Transcript 04/08/2008 Leslie Magnusson-Alexander

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Transcript 04/08/2008 Leslie Magnusson-Alexander

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:23 pm

Leslie Magnusson-Alexander
Phoenix, AZ

Flight attendant

$100- Used to refer to an effective combination, the phrase "one-two punch" originated with what activity?
A. Cycling B. Boxing
C. Fly fishing D. Discount shoe shopping

$200- What is a sonic boom?
A. Bright flash of light B. Cold gust of air
C. Bitter smell D. Loud noise

$300- According to the Play-Doh Mixing Guide, what color can be mixed with white to form the color "plum"?
A. Orange B. Green
C. Purple D. Yellow

$500- Slang for "psychiatrist," the term "shrink" is a shortened form of what phrase?
A. Shrink wrap B. Shrinking violet
C. Shrink fit D. Head shrinker

$1000- Of the 2006 movie "Dreamgirls," what singer once joked "I'm going to see it with my lawyers"?
A. Diana Ross B. Donna Summer
C. Aretha Franklin D. Gladys Knight


A-90% B-3%
C-1% D-6%

Commercial break

$2000- What type of candy is known in England as a "gobstopper"?
A. Gumdrop B. Jellybean
C. Jawbreaker D. Bubblegum


PAF, Ozzy, time runs out.

A. Gumdrop
C. Jawbreaker

$4000- What is the apt slogan of the Indiana radio station WQME 98.7?
A. Burning Up the Airwaves B. Just a Shade Above Normal
C. Frostbite Plays All the Hits D. Take It Down a Notch


She first considers A, then associates the city of "Normal" with Indiana. Guesses correctly. Meredith points out that 98.6 degrees is normal, so...

Commercial break

$8000- Lewis and Clark's 1804 expedition across North America included a group of explorers known as the what?
A. March of Opportunity B. Troop of Exploration
C. Voyage of Adventure D. Corps of Discovery

Leslie considers two choices including the right one but does not know and could use the $4000. She ultimately says final answer to keeping the four grand.

Time is up, no carryover.


$100- B. Boxing
$200- D. Loud noise
$300- C. Purple
$500- D. Head shrinker
$1000- A. Diana Ross
$2000- C. Jawbreaker
$4000- B. Just a Shade Above Normal
$8000- D. Corps of Discovery

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Re: Transcript 04/08/2008 Leslie Magnusson-Alexander

#2 Post by NellyLunatic1980 » Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:00 am

$1K: Diana Ross was really the only answer of the four that made sense, given that the "Dreamgirls" bore a resemblance to the Supremes.

$4K: A rare moment where the contestant was right, but for the wrong reason. I thought the city of Normal was in Illinois.

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#3 Post by starfish1113 » Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:20 am

The 4K question was basically a riddle! I haven't seen something like that in a long while.

Other than that, I'm good.

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Re: Transcript 04/08/2008 Leslie Magnusson-Alexander

#4 Post by MarleysGh0st » Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:31 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$2000- What type of candy is known in England as a "gobstopper"?
A. Gumdrop B. Jellybean
C. Jawbreaker D. Bubblegum

PAF, Ozzy, time runs out.

A. Gumdrop
C. Jawbreaker
Sounded like Ozzy was a google PAF, when he responded "I'm looking" just before time ran out. But not a good one. A search for gobstopper gives the answer on the first hit, with a snippet from the Wikipedia page:
Gobstoppers, known as jawbreakers in the United States, are a type of hard candy.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$4000- What is the apt slogan of the Indiana radio station WQME 98.7?
A. Burning Up the Airwaves B. Just a Shade Above Normal
C. Frostbite Plays All the Hits D. Take It Down a Notch

She first considers A, then associates the city of "Normal" with Indiana. Guesses correctly. Meredith points out that 98.6 degrees is normal, so...
This was more of a first tier-style question, where nobody knows anything about WQME, but one has to go with the "obvious" answer. Except that recognizing the reference to 98.7 apparently wasn't so obvious. (I suspect Leslie might have been able to handle that under other circumstances, but the Hotseatitis had already shorted out her brain cells after the previous two questions.)

What a way to luck into a $4K gift!

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Re: Transcript 04/08/2008 Leslie Magnusson-Alexander

#5 Post by earendel » Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:31 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Leslie Magnusson-Alexander
Phoenix, AZ
Flight attendant
Nice to see a string of non-WE® contestants
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$2000- What type of candy is known in England as a "gobstopper"?
A. Gumdrop B. Jellybean
C. Jawbreaker D. Bubblegum

PAF, Ozzy, time runs out.

A. Gumdrop
C. Jawbreaker
I would have been fairly confident that it was "jawbreaker" and gone with that answer. Gobstoppers are mentioned in the Harry Potter books, IIRC.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$4000- What is the apt slogan of the Indiana radio station WQME 98.7?
A. Burning Up the Airwaves B. Just a Shade Above Normal
C. Frostbite Plays All the Hits D. Take It Down a Notch

She first considers A, then associates the city of "Normal" with Indiana. Guesses correctly. Meredith points out that 98.6 degrees is normal, so...
However Normal is in Illinois, not Indiana, not that that matters.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$8000- Lewis and Clark's 1804 expedition across North America included a group of explorers known as the what?
A. March of Opportunity B. Troop of Exploration
C. Voyage of Adventure D. Corps of Discovery

Leslie considers two choices including the right one but does not know and could use the $4000. She ultimately says final answer to keeping the four grand.
An easy question - there was a lot of hoopla about the L&C bicentennial here, since this was the starting point for the expedition (although St. Louis gets the credit).

A nihil obstat® stack.
"Elen sila lumenn omentielvo...A star shines on the hour of our meeting."

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