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Prayers if you will

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 5:24 pm
by ghostjmf
My brother is undergoing heart surgery tomorrow. We thought at most they'd be putting a stent in today. Instead they are going to be doing multiple repairs tomorrow, the names of which no-one will yet tell me, after scoping his heart today.

This is way more serious then we thought going into it, so for any prayers we would be grateful.

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 5:26 pm
by flockofseagulls104
Prayers your way.

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 5:37 pm
by Beebs52
Prayers from here.

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 6:36 pm
by Bob Juch

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 6:51 pm
by a1mamacat
Sending good thoughts.

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 7:36 pm
by mellytu74
you got them

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 2:28 am
by silverscreenselect
Our best thoughts and prayers for him and your whole family.

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 8:49 am
by tlynn78
It's scary, but it is amazing what they are doing these days.
Prayers, you got 'em.

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 9:24 am
by silvercamaro
Best wishes and prayers for your brother, and for you and your sister, as well.

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 3:39 pm
by kayrharris
Hope the procedure went well and he recovers quickly.


Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 5:11 pm
by ghostjmf
We are told the doctors are happy with the results of their work. So far the very alive patient is not being very cooperative with his caretakers, though. Who are trying to take the damn ventilator out, which did him so much ill the last time he was hospitalized. Maybe as more sedation wears off he will get more cooperative, but they want to get it out before getting it out hurts.

Stsy tuned. And thanks for the prayers.

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 4:28 am
by ghostjmf
They kicked my sister out of visiting when my brother woke up enough to non-cooperate. 4 hours later he cooperated enough that they could get the ventilator tube out. Onward & upward, we hope. Medical stuff looks good.

They told my sister not to come visit until 11:00am - 12:00pm because they have "lots to do to him" in the morning.

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 11:21 am
by ghostjmf
He's talking, they've got him walking, he's eating food the normal way, not the tube way.

They're still watching his kidneys which are not good; they weren't good going in, they're telling him hardening of the arteries will do that to you, but so far all is good per the operation.

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 11:29 am
by Beebs52

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 12:14 pm
by tlynn78
So he's in good shape for the shape he's in. Excellent news!

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 10:57 am
by T_Bone0806
Sounds like things are cause for much optimism. I hope they continue to trend in that direction.

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 9:31 pm
by kayrharris
Continued prayers for a speedy recovery!


Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 6:44 am
by ghostjmf
Thank you so much, prayers people.

We're hoping his recovery from this will be faster than from that intestine-removal op.

The cardiologist thinks the dead intestinal segment of a year-&-a-half ago could have been caused by his various occluded coronary arteries. He was told at the time to go to another specialist; they tried to drag him there when he still couldn't walk, but he refused to go.

And we all kept urging him to go after he got out, but he didn't. It took increasing episodes of arm tingles & dizziness, relieved by nitroglycerin tabs (it dilates the arteries; they were prescribed after a heart attack 20+ years ago for which no blocked arteries, & no cause other than unusual-for-him exertion, was found) & the urging of his friend ex-girlfriend to get him to the ER this time. Bloodwork showed that one of those episodes *had* been a small heart-attack (they find breakdown products of heart muscle when that happens) which is one of the reasons they did the initial scoping of his heart.

From what very little information the hospital has given to us & him, one of the blocked arteries is a congenital malformation (ostial stenosis) which people's bodies form alternate paths around, but the rest were just plain old plaque-coated arteries.

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 11:11 am
by ghostjmf
It hasn't gone through yet, but its 99% possible my brother is being released today to a new, high-powered place that does intensive rehab, not the "we come around every 3 days & write that the patient is uncooperative" place he was in for the intestine op.

You have to be very cooperative to even get in, & he is this time. At the last place, nice people fudged his cooperation levels enough to keep him in, because the insurance stops paying for those who don't at least try to be rehabbed.

One thing holding him back from release could be his bad kidneys, but the specialist came by this morning to say his kidneys have perked up & are "almost normal".

Even though your kidney arteries are still plaqued up, having new heart arteries can help get more blood to your kidneys. They don't recommend quadruple heart bypass as a solution to kidney failure, but turns out it doesn't hurt.

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 6:28 am
by ghostjmf
He's in the great rehab place as of Saturday, & "the food is edible too".

Note: This is a guy who thinks the food at Arby's is edible. Food at the other hospital had to be *very* inedible.

Re: Prayers if you will

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 7:11 am
by BackInTex
ghostjmf wrote:He's in the great rehab place as of Saturday, & "the food is edible too".

Note: This is a guy who thinks the food at Arby's is edible. Food at the other hospital had to be *very* inedible.
Glad he's in a good place. That is important and so many places fall short.

And what's wrong with Arby's? :)