Transcript 05/17/2012 Frank Hodelin

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Transcript 05/17/2012 Frank Hodelin

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Fri May 18, 2012 11:49 am

Frank Hodelin
New York, NY
interior designer, has given his advice on The View
(It was a bathroom makeover that Meredith was actually involved with.)

Topic Tree (pre-randomized):
10. Space Numbers
9. Basic Juice
8. Film History
7. Muscle-Bound
6. Clamorous Critter
5. First Careers
4. City Tourism
3. We're All Winners
2. I Wear Eyewear
1. Homophones

Topic Tree: (Randomized)
1. Homophones
9. Basic Juice
6. Clamorous Critter
8. Film History
3. We're All Winners
2. I Wear Eyewear
10. Space Numbers
7. Muscle-Bound
4. City Tourism
5. First Careers

Question 1 - Level 5. First Careers

Which of these authors once tried to be a songwriter, releasing albums titled "SynthAnimals" and "Angels and Demons"?

A: J.K. Rowling
B: Stephenie Meyer
C: Dan Brown
D: Nicholas Sparks
He knows Dan Brown wrote a book called Angels and Demons.
Answer and value
C: Dan Brown
Value: $7,000
Bank: $7,000
Question 2 - Level 4. City Tourism

Playing on its famous nickname, what U.S. city unveiled a new tourism slogan in 2011 in which it called itself "Second to None"?

A: Chicago
B: St. Louis
C: Boston
D: Los Angeles
Chicago is called the Second City.
Answer and value
A: Chicago
Value: $5,000
Bank: $12,000
Question 3 - Level 7. Muscle-Bound

Often simply called "biceps", the biceps brachii is located in the arm, but the biceps femoris is a muscle located where?

A: Neck
B: Stomach
C: Thigh
D: Calf
Femur is in the leg.
Answer and value
C: Thigh
Value: $15,000
Bank: $27,000
Question 4 - Level 10. Spacae Numbers

Neil Armstrong estimated that his historic "one small step" spanned what distance from his lunar module's ladder to the Moon's surface?

A: 8 inches
B: 3.5 feet
C: 6.5 feet
D: 9 feet

Answer and value
B: 3.5 feet
Value: $10,000
Bank: $27,000
Question 5 - Level 2. I Wear Eyewear

What Sesame Street character is often seen wearing a monocle?

A: Big Bird
B: Oscar the Grouch
C: The Count
D: Elmo
Answer and value
C: The Count
Value: $3,000
Bank: $30,000
Commercial break.

Buddy Claudia is in the audience.

Question 6 - Level 3. We're All Winners

Who won his Nobel Peace Prize jointly with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change?

A: Jimmy Carter
B: Al Gore
C: Nelson Mandela
D: Yasser Arafat
Answer and value
B: Al Gore
Value: $500
Bank: $30,500
Question 7 - Level 8. Film History

Which of these American inventors has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?

A: Samuel Morse
B: Alexander Graham Bell
C: Thomas Edison
D: Eli Whitney
Answer and value
C: Thomas Edison
Value: $2,000
Bank: $32,500
Question 8 - Level 6. Clamorous Critter

One of the loudest creatures on Earth, what aptly-named animal snaps its claw as a kind of sonic weapon?

A: Fire ant
B: Swordfish
C: Pistol shrimp
D: Sawfish
Answer and value
C: Pistol shrimp (up to 200dB)
Value: $25,000
Bank: $57,500
Commercial break.

Question 9 - Level 9. Basic Juice

The juice of which of these vegetables can be used as a homemade pH indicator, identifying acids and bases?

A: Cauliflower
B: Chickpeas
C: Pumpkin
D: Red cabbage
He's leaning toward red cabbage, but that would be a guess.
Answer and value
D: Red cabbage
Value: $1,000
Bank: $57,500
Question 10 - Level 1. Homophones

What skin care brand would be an appropriate name to yell at a bullfight because it sounds like a Spanish word of encouragement?

A: Jergens
B: Clinique
C: Neutrogena
D: Olay
Answer and value
D: Olay
Value: $100
Bank: $57,600

Question 11 - $100K

What historic piece of legislation became law when a U.S. president reportedly used over 70 pens to sign his name to it?

A: 1935 Social Security Act
B: Truman Doctrine
C: Marshall Plan
D: 1964 Civil Rights Act
He thinks that as the years go by, they use more pens, so he's thinking the Civil Rights Act.
The audience applauds right before he makes it his final answer. Meredith tells them not to do that.
D: 1964 Civil Rights Act
Commercial break.

Club Millionaire Question

Every single baseball used in the U.S. Major Leagues is painstakingly hand-sewn in what country?

A: Costa Rica
B: Haiti
C: Dominican Republic
D: Mexico
Question 12 - $250K

The adjective "gargantuan" derives from the name of a giant who appears in several works by what author?

A: Francois Rabelais
B: Emile Zola
C: Stendhal
D: Guy de Maupassant

He figured it was someone French, but they're all French. ATA
A: 27%
B: 19%
C: 24%
D: 30%

He was leaning toward that, but it would be a guess, so...
He walks with $100,000.
A: Francois Rabelais
Time for an audience player.

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Re: Transcript 05/17/2012 Frank Hodelin

#2 Post by MarleysGh0st » Fri May 18, 2012 6:05 pm

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Frank Hodelin
New York, NY
interior designer, has given his advice on The View
(It was a bathroom makeover that Meredith was actually involved with.)
WE/WE with a "Hello again, Meredith" cluster. :|

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Re: Transcript 05/17/2012 Frank Hodelin

#3 Post by earendel » Mon May 21, 2012 8:43 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote: Frank Hodelin
New York, NY
interior designer, has given his advice on The View
(It was a bathroom makeover that Meredith was actually involved with.)
Shouldn't he be ineligible because of this?
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Question 4 - Level 10. Spacae Numbers

Neil Armstrong estimated that his historic "one small step" spanned what distance from his lunar module's ladder to the Moon's surface?

A: 8 inches
B: 3.5 feet
C: 6.5 feet
D: 9 feet

Answer and value
B: 3.5 feet
Value: $10,000
Bank: $27,000
This was the step off the ladder of the LEM to the ground - but how tall was that? It's more than 8" and less than 9', and probably not 6.5', so B seems the most logical.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Question 9 - Level 9. Basic Juice

The juice of which of these vegetables can be used as a homemade pH indicator, identifying acids and bases?

A: Cauliflower
B: Chickpeas
C: Pumpkin
D: Red cabbage
He's leaning toward red cabbage, but that would be a guess.
Answer and value
D: Red cabbage
Value: $1,000
Bank: $57,500
I'd JTQ also.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Question 11 - $100K

What historic piece of legislation became law when a U.S. president reportedly used over 70 pens to sign his name to it?

A: 1935 Social Security Act
B: Truman Doctrine
C: Marshall Plan
D: 1964 Civil Rights Act
He thinks that as the years go by, they use more pens, so he's thinking the Civil Rights Act.
The audience applauds right before he makes it his final answer. Meredith tells them not to do that.
D: 1964 Civil Rights Act
Good reasoning on his part. I presume LBJ signed 70 copies, each with a different pen.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Question 12 - $250K

The adjective "gargantuan" derives from the name of a giant who appears in several works by what author?

A: Francois Rabelais
B: Emile Zola
C: Stendhal
D: Guy de Maupassant

He figured it was someone French, but they're all French. ATA
A: 27%
B: 19%
C: 24%
D: 30%

He was leaning toward that, but it would be a guess, so...
He walks with $100,000.
A: Francois Rabelais
I actually knew this one. So I'd be looking at the $500K question with a JTQ and ATA remaining. I wouldn't have expected the audience to know this one.
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Re: Transcript 05/17/2012 Frank Hodelin

#4 Post by minimetoo26 » Mon May 21, 2012 8:52 am

Every single baseball used in the U.S. Major Leagues is painstakingly hand-sewn in what country?

A: Costa Rica
B: Haiti
C: Dominican Republic
D: Mexico
Ooooh! Oooooh! I know this!! I remember the articles from "the ball is juiced" days where they had to check to make sure the balls were wound to the correct tension before they were stitched...
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Re: Transcript 05/17/2012 Frank Hodelin

#5 Post by MarleysGh0st » Mon May 21, 2012 12:48 pm

earendel wrote:
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Question 11 - $100K

What historic piece of legislation became law when a U.S. president reportedly used over 70 pens to sign his name to it?

A: 1935 Social Security Act
B: Truman Doctrine
C: Marshall Plan
D: 1964 Civil Rights Act
He thinks that as the years go by, they use more pens, so he's thinking the Civil Rights Act.
The audience applauds right before he makes it his final answer. Meredith tells them not to do that.
D: 1964 Civil Rights Act
Good reasoning on his part. I presume LBJ signed 70 copies, each with a different pen.
Not so. Here's a video of the signing.

LBJ actually had a bunch of pens lined up in front of him and made one small stroke of his "signature" with each, pausing several times during the process to hand out the pens to a crowd of Congressmen and other VIPs gathered around him.

If you ask me, that was more of an artwork than an signature! :P

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Re: Transcript 05/17/2012 Frank Hodelin

#6 Post by SportsFan68 » Tue May 22, 2012 9:39 am

Question 4 - Level 10. Spacae Numbers

Neil Armstrong estimated that his historic "one small step" spanned what distance from his lunar module's ladder to the Moon's surface?

A: 8 inches
B: 3.5 feet
C: 6.5 feet
D: 9 feet

Answer and value
B: 3.5 feet
Value: $10,000
Bank: $27,000
AARGH! These lunar landing Qs! JTQ 1
Question 9 - Level 9. Basic Juice

The juice of which of these vegetables can be used as a homemade pH indicator, identifying acids and bases?

A: Cauliflower
B: Chickpeas
C: Pumpkin
D: Red cabbage
He's leaning toward red cabbage, but that would be a guess.
Answer and value
D: Red cabbage
Value: $1,000
Bank: $57,500
This is the first I ever heard of this. I too would lean toward red cabbage but would never make it a final answer. JTQ 2
Club Millionaire Question

Every single baseball used in the U.S. Major Leagues is painstakingly hand-sewn in what country?

A: Costa Rica
B: Haiti
C: Dominican Republic
D: Mexico
About a million years ago in Denver, when they were still doing mock games using old Qs amongst the people who passed the test, I got this one no problem.

Question 12 - $250K
The adjective "gargantuan" derives from the name of a giant who appears in several works by what author?

A: Francois Rabelais
B: Emile Zola
C: Stendhal
D: Guy de Maupassant

He figured it was someone French, but they're all French. ATA
A: 27%
B: 19%
C: 24%
D: 30%

He was leaning toward that, but it would be a guess, so...
He walks with $100,000.
A: Francois Rabelais
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