Transcript 11/16/2018 - Shiva Oswal

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Transcript 11/16/2018 - Shiva Oswal

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Mon Dec 10, 2018 1:58 pm

Celebrating the giving away of $100 million, one of five contestants, clips of whose shows were shown all week, will be back for another shot at winning $1 million.

Shiva Oswal
Cupertino, CA
Whiz Kid contestant

This time Shiva only gets the standard lifelines; if he answers the $50,000 question correctly he wins a 2-night stay at Caesar's Palace with dinner and a show. Shiva's +1 is his dad.

$500: In the famous nursery rhyme that begins, "Rub-a-dub-dub," which of these is NOT a job title held by one of the three men in a tub?
A - butcher
B - baker
C - candlestick maker
D - personal shopper
Answer: D (personal shopper)

$1000: Movie snack hack! Instead of saying, "Fill it partially, top it with butter, repeat until full," at some movie theaters insiders can simply order what populat treat "layered"?
A - Raisinets
B - popcorn
C - Diet Coke
D - caviar
Answer: B (popcorn)

$2000: In 1983, who was granted a U.S. patent for a "spatial logical toy," whose operation involved "six or nine toy elements" being "simultaneously rotated"?
A - E.Z. Bakeoven
B - Erno Rubik
C - Bean E. Baybee
D - Thaddeus J. Potatohead
Answer: B (Erno Rubik)

$3000: Three of the following can define words or names that begin with "ee". Which one does NOT?
A - Winnie-the-Pooh's donkey pal
B - strange, in a frightening and mysterious way
C - an artist's stand
D - a wormlike fish
Answer: C (an artist's stand)

commercial break

Last time Shiva was on the show he won $250,000. He invested most of it, bought a new computer and some video games. He was nervous then and he's nervous now.

$5000: Even longer than its "giant" relative, what animal is thought to be the largest invertebrate on Earth?
A - mega whale
B - titanic elephant
C - mammoth bear
D - colossal squid
Answer: D (colossal squid)

$7000: According to the NY Times, a 706-carat diamond recently discovered in Sierra Leone is worth as much as $50 million, which would be about how much per carat?
A - $708.21
B - $7,082.15
C - $70,821.53
D - $708,215.30

Shiva says nothing but then blurts out his final answer.
Answer: C ($70,821.53)

$10,000: All carbohydrates are made up of just three chemical elements. Which of the following is NOT one of those three?
A - oxygen
B - hydrogen
C - sodium
D - carbon
Answer: C (sodium)

$20,000: Wellington, New Zealand is the world's southernmost capital city. All of the following are among the next three southernmost, except for which?
A - Canberra
B - Montevideo
C - Buenos Aires
D - La Paz

Shiva knows that
A is in Australia and the other three are in South America. He thinks that Bolivia is further north than the others
Answer: D (La Paz)

commercial break

$30,000: Competing in the Olympic Games in 67 A.D., what Roman emperor was thrown from his carriage in a chariot race, but was declared the winner anyway?
A - Julius Caesar
B - Marcus Aurelius
C - Nero
D - Augustus

Shiva knows a lot about Roman history and knows the dates that each one ruled.
Answer: C (Nero)

$50,000: As many use "Oscillation" instead of pure "Amplification," academics have noted that a certain invention of the 1950s should sometimes be called what?
B - a LOSER not a LASER
C - a RADOR not a RADAR

Shiva knows that
both radar and sonar were invented in the 1930s or 1940s and knows the laser was developed in the 1950s, plus he knows what the letters stand for
. Despite this, he uses his 50:50.
"50:50 results": A & B

Answer: B (a LOSER not a LASER)

commercial break

MILLIONAIRE "QUESTION OF THE DAY" (John Carpenter's $1M question): Which of these U.S. Presidents appeared on the television series "Laugh-In"?
A - Lyndon Johnson
B - Richard Nixon
C - Jimmy Carter
D - Gerald Ford
Answer: B (Richard Nixon)

commercial break

$100,000: According to ex-Secret Service agent Dan Emmett, the steps of the U.S. president's official helicopter (often visible in photos) are fitted with Plexiglas placards that say what?
A - United States of America
B - Welcome Aboard Marine One
C - In God We Trust
D - Please Watch Your Step

Shiva brings his dad down to help him. Dad says Shiva will probably ignore what he says, but
he knows that the helicopter is Marine One and if he were answering, he would go for B
. Shiva asks his dad if he's sure. Dad says that's how he's leaning. Shiva goes with his dad's answer.
Answer: B (Welcome Aboard Marine One)

Shiva will come back on Monday to finish his run at the million.

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Re: Transcript 11/16/2018 - Shiva Oswal

#2 Post by earendel » Tue Dec 11, 2018 8:58 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Celebrating the giving away of $100 million, one of five contestants, clips of whose shows were shown all week, will be back for another shot at winning $1 million.

Shiva Oswal
Cupertino, CA
Whiz Kid contestant

This time Shiva only gets the standard lifelines; if he answers the $50,000 question correctly he wins a 2-night stay at Caesar's Palace with dinner and a show. Shiva's +1 is his dad.
These seemed like very easy questions.

Also, when I watched the first run of the episode, Chris announced that our own TheSearchIsOn won the Disney cruise; that announcement was not included in the rerun.
"Elen sila lumenn omentielvo...A star shines on the hour of our meeting."

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