurant
$300: C: California
$500: A: Plateau
$1,000: D: King Kong
$2,000: C: Sweden
$4,000: B: April
$8,000: D: Steel
$16,000: C: Bossa nova
$25,000: A: Capitol building

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:29 pm
by Kazoo65
This was a pretty easy stack for me up to $25K. I would have ATAd here.

Re: Transcript 12/20/07 - Brad Jones

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 7:17 am
by NellyLunatic1980
$8K: Never heard of it. ATA

$25K: Couldn't remember if it's the Capitol or the Supreme Court. PAF

Re: Transcript 12/20/07 - Brad Jones

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:27 am
by earendel
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Brad Jones
Nashville, TN
Production designer
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$8,000
The history of mankind is the subject of a Pulitzer Prize-winning book titled "Guns, Germs, and" what?

A: Cotton B: Wheat
C: Paper D: Steel

PAF: Brad calls Sibley, a friend of his and his wife's.

Sibley: Steel.

Brad: Okay, that was what I was leaning towards, but I'm glad you confirmed that. You're 100% sure?

Sibley: I am 100% sure.

Brad: Great! Great to hear your voice.

Sibley: Woo hoo!

Brad: Woo hoo! Thank you!

Sibley: You're welcome!

Brad: I'll talk to you when we get back home.

Sibley: Excellent! Bye bye.
Odd coincidence - my youngest son, home from college, is reading this book and as I watched the show, it was sitting on the table next to me.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$25,000
What well-known Washington, D.C. landmark appears on the back of the $50 bill?

A: Capitol building B: Supreme Court
C: Jefferson Memorial D: Washington Monument

50/50 leaves A & B.

Brad will return on tomorrow's show.
I wasn't certain whether it was A or C - the 50/50 gives it to me.

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 2:55 am
by ghostjmf
4K: Know its not Feb, think its not August. ATA

8K: Was taping this on PBS Friday night. Missed the 1st 2 hours last time.

25K: Pretty sure its not the Washingtom Monument, like contestant don't even know what the Supreme Court building looks like (well, OK, think have seen pictures of the judges in front of it). 50/50