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Yes I know the way to San Jose

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:37 pm
by Bob78164
This weekend's tournament is the San Jose Regional, where I'm playing with my former regular partner now that he's back at the table after three years of law school. We'll be playing Daylight Pair events tomorrow and Sunday. He's taking Monday off for his first wedding anniversary (where are his priorities?) so I'm flying home Sunday night in time to play Monday at the Irvine Regional. Watch this space (with bated breath) for reports. --Bob

Re: Yes I know the way to San Jose

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:05 am
by Bob78164
Fourth overall in today's event. Could have been second but I blundered on an easy hand. One more Daylight Pairs game tomorrow and then fly home in the evening to play Labor Day at Irvine. --Bob

Re: Yes I know the way to San Jose

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:38 pm
by Bob78164
Yesterday's haul was 11.26 gold points. Today we were 8th in the event for another 4.08 gold points and a weekend total of 15.34. Heading home now from the airport. Tomorrow I'll play another regional Swiss in Irvine with a team that should contend. --Bob