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turning off text-correction on Android

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 8:58 am
by ghostjmf
Well, my android A30(TM)Tablet8" anyway. Hope it works for others.

Go to settings -> language & input -> ("spellchecker" on this list I'd already turned off) virtual keyboard -> pick "android keyboard" & turn off any autocorrect crap you want off; bop back up 1 level & -> pick "gboard", turn off any autocorrect crap you want off

I had finally already done this. After a message almost went out with "gun" turned to "fun" & another message with another word turned to what in context was an obscenity; apparently autocorrect isn't wise to *all* normal words that become obscene in context.

Then I had access to wifi for a long stretch, during which everything I had set to update only when connected to wifi, because updates eat up data-points, updated itself.

Waddayaknow; the updates put auto-co-wreck back.

Note: They didn't put it *all* back. But they put enough back to really irritate me. If it were possible to *just* correct spelling I'd take it; I don't claim to be a perfect speller. But the bar on which it guesses, in advance, what I'm starting to spell is really irritating, & the changing of words, & sentence structure, without my permission, & in fora that don't allow a correction once the post has gone out is horrific. Some messages got proofread as OK & went out awful.

So I'm posting this as a public service.