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Proof of concept successful!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 11:05 am
by gsabc
I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before, but I'm working on a second career as a voiceover artist (or as they're called in the industry, the "talent"). My current problem is that HS and family have moved in with us while they look for a new apartment and HGS resides in the only room that fits my mobile sound booth. Actual practice recording has been limited to the grossly inadequate microphone on my laptop in other areas of the house.

Today, HS and family are gone for the day. It's not worth the effort, though, of putting up and thenr taking down the booth in the same day. I still wanted to see just how quiet/noisy the room is by itself so I set up the mic, interface and laptop. Fairly noisy, as it turns out, at least relative to what is expected for a noise floor. It didn't help that our new neighbors are having siding installed, with all the attendant hammering and sawing. Despite aiming the cardioid mic away from the window, it still picked up the sounds.

Regardless, I recorded a sample section of a book written by a cousin-in-law, with hopes that he'll think I'm good enough to do the entire audiobook once I'm truly up and running. I've now got editing and processing to do (part of my overall practicing is learning how to use that particular piece of software) before sending it off to him to see what he thinks. Now I've found a good arrangement for the equipment inside the booth and have some idea of what parts of the room may need more soundproofing (or not; depends on how well the booth actually keeps out external sound while deadening the echoes and such from within). I consider the test successful. The end result won't be at the studio level needed for actual recording, but it's a start. Yay!

Re: Proof of concept successful!

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 8:58 am
by Ritterskoop
Nice. Good luck.

Re: Proof of concept successful!

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 10:13 pm
by tlynn78
Sounds really cool! Best of luck.