Transcript 11/03/11 - Maya McDoom-Echebiri (carryover)

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Transcript 11/03/11 - Maya McDoom-Echebiri (carryover)

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:41 pm

Maya McDoom-Echebiri
Boston, MA

Maya eloped in March, so part of what she's playing for is a bigger wedding.

May has $19,500 in her bank. All of her lifelines are gone.

Topic Tree (Randomized)
1: Angelic Effect
9: Stress Factors
10: Racy Second Lady
6: Womanly Weapon
* [Jumped]
* $500
* [Jumped]
* $3,000
* $1,000
* $15,000

Question #7 - Level 6: Womanly Weapon
Practiced by samurai in feudal Japan, tessenjutsu is a martial art utilizing what seemingly feminine item as a weapon?

A: Comb B: Hairpin
C: Fan D: Brooch

Maya walks with $9,750.
C: Fan

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Re: Transcript 11/03/11 - Maya McDoom-Echebiri (carryover)

#2 Post by SportsFan68 » Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:31 pm

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Maya McDoom-Echebiri
Boston, MA

Maya eloped in March, so part of what she's playing for is a bigger wedding.

May has $19,500 in her bank. All of her lifelines are gone.

Topic Tree (Randomized)
1: Angelic Effect
9: Stress Factors
10: Racy Second Lady
6: Womanly Weapon
* [Jumped]
* $500
* [Jumped]
* $3,000
* $1,000
* $15,000

Question #7 - Level 6: Womanly Weapon
Practiced by samurai in feudal Japan, tessenjutsu is a martial art utilizing what seemingly feminine item as a weapon?

A: Comb B: Hairpin
C: Fan D: Brooch

Maya walks with $9,750.
C: Fan
I would have eliminated comb as gender neutral. From the comfort of my Stratolounger, as Galahad usta say, I would have said fan because they can be really large, and if you're making them out of hard wood, quite a weapon. I would never have pulled the trigger in the hot seat.
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Re: Transcript 11/03/11 - Maya McDoom-Echebiri (carryover)

#3 Post by earendel » Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:31 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote: Maya McDoom-Echebiri
Boston, MA

Maya eloped in March, so part of what she's playing for is a bigger wedding.

May has $19,500 in her bank. All of her lifelines are gone.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Question #7 - Level 6: Womanly Weapon
Practiced by samurai in feudal Japan, tessenjutsu is a martial art utilizing what seemingly feminine item as a weapon?

A: Comb B: Hairpin
C: Fan D: Brooch

Maya walks with $9,750.
C: Fan
Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition had a supplement entitled "Oriental Adventures". In it both fans and chopsticks were listed as weapons. That's how I knew this one.
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