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Transcript 05/01/18 Cody Lawrence (carryover)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 7:53 pm
by BBTranscriptTeam
Cody Lawrence
Sherman Oaks, CA

Carrying over with $5000 and one lifeline (+1) remaining

$7000 :
There are exactly 10 cities in the U.S. that have a population of more than what?
A: 50,000 B: 250,000
C: 1,000,000 D: 2,500,000

Cody immediately narrows it to C or D, not sure enough so +1 friend Jim comes up

Jim narrowed it to the same choices. Cody said he almost went with C before the lifeline use.
Jim said maybe there are more than ten with over 1M and this said exactly 10 cities, but C is a reasonable guess.
With nothing to lose Cody goes with C.

C: 1,000,000

$10K :
Making a name for herself in 1980, how is Rosie Ruiz identified in the Boston Globe's old sports department Rolodex?
A: Wimbledon champion B: Marathon fraud
C: Diving gold medalist D: Red Sox coach

Cody said he never heard of her, but probably should have. He figured it would not be Red Sox coach since it is unlikely they would have a woman coach, and that left Boston Marathon.

B: Marathon fraud

First break

Cody just came back from his ninth consecutive Comic Con in San Diego.
He actually dressed up as Jughead from Riverdale this time, his first time ever cosplaying.

$20K :
What potion used by wizards in the "Harry Potter" series could be best compared to the real world drug known as sodium pentothal?
A: Skele-gro B: Veritaserum
C: Wolfsbane potion D: Shrinking solution

Cody ultimately figured B is truth serum.

B: Veritaserum

$30K :
Though they all go by stage names now, which music star's first name at birth was Troyal?
A: Garth Brooks B: Drake
C: Bruno Mars D: Elton John

Cody could only rule out D since he knew Elton John's real name was something else.

Cody walked with $20K, saying he would have guessed C if forced.

A: Garth Brooks

Second break

Re: Transcript 05/01/18 Cody Lawrence

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 6:22 am
by earendel
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Cody Lawrence
Sherman Oaks, CA

Carrying over with $5000 and one lifeline (+1) remaining
Nihil obstatĀ®.

Re: Transcript 05/01/18 Cody Lawrence (carryover)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 10:04 am
by ghostjmf
7K: like C but 50/50

30K: ATA. Like contestant, know not Elton.