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Netflix's "The Ranch"-Comedy or Documentary?

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 12:00 pm
by Spock
Venting a little.

If anyone has watched "The Ranch"-the relationship between Sam Elliott (The father) and Danny Masterson (The Son) is a frickin' documentary of my life. Sunday, I had an occurrence that was lifted straight from "The Ranch." It would be funny if it didn't break my heart and piss me off. Details to follow-I really need to vent.

I do love how they catch the Ford/Chevy rivalry in the show.

Re: Netflix's "The Ranch"-Comedy or Documentary?

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 1:43 pm
by Spock
Vent about one minor example of 30 years of trying to go into business with a forceful father. The last year has been really, really bad.

Minor example from Sunday that could have been lifted straight from "The Ranch." For many years, I have sold my first load(s) of cattle in July. That is when the first ones are ready and it works well.

So, Sunday, July 23rd, I looked the cattle over and figured there are enough ready for a load. I opened up the gates to the loading pens so they can filter in and out of the loading pens for a few days so they get used to where to go. It makes loading a lot easier.

Sunday evening, I mentioned to him that I opened the pens and that I would probably take a load in this week.

His response-"What are you going to sell? There aren't any ready." Very typical response of the last 30 years-why would I expect any different? That is the closest I have ever come to saying "WTF, are you talking about?"

I think he saw it in my face.

He can't say "Yeah, there should be some ready" or "Oh, do you think there are some ready." No, he has to say "There aren't any ready" without even looking them over. AAAAARGGGGGG!!!!!

I am 50 frickin' years old and you have to make me feel like shit over the fact that I know some of my cattle are ready to sell.

Also, don't tell people that the grain marketing is my responsibility, and then second guess any grain sales I make and make me feel like shit about them. (That is another story-but part of the context.)

Re: Netflix's "The Ranch"-Comedy or Documentary?

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 4:07 pm
by jaybee
Family and business combined is never, ever easy. The dynamics of a pure business relationship and the dynamics of that of father / son is so very different - yet you are forced to make the two overlap. I'm sorry you have spent a lifetime with this.

I worked in a family business all through my teens and into my early 20's. When I was young, it was easy. About the time I was 19 (and knew everything there was to know) My dad and I started butting heads. We argued. I left. Didn't see or talk to my dad for over 6 months. We both eventually got over ourselves and compromised. It worked out OK. I even wound up running his business after he had to semi-retire to take care of my mom. That went OK too but after the business was sold our relationship got much, much easier and better.

Now I'm the dad and I own my business. All three of my sons have worked for me, one still does. I've tried to channel what I felt when I was working for my dad to how I react to my working sons. It has gone well ..... but ..... None of my sons has ever planned to stay in this business. It was a job during high school and college that paid better than most. But all of us knew that each one of them would be moving on. So they never got into actually 'running' things. I honestly don't know how I would handle it if one of my boys moved into taking over some of the important responsibilities. I'd like to say that I'd be totally fair and unbiased - but I really don't know. Hard to shake knowing that I've got 30 years experience more than them. Also hard to look at them and not see a bit of a baby in diapers.

Re: Netflix's "The Ranch"-Comedy or Documentary?

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 8:48 pm
by Billy Bored Thornton
Every time I hear Sam Elliot's voice I think it's another f-ing Coors commercial.

Then I have to piss.

It's not easy easy being this awesome.

Re: Netflix's "The Ranch"-Comedy or Documentary?

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:04 am
by silverscreenselect
Billy Bored Thornton wrote:Every time I hear Sam Elliot's voice I think it's another f-ing Coors commercial.
We watched the first ten episodes, need to catch up on the rest.

I keep waiting for Sam Elliot to recycle Jackie Gleason from Smokey and the Bandit and tell Ashton Kutcher "There's no way you came from my loins."