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There is nothing wrong with The Bored

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 12:09 pm
by The Creature

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to The Outer Limits

Re: There is nothing wrong with The Bored

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 12:32 pm
by silverscreenselect
I notice that you didn't attempt to assign BB names to your cast of characters here.

Re: There is nothing wrong with The Bored

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 1:39 pm
by littlebeast13
silverscreenselect wrote:I notice that you didn't attempt to assign BB names to your cast of characters here.


BobJuch: Trump stiffs Waffle House waitress of a tip. Source: My Twitter feed. Or maybe my Facebook feed. Or my subscription to Possum News. I watch a lot of news feeds, if you can't tell!


Flock: Sure, Bob! We conservatives are all racists, homophobes, misogynists, and worst of all, bad tippers! Oh my God, some high school dropout will now have to do without her morning Starbucks because the President had to hurry off to do some Presidential things! Or maybe this is just #FAKENEWS!


Bob###: I see that Donny is making good on his economic policy of stiffing the poor people. I have heard from a reliable source (Nate Silver) that President Obama and Secretary Clinton were both very generous tippers, and both also had better taste than to eat at the Waffle House.


BiT: Bob, we don't want any of that socialist, ant colony claptrap that you bugs all operate by. I'd imagine Trump's non-tip was better appreciated than the "tip" Bubba usually left for the waitresses at Hooters.


SSS: I have nothing to add to this thread... I just want everyone to admire my nine horizontal rows of gills!