Transcript 1/18/2019 - Addie Kluemper

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Transcript 1/18/2019 - Addie Kluemper

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Tue Jan 22, 2019 2:47 pm

Addie Kluemper
Peachtree City, GA
aerospace engineer

$500: According to the 19th-century German philosophr Arthur Schopenhauer, the two foes of human happiness are what and what?
A - the DMV and the IRS
B - spotty WiFi and bad cable reception
C - pain and boredom
D - itchy sweaters and smooth jazz
Answer: C (pain and boredom)

$1000: Popular at college parties, the drinking game that involves flipping a red, plastic SOLO brand drinking vessel so it lands face down on a table is aptly called what?
A - Flip Cup
B - Plate Toss
C - Spoon Jousting
D - Battle of the Forks
Answer: A (Flip Cup)

$2000: Located in Kentucky, the United States Bullion Depository is more commonly called what?
A - Library of Congress
B - Fort Knox
C - Ellis Island
D - Hoover Dam
Answer: B (Fort Knox)

commercial break

Addie's first engineering job was analyzing a single bolt for NASA, later installed on the International Space Station.

$3000: Though it later had to be changed because the first part was copyrighted by a mop company, which of these was the original name of a famous cartoon character?
A - Winnie-the-Shoe
B - Mugs Bunny
C - Spongeboy Squarepants
D - Mini Cooper Mouse
Answer: C (Spongeboy Squarepants)

$5000: Hemoglobin, a protein that transports oxygen to the tissues of the body, is found in which type of blood cells?
A - red blood cells
B - white blood cells
C - blue blood cells
D - green blood cells

Before the answers came up she was thinking of the right answer.
Answer: A (red blood cells)

$7000: While "Don't Fear the Reaper" is famous thanks to a popular "SNL" sketch, "Low Rider," "Drive My Car," and "Honky Tonk Women" all also prominently use what instrument?
A - kettle drum
B - sitar
C - cowbell
D - didgeridoo

Addie has always loved that sketch.
Answer: C (cowbell)

$10,000: The site of the famous invasion on D-Day, the French region of Normandy is situated in which part of the country?
A - northwestern
B - northeastern
C - southwestern
D - southeastern

Addie knows it was
directly across from England, and the east isn't on the coast
Answer: A (northwestern)

commercial break

$20,000: Hate the cold? You might want to visit what country, which has never had a recorded temperature below 65 degrees Fahrenheit?
A - Singapore
B - Italy
C - Australia
D - Iran

Addie knows her geography, so she rules out
Italy and Australia, and knows Singapore is close to the equator, but so is Iran
. She wants to save her lifelines so she goes with
Answer: A (Singapore)

$30,000: Developed in 1824 by 15-year-old Louis Braille, the Braille syste consists of over 60 characters, each made up of between one and how many raised dots?
A - 4
B - 5
C - 6
D - 7

Addie opts for a lifeline; she chooses the 50:50.
"50:50 results": B & C

She tries to picture what she's seen and goes with
Answer: C (6)

commercial break

MILLIONAIRE "QUESTION OF THE DAY": During his presidency, Bill Clinton added which of these amenities to the White House grounds?
A - jogging trak
B - basketball court
C - baseball diamond
D - bowling alley
Answer: A (jogging track)

commercial break

$50,000: Victorine Meurent is said to have been the model for the nude woman enjoying a "Luncheon on the Grass" with two fully-dressed men in whose 1863 painting?
A - Edouard Manet
B - Paul Gauguin
C - Pierre-Auguste Renoir
D - Georges Seurat

Addie can picture the painting. She calls down her mother, her +1. Addie says
Seurat did pointilism and had a picnic painting but without a nude woman. Gauguin painted Polynesians. So it's either Manet or Renoir. Her gut says "Renoir"
. She goes with her gut.
Answer: A (Edouard Manet)

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Re: Transcript 1/18/2019 - Addie Kluemper

#2 Post by earendel » Wed Jan 23, 2019 6:41 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Addie Kluemper
Peachtree City, GA
aerospace engineer
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$500: According to the 19th-century German philosophr Arthur Schopenhauer, the two foes of human happiness are what and what?
A - the DMV and the IRS
B - spotty WiFi and bad cable reception
C - pain and boredom
D - itchy sweaters and smooth jazz
Answer: C (pain and boredom)
I think any of the first three answers would qualify. :mrgreen:

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