Lancaster, CA
Journalism student
Topic Tree:
10 Sports Figures
9 Summer Jobs
8 Animal Talk
7 Line of Labor
6 Sign of Freedom
5 In the Papers
4 Eastern Eats
3 Reality Bites
2 Prestigious Prizes
1 French Family Vacations
Topic Tree: (randomized)
6 Sign of Freedom
9 Summer Jobs
3 Reality Bites
7 Line of Labor
5 In the Papers
4 Eastern Eats
10 Sports Figures
8 Animal Talk
1 French Family Vacations
2 Prestigious Prizes
Question 1 – 2 Prestigious Prizes
The Kennedy Center prize for American humor is named in honor of what author?
A. Edgar Allan Poe
B. Ernest Hemingway
C. Mark Twain
D. Herman Melville
Bank - $0
When said aloud, which of these relatives sounds like a famous resort city in the south of France?
A. Nephew
B. Niece
C. Aunt
D. Uncle
Bank - $15K
Question 3 – 8 Animal Talk
A jackass is a male donkey but a female donkey is called a what?
A. Judy ass
B. Julie ass
C. Jenny ass
D. Jane ass
Kelly thought it would be Jill.
Bank - $15K
After retiring from basketball, Michael Jordan played minor league baseball and hit how many home runs in his 436 at-bats?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
ATA results
16% B. 1
12% C. 2
6% D. 3
Kelly leaves with $1K