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Hmm, What book for Kauai?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 7:54 pm
by Spock
I am only going to bring one book (or 2 small ones)as there is a bookstore on Kauai I plan to visit and I will certainly buy some at Pearl Harbor and associated venues.

I have a large stack of magazines that I have been setting aside to bring that will be easy to read on the beach/airport etc and can be easily disposed of.

I hit a wall about a month ago and lost interest in reading for awhile. It was almost like something was telling me-Stop reading and do some damn writing -LOL.

So I have to dial back the number of books I read at a time and focus more (not exclusively) on Sioux stuff.

I think I am going to pick one "Sioux" book and one other book that I really want to read. They also have to be portable-fun to think about.

We fly out Saturday Morning the 24th.

Re: Hmm, What book for Kauai?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:18 pm
by mrkelley23
I hope you love it as much as we did.

Re: Hmm, What book for Kauai?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:20 pm
by christie1111
Say hello to Kauai for me! Kauai High Class of '77.

It should be lovely with some rain as it is a rainy place at times even in the summer.

Are you staying o the Poipu side?

Re: Hmm, What book for Kauai?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 4:56 pm
by Spock
christie1111 wrote:Say hello to Kauai for me! Kauai High Class of '77.

It should be lovely with some rain as it is a rainy place at times even in the summer.

Are you staying o the Poipu side?
Middle of the east side. Kapaa.

Re: Hmm, What book for Kauai?

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 11:24 pm
by Spock
First day in Kauai. Our Na Pali boat ride got canceled due to lightning. Try again Thursday.

More importantly, I got to "Talk Story Book Store" in Hanapepe and bought

1)"Solomon Time"-Englishman does some odd stuff in the Solomons-circa 2000.

2) "Kauai: The Separate Kingdom"

3) "Hawaiian Biogeography"-I am most pleased with this find.

4) "From Land and Sea: The Story of Castle and Cooke of Hawaii"-the owner made the comment that not many people have that book.

5) "Loyal to the Land"-on the Parker Ranch.

I brought "Homage to Catalonia" and finished it on the plane/airport and "Jock of the Bushveld." I wekaned and brought a James Lee Burke at the airport but I am reading "Jock" and "Solomon Time."

Re: Hmm, What book for Kauai?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 12:18 am
by Spock
Everybody says those Kauai chickens are too tough to eat, but I have yet to find anybody that has eaten one.

Well, give me a little time. As a biogeographer-they are an obviously oversuccessful invasive species-they are everywhere.

Other than the aesthetics and so forth, it is really no different than catching and cleaning a fish.

I have procured a 4-foot long piece of sturdy drift wood and I have access to a gas grill by the facilities pool. Mrs. S is with me so far here. Remember, she has called me when she hits a pheasant on the way to work for me to come and get it

Plan A: Drive a remote road and Mrs S hops out and bops a chicken. Now, as I haven't told Mrs. S about Plan A yet-I suspect I will be the one bopping the chicken on the head.

Plan B: Give me some time-This was only our first day here. We are going up the canyon tomorrow and I think I will be carrying my "Walking Stick" for safe hiking in remote areas.

Re: Hmm, What book for Kauai?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 6:49 am
by ghostjmf
I bought some chicken to cook for my host about 40 years ago in Seattle. I had bought the only chicken for which the price compared to whatever it was in Boston, not a big chicken-raising city, at the time, was not 6 times as much.

I found out why about 3 hours later, when dinner still wasn't tender enough to eat.

(On another day I did cook, & we ate, some very expensive chicken. Just to prove the stove worked, among other things.)

If I'd had the entrepreneurial spirit I'd have moved to Washington State & gone into chicken raising. And probably been bumped off by whoever was keeping the price on anything edible so high.

Re: Hmm, What book for Kauai?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 10:28 am
by Spock
Re: Hawaii expensive to eat

So far that seems contrary to our experience.

Hole in the wall/Bento box/Plate Lunch small places seem to be all over. They are very reasonable.

Even the regular places that we have eaten at have prices comparable to similar mainland joints.