Transcript 11/1/16 A. Skarlatos, S. Stone, A. Sadler (cont.)

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Transcript 11/1/16 A. Skarlatos, S. Stone, A. Sadler (cont.)

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Tue Nov 01, 2016 5:21 pm

Hometown Heroes Week

Alek Skarlatos, Spencer Stone, Anthony Sadler (returning and playing as a trio)
Sacramento, CA

The three who took down the terrorist on the train in France.
Chris said two of the three guys are single.
One lifeline, 50/50, remains

$50K :
With one bill showing its interior and another showing its exterior, what building is depicted on two different denominations of U.S. paper currency?
A: Capitol Building B: The White House
C: Independence Hall D: U.S. Treasury Building
50/50 left A and C

They had figured the exterior of Independence Hall was on one of the bills ($100) and one of them suggested the signing of the Declaration of Independence was on one of them but they did not know.
They decided it is worth the risk since $30K isn't much split three ways after taxes.
C: Independence Hall

($100 and $2 bills)
First break

$100K :
While it's usually an individual person, Time has picked all but which of the following groups as its "Person of the Year"?
A: 1984: "The Republicans" B: 1975: "American Women"
C: 2002: "The Whistleblowers" D: 1960: "US Scientists"
They figured it does not make sense that they would pick the Republicans even in 1984.

A: 1984: "The Republicans"
Second break

$250K :
Along with their spacesuits, Russian cosmonauts used to be equipped with a TP-82 for use upon re-entry into Siberia. What was the TP-82?
A: Personal jet pack B: Triple-barreled gun
C: Miniature atomic bomb D: 2-way television wristwatch

They figured only B made sense and could be useful if encountering dangerous wildlife out there.

B: Triple-barreled gun
Third break

QotD: Invented by a Calgary bartender in 1969, a "Bloody Caesar" is basically a Bloody Mary with what signature ingredient added?
A: Clam juice B: 7UP
C: Lemonade D: Coconut milk
A: Clam juice

$500K :
According to the New York Sun, the last American descendant of Napoleon Bonaparte died in 1945 after doing what in Central Park?
A: Being trampled by a horse B: Tripping over a dog leash
C: Choking on a hot dog D: Getting stung by a bee
They discussed the choices and were leaning A after considering D for the shock from a bee sting
They settled on A but it would be a guess. Their final answer was to walk.

B: Tripping over a dog leash

Walk: $250K
Last edited by BBTranscriptTeam on Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Transcript 11/1/16 - A. Scarlatos, S. Stone, A. Sadler

#2 Post by ghostjmf » Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:09 pm

50K: I knew inside of Independence is on $2.00 bill. Otherwise, I'm sitting here drawing blanks about any other interiors. Stop trying to think what exterior is on what bill 'cause that's not what they're asking. Go w/ Indep.

100K: Pretty sure Whistleblowers is real. 50/50. Otherwise unsure about Q. Well, think Women are real too. If Whistle isn't left after 50/50, +1

250K: Even if I had +1 left how would they know this. Yes, gun is most logical for overshooting the landing & needing to shoot animals. But Russians could have sent along bomb. To correct bad trajectory? Jet pack to bail when get low enough? Crazy, but I'd leave here.

500K: No way I know.

These guys were really gutsy to go with the gun on 250K. As military men it made overwhelming sense to them. But we know they're really gutsy from real life.

But I almost held my breath when they almost bailed on 500K Q.

So glad they won so big.

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Re: Transcript 11/1/16 A. Scarlatos, S. Stone, A. Sadler (co

#3 Post by ghostjmf » Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:42 pm

I've been reading up on the internet; probably prior to this taping, Skarlatos came 3rd on DTWTS. Stone survived a stabbing in a nightclub that the doctors initially thought he wouldn't survive.

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Re: Transcript 11/1/16 A. Skarlatos, S. Stone, A. Sadler (co

#4 Post by bazodee » Tue Nov 01, 2016 7:33 pm

This was certainly set up to be a feel good story.

The $100K and $250K questions were appropriately difficult but made much, much easier by the choice of distracting answers, especially the cosmonaut question. Questions at this level have historically been, "you either know it or you don't" and not generally ones that you can reason through.

Good for these guys to win some cash; but I'm always mystified when people talk through their rationale that they dismiss certain answers outright for no particular reason. Like "how could a guy trip over a dog leash?". By dismissing it, they then kind of engage in a confirmation bias to calculate that it's one of two other answers and that they have a 50-50 chance.

Point is, no choice of answer at a $250K or higher level should ever be dismissed outright. It's there either because it's correct or that a very crafty writer is leading you into a trap.

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Re: Transcript 11/1/16 A. Skarlatos, S. Stone, A. Sadler (co

#5 Post by SportsFan68 » Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:44 pm

I'm already gone, but I'll answer just for fun. If I can, of course . . .

$50K :
With one bill showing its interior and another showing its exterior, what building is depicted on two different denominations of U.S. paper currency?
A: Capitol Building B: The White House
C: Independence Hall D: U.S. Treasury Building
50/50 left A and C

They had figured the exterior of Independence Hall was on one of the bills ($100) and one of them suggested the signing of the Declaration of Independence was on one of them but they did not know.
They decided it is worth the risk since $30K isn't much split three ways after taxes.
C: Independence Hall

($100 and $2 bills)
Another tough one! I can't answer this one either.

$100K :
While it's usually an individual person, Time has picked all but which of the following groups as its "Person of the Year"?
A: 1984: "The Republicans" B: 1975: "American Women"
C: 2002: "The Whistleblowers" D: 1960: "US Scientists"
They figured it does not make sense that they would pick the Republicans even in 1984.

A: 1984: "The Republicans"
By now, I'm completely gun shy and doubt I would have pulled the trigger. But I completely agree with their reasoning.
$250K :
Along with their spacesuits, Russian cosmonauts used to be equipped with a TP-82 for use upon re-entry into Siberia. What was the TP-82?
A: Personal jet pack B: Triple-barreled gun
C: Miniature atomic bomb D: 2-way television wristwatch

They figured only B made sense and could be useful if encountering dangerous wildlife out there.

B: Triple-barreled gun
Still don't know and still agree with their reasoning.
$500K :
According to the New York Sun, the last American descendant of Napoleon Bonaparte died in 1945 after doing what in Central Park?
A: Being trampled by a horse B: Tripping over a dog leash
C: Choking on a hot dog D: Getting stung by a bee
They discussed the choices and were leaning A after considering D for the shock from a bee sting
They settled on A but it would be a guess. Their final answer was to walk.

B: Tripping over a dog leash

Walk: $250K
Superb work, gentlemen. Congratulations.
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Re: Transcript 11/1/16 A. Skarlatos, S. Stone, A. Sadler (co

#6 Post by earendel » Thu Nov 03, 2016 5:26 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Hometown Heroes Week

Alek Skarlatos, Spencer Stone, Anthony Sadler (returning and playing as a trio)
Sacramento, CA

The three who took down the terrorist on the train in France.
Chris said two of the three guys are single.
One lifeline, 50/50, remains
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$50K :
With one bill showing its interior and another showing its exterior, what building is depicted on two different denominations of U.S. paper currency?
A: Capitol Building B: The White House
C: Independence Hall D: U.S. Treasury Building
50/50 left A and C

They had figured the exterior of Independence Hall was on one of the bills ($100) and one of them suggested the signing of the Declaration of Independence was on one of them but they did not know.
They decided it is worth the risk since $30K isn't much split three ways after taxes.
C: Independence Hall

($100 and $2 bills)
I knew the interior was on the $2 and although I couldn't have identified the other bill, I knew it was on one.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$100K :
While it's usually an individual person, Time has picked all but which of the following groups as its "Person of the Year"?
A: 1984: "The Republicans" B: 1975: "American Women"
C: 2002: "The Whistleblowers" D: 1960: "US Scientists"
They figured it does not make sense that they would pick the Republicans even in 1984.

A: 1984: "The Republicans"
I was trying to think what might have happened in the years mentioned. I thought 1984 was the year of the "Contract with America", so that might be the reason. I'd try my 50:50 to see if it helps.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$250K :
Along with their spacesuits, Russian cosmonauts used to be equipped with a TP-82 for use upon re-entry into Siberia. What was the TP-82?
A: Personal jet pack B: Triple-barreled gun
C: Miniature atomic bomb D: 2-way television wristwatch
They figured only B made sense and could be useful if encountering dangerous wildlife out there.

B: Triple-barreled gun
This seemed fairly simple for a $250K question.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$500K :
According to the New York Sun, the last American descendant of Napoleon Bonaparte died in 1945 after doing what in Central Park?
A: Being trampled by a horse B: Tripping over a dog leash
C: Choking on a hot dog D: Getting stung by a bee
They discussed the choices and were leaning A after considering D for the shock from a bee sting
They settled on A but it would be a guess. Their final answer was to walk.

B: Tripping over a dog leash

Walk: $250K
I would still have my ATA and +1 but I don't think either of them would help. I'd still go with ATA just to see what the results were.
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Re: Transcript 11/1/16 - A. Scarlatos, S. Stone, A. Sadler

#7 Post by SpacemanSpiff » Thu Nov 03, 2016 2:48 pm

ghostjmf wrote:250K: Even if I had +1 left how would they know this. Yes, gun is most logical for overshooting the landing & needing to shoot animals. But Russians could have sent along bomb. To correct bad trajectory? Jet pack to bail when get low enough? Crazy, but I'd leave here.
This is where my knowledge of space stuff pays off. A (terrestrial) jet backpack isn't practical - too heavy and bulky in an environment where space and weight are at a premium. Bombs, maybe, but for what purpose? The gun made the most sense because they were worried about the possibility of hungry critters before the human rescue team showed up.

And before stating the obvious - stay in the capsule - most of the early missions actually had the cosmonaut bail out of the capsule and parachute down separately. The Soviets kept that quiet because it could jeopardize some FAI records requiring the passenger to land with the craft; but the designers weren't sure if their couch setup would work with an earth landing without killing the cosmonaut, so they gave the flier an opportunity to bail.
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Re: Transcript 11/1/16 A. Skarlatos, S. Stone, A. Sadler (co

#8 Post by K.P. » Thu Nov 03, 2016 2:52 pm

I assumed correctly that it was in the 1960s that the Cosmonauts used the TP-82. A two-way television wristwatch would still have been decades away, wouldn't it?

And a small bomb for whatever reason is one thing, but a miniature atomic bomb? Holy cow.

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Re: Transcript 11/1/16 A. Skarlatos, S. Stone, A. Sadler (co

#9 Post by SportsFan68 » Tue Mar 21, 2017 9:34 pm

Hometown Heroes Week

Alek Skarlatos, Spencer Stone, Anthony Sadler (returning and playing as a trio)
Sacramento, CA

The three who took down the terrorist on the train in France.
Chris said two of the three guys are single.
One lifeline, 50/50, remains
It was even more fun today. Chris had evidently been told to take up the entire show, and he did a great job of complimenting their game play, asking about their lives, and encouraging them to take their time.
$50K :
With one bill showing its interior and another showing its exterior, what building is depicted on two different denominations of U.S. paper currency?
A: Capitol Building B: The White House
C: Independence Hall D: U.S. Treasury Building
50/50 left A and C

They had figured the exterior of Independence Hall was on one of the bills ($100) and one of them suggested the signing of the Declaration of Independence was on one of them but they did not know.
They decided it is worth the risk since $30K isn't much split three ways after taxes.
C: Independence Hall

($100 and $2 bills)
Skarlato really gets the credit for this one. He was certain of Independence Hall being on the $100, and he thought the signing of the Declaration of Independence was on another, but he couldn't remember which one, or even if that was correct. So when the 50/50 left A and C, away they went.
$100K :
While it's usually an individual person, Time has picked all but which of the following groups as its "Person of the Year"?
A: 1984: "The Republicans" B: 1975: "American Women"
C: 2002: "The Whistleblowers" D: 1960: "US Scientists"
They figured it does not make sense that they would pick the Republicans even in 1984.

A: 1984: "The Republicans"
This amazed me. They came up with it so fast. Skarlato made me laugh again -- Chris was doing the fake out, and Skarlato said, "Stop doing that! We know it's right."
$250K :
Along with their spacesuits, Russian cosmonauts used to be equipped with a TP-82 for use upon re-entry into Siberia. What was the TP-82?
A: Personal jet pack B: Triple-barreled gun
C: Miniature atomic bomb D: 2-way television wristwatch
They figured only B made sense and could be useful if encountering dangerous wildlife out there.

B: Triple-barreled gun
Stone gets the credit for this one. He blurted out "tripled-barreled gun" as soon as Chris finished reading the answers. Then they talked a bit as Transcript Team says, but there was never any doubt they would pick B.
$500K :
According to the New York Sun, the last American descendant of Napoleon Bonaparte died in 1945 after doing what in Central Park?
A: Being trampled by a horse B: Tripping over a dog leash
C: Choking on a hot dog D: Getting stung by a bee
They discussed the choices and were leaning A after considering D for the shock from a bee sting
They settled on A but it would be a guess. Their final answer was to walk.

B: Tripping over a dog leash

Walk: $250K
They eliminated B right away, which made me laugh when it was announced as the correct answer, and a couple times Stone said A, and Sadler at one point agreed and said let's do it. but Sadler was also the one who said, "It's a guess." They also talked about did New York even have hot dogs in 1945, and at one point one of them said that they didn't have the medication for anaphylactic shock like we do today. So keeping the money won out.

Except for BB shows, I've never enjoyed watching a Millionaire show so much. Glad I got to see it.
-- In Iroquois society, leaders are encouraged to remember seven generations in the past and consider seven generations in the future when making decisions that affect the people.
-- America would be a better place if leaders would do more long-term thinking. -- Wilma Mankiller

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