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Transcript 03/14/2012 AJ Jackson

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:53 pm
by BBTranscriptTeam
AJ Jackson
Brooklyn, NY
Girlfriend of 3 years just moved to Ireland for school, so she couldn't be here. But her mom Judith is in the audience.

Topic Tree (pre-randomized):
Not shown

Topic Tree: (Randomized)
Historic March
Jammin' GOP
Spy Lingo
Former Glory
Emergency Exit
Dining Discovery
Mystery Mrs.
Honey History
Greek Parallel
Cheese Please

Question 1 - Cheese Please

It's easy to remember that chèvre is a cheese made from the milk of what animal, as "chèvre" means what in French?

A: Buffalo
B: Sheep
C: Camel
D: Goat

"Wow. Right off the bat... You know what, I came here to play.
, final answer."
Answer and value
D: Goat
Value: $15,000
Bank: $15,000
Question 2 - Greek Parallel

Because he was mortally wounded when an arrow pierced his foot, what Hindu god is often compared to Achilles?

A: Rama
B: Chiva
C: Ganesha
D: Krishna

He's studied this, and seen some documentaries, but can't remember a bit of it.

He knows what it's not (and doesn't say), but he's going to jump the question.
Answer and value
D: Krishna
Value: $5,000
Bank: $15,000
Question 3 - Honey History

Who first appeared in a 1925 London Evening News short story in which he plots to steal honey from a colony of bees?

A: Winnie-the-Pooh
B: Paddington Bear
C: Peter Rabbit
D: Stuart Little
Answer and value
A: Winnie-the-Pooh
Value: $2,000
Bank: $17,000
Question 4 - Mystery Mrs.

Though there is mention of her existence, which of these men has a wife who remains nameless in the Bible?

A: Jacob
B: Noah
C: Abraham
D: Isaac

His mother would be disappointed that he doesn't know the answer. He asks the audience.
A: 6%
B: 74%
C: 15%
D: 5%
Answer and value
B: Noah
Value: $3,000
Bank: $20,000
Question 5 - Dining Discovery

In a surprising new study in 2011, researchers found that diners ate less if they used a bigger what?

A: Fork
B: Napkin
C: Plate
D: Menu
The only one you actively eat with is a fork, and that makes sense. A bigger fork, you'd eat less so you don't look like a pig.
But, he jumps the question.
Answer and value
A: Fork (Bigger fork makes diners feel they've progressed further in the meal)
Value: $500
Bank: $20,000
Question 6 - Emergency Exit

In 2011, the New York Daily News reported, "Here comes the judge -- down the emergency chute" when an evacuated plane included whom?

A: Billie Jean King
B: Toni Morrison
C: Ruth Bader Ginsburg
D: Gloria Steinem

"This seems pretty obvious. Do I take the chance? Of course I do."
Answer and value
C: Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Value: $25,000
Bank: $45,000
End of game noise.

AJ brings his $45,000 bank and no lifelines to tomorrow's show.

Re: Transcript 03/14/2012 AJ Jackson

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:40 pm
by SportsFan68
Question 1 - Cheese Please

It's easy to remember that chèvre is a cheese made from the milk of what animal, as "chèvre" means what in French?

A: Buffalo
B: Sheep
C: Camel
D: Goat

"Wow. Right off the bat... You know what, I came here to play.
, final answer."
Answer and value
D: Goat
Value: $15,000
Bank: $15,000
My buddy who makes goat cheese is moving to Wyoming. I dunno if she's taking the goats with her or selling them here.
Question 2 - Greek Parallel

Because he was mortally wounded when an arrow pierced his foot, what Hindu god is often compared to Achilles?

A: Rama
B: Chiva
C: Ganesha
D: Krishna

He's studied this, and seen some documentaries, but can't remember a bit of it.

He knows what it's not (and doesn't say), but he's going to jump the question.
Answer and value
D: Krishna
Value: $5,000
Bank: $15,000
Question 5 - Dining Discovery

In a surprising new study in 2011, researchers found that diners ate less if they used a bigger what?

A: Fork
B: Napkin
C: Plate
D: Menu
The only one you actively eat with is a fork, and that makes sense. A bigger fork, you'd eat less so you don't look like a pig.
But, he jumps the question.
Answer and value
A: Fork (Bigger fork makes diners feel they've progressed further in the meal)
Value: $500
Bank: $20,000