Game #174: Movie Matchup

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Game #174: Movie Matchup

#1 Post by franktangredi » Mon Nov 27, 2017 10:04 am

Game #174: Movie Matchup

Identify the 90 actors in the clues below. (Every other clue is a quotation.) Then, match them into 48 pairs according to a Tangredi, or principle you must discover for yourself. Six actors will used twice.

1. He received one Oscar nomination for playing a role that had previously earned another actor an Oscar nomination, and another Oscar nomination for playing that actor. Got that?

2. “I never dreamed that any mere physical experience could be so stimulating!”

3. Her biographical roles included one singer who survived a plane crash and another who survived alcoholism.

4. “My Lord, may I also remind my learned friend that his witness, by her own admission, has already violated so many oaths that I am surprised the Testament did not leap from her hand when she was sworn here today! I doubt if anything is to be gained by questioning you any further!”

5. She was one of the first stars to receive a Best Actress nomination for playing a thoroughly evil woman. (How evil? She deliberately let her lover’s kid brother drown, that’s how evil.)

6. “He was a man who loved the outdoors, and bowling, and as a surfer he explored the beaches of Southern California, from La Jolla to Leo Carrillo and up to Pismo. He died, like so many young men of his generation, he died before his time. In your wisdom, Lord, you took him, as you took so many bright flowering young men at Khe Sanh, at Langdok, at Hill 364.”

7. On screen she has played someone who grew up to be Lillian Gish and the mother of someone who grew up to be Anthony Hopkins.

8. “Hello, Flo.... Yes. Here's Anna.... I'm so happy for you today, I could not help calling you and congratulate you.... Wonderful, Flo! Never better in my whole life!”

9. This actor was directed four times by Blake Edwards but only once by his own big brother.

10. “What gift do you think a good servant has that separates them from the others? It’s the gift of anticipation. And I'm a good servant; I'm better than good, I'm the best; I'm the perfect servant. I know when they'll be hungry, and the food is ready. I know when they'll be tired, and the bed is turned down. I know it before they know it themselves.”

11. Like Jessica Tandy and Joanne Woodward before her, she received the Kennedy Center Honors in tandem with her husband.

12. “I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit-flavored one, and since then I'm afraid I've lost my liking for them.”

13. She received her only Oscar nomination for reprising her Tony-winning role as a mother who discovers her daughter has unexpected behavioral issues.

14. “Three tomatoes are walking down the street- a poppa tomato, a momma tomato, and a little baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind. Poppa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato, and smooshes him ... and says, “Catch up.”

15. In the mid-1960s, this Hollywood legend stopped making feature films and took on the lead in a hit television western series.

16. “This is mine, Alan. All mine. I made him, I built him. And no Boy Scout is going to come in here and take it away from me just because he happens to be Vice President of the United States.”

17. She starred opposite Charlie Chaplin in her third film and is still working.

18. “Most fish languages are a combination of bubbles and mouth movement. At the moment, all I can make is large bubbles and they keep telling me I'm shouting.”

19. This actress of mixed Spanish and Lebanese descent first achieved popularity in the title role of a telenovela.

20. “Every night it's the f**king chicken! Holy God Almighty! Is it possible just once we could get something to eat for dinner around here that's not the goddamned f**king chicken?”

21. A busy leading lady of the 1940s, she had not made a movie in twelve years when she suddenly and spectacularly emerged as a Broadway star, appearing on the cover of Time magazine and winning a Tony award.

22. “I'm not talking about your damn word here, Jerry! What the hell were you thinking? Jesus! Look, I don't want to cut you out of the loop here. This here is a good deal. I assume that if you are not interested in getting a finder’s fee, you won't mind if we move on with the deal independently.”

23. This actress boosted my writing career by appearing in two readings of one of my plays at the Pasadena Playhouse – and then derailed my writing career by dropping out of a planned production there to star in The Mountaintop on Broadway. (I still don’t hate her as much as I do Norman Mailer, though.)

24. “Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together ... mass hysteria!”

25. This British actress – who is still active in her eighties – shares her name with a late American jazz and cabaret singer.

26. “You know, sometimes I wished people was like dogs, Luke. Comes a time, a day like, when the bitch just don't recognize the pups no more, so she don't have no hopes nor love to give her pain. She just don't give a damn.”

27. Fans of Doctor Who – and I know you’re out there – may remember this actor from his portrayal of the Valeyard, a manifestation of the Doctor’s dark side

28. “Get away from her, you bitch!”

29. In a 1951 film, this actor won what is arguably the most suspenseful tennis match in film history.

30. “What do you like? Are you a talker? A button freak? Maybe you like to get your chest walked around with high heeled shoes. Or make 'em watch you tinkle. Or maybe you get off wearing women's clothes. Goddamned hypocrite squares!”

31. She enjoyed a career resurgence in the same Broadway musical as the actress in Clue #21, although she was a bigger name at the time thanks to her recent stint in a popular sitcom.

32. “You can’t see this on a marketing report.”

33. She and her co-star in a hit 2002 movie won the MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss – and they sure as hell deserved it.

34. “I'm forty-seven. Forty-seven years old. You know how I stayed alive this long? All these years? Fear. The spectacle of fearsome acts. Somebody steals from me, I cut off his hands. He offends me, I cut out his tongue. He rises against me, I cut off his head, stick it on a pike, raise it high up so all on the streets can see. That's what preserves the order of things. Fear.”

35. She is the Tony-winning and Emmy-winning mother of an Oscar-winning actress.

36. “You can't fight her. No one ever got the better of her. Never, never. She was beaten in the end, but it wasn't a man, it wasn't a woman. It was the sea!”

37. Before winning his Oscar, this actor had appeared on both The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits, as well as playing a villain on Batman.

38. “Forty years I been asking permission to piss. I can't squeeze a drop without say-so.”

39. The Epic That Never Was, a 1965 BBC documentary, detailed an ill-fated film left uncompleted, supposedly as the result of injuries sustained by this actress in a car accident..

40. “I am the Creator - of a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions.”

41. She raised eyebrows in Hollywood by marrying the man who, a year earlier, had played her son in her signature role.

42. “You screwed it all up. You screwed up my mother, you screwed me up. He was a man. Right, a real man, see? Everything I wanted, he wanted for me! You stupid bastard. You got me so mad, drove me crazy. ‘I want my cake, Bedelia! You bitch!’ You calling me a bitch!”

43. His long career included films based on works by Rudyard Kipling, H.P. Lovecraft, and James Hilton.

44. “There is a dead cobra over there. Please do me the kindness of having it removed.”

45. She got an Oscar nomination for playing the wife of a Nobel Prize-winning poet.

46. “Have her then, but you're a lordly fool. She's been plucked since I saw her last, and not by you. It takes a woman to know it.”

47. The warning in the preceding clue was directed at this actor.

48. “The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies room.”

49. This American actress has been nominated for both a Golden Globe and an Emmy for playing the daughter-in-law of my favorite actress.

50. “I'm going to blow my brains out right on this program a week from today. So tune in next Tuesday.”

51. Her on-screen children included Cary Grant, George Brent, and Joseph Cotton.

52. “This is my Peter - uh, my friend Peter. We just met at the intersexual - homosection - INTERSECTION!”

53. His on-screen wives have included Susan Sarandon, the actress in Clue #35, and two of the three sisters in Crimes of the Heart.

54. “You ain't got to love me, but you gonna know that I love you.”

55. As the spokesman for a major British corporation, this actor/writer promised to take good care of us.

56. “You're poorer than any of these people you call scum, because I'll guarantee at least they've got some friends. While you with your jungle and your long claws, as you call 'em, you'll wind up your miserable existence without anything you can call friend. You may be a high mogul to yourself, Mr. Kirby, but to me you're a failure - failure as a man, failure as a human being, even a failure as a father. When your time comes, I doubt if a single tear will be shed over you.”

57. She was the only actress not related to John Huston to win an Oscar under his direction.

58. “I'm an architect for Christ sake, I build fifty-story skyscrapers, I assemble cities of the future, I can certainly put together a goddamn diaper.”

59. Best known for teaming with her second husband, this British actress won a BAFTA award for her role in the film version of a Nevil Shute novel about the Japanese occupation of Malaya.

60. “We had just gotten away from the cops. He just got shot. It was my fault he got shot. He's a f**kin' bloody mess - he's screaming. I swear to god, I thought he was gonna die right then and there. I'm tryin' to comfort him, telling him not to worry, everything's gonna be okay, I'm gonna take care of him. And he asked me what my name was. I mean, the man was dyin' in my arms. What the f**k was I supposed to do? Tell him, ‘Sorry, I can't give out that f**kin' information! It's against the rules! I don't trust you enough!’ Or maybe I should've, but I couldn't! F**k you and f**k Joe!”

61. What the Guinness Book of World Records cites as the “most portrayed movie character” – more than 70 actors in more than 200 films – was portrayed in fourteen of those films by this actor.

62. “As long as she ate the mouse, she can't see nor hear. Now sing.”

63. In a dual role, this actor got to both kill and be killed by Christoph Waltz.

64. “He's grown greedier over the years. Before he only wanted my money; now he wants my love as well. Well, he came to the wrong house, and he came twice. I shall see that he does not come a third time.”

65. In 1945, Warner Brothers introduced a cartoon character based on this actor’s most popular role.

66. “He found me first when I was fifteen. We were hunting; it was nearly dark. My horse fell; I was thrown. I woke to Richard touching me. He asked me if I loved him: 'Philip, do you love me?' And I told him yes. Do you know why I told him yes? So that one day I could tell you all about it. You cannot imagine what that 'yes' cost. Imagine snuggling to a chancred whore, and bending back your lips into something like a smile saying, 'Yes, I love you, and I find you beautiful.’ I don’t know how I did it.”

67. Her on-screen husbands have included Liam Neeson, Jeff Bridges, John Travolta, Joe Mantegna, William H. Macy, and the actors in two of the preceding clues.

68. “I'm someone else. I'm white ... white ... WHITE!”

69. Acting is a secondary career to this Panamian star, who has won eight Grammy awards and five Latin Grammy awards.

70. “Do you know about the early days at the Kimberly diamond mines? Do you know what they did to the native workers who stole diamonds? Don't worry, they didn't kill them. That would be like junking your Mercedes just because it had a broken spring.”

71. In 2003, this actor wrote, produced, directed, and starred in a biopic about a groundbreaking black filmmaker – who also happened to be his own father.

72. “My family, they got shot down by D.E.A. officers because of a drug problem. I left with the greatest guy on earth. He was a hitman, the best in town, but he died this morning. And if you don't help me, I'll be dead by tonight.”

73. He played a major role in one film about the life of Jesus and – 38 years later – gave his final performance in another film about the life of Jesus.

74. “You cannot have it both ways. A dancer who relies upon the doubtful comforts of human love can never be a great dancer. Never.”

75. As a child actress under her original name, she appeared in three episodes of The Twilight Zone and entertained us in the film version of a classic Broadway musical.

76. “F**kin' Dante! Poetry-writing faggot! Piece of sh*t mother**ker!”

77. In two different movie musicals, he recreated roles originated on Broadway by Alfred Drake.

78. “I know your brand of family fun. Tomorrow you'll probably kill the desk clerk, hold up a McDonalds, and drive us a thousand miles out of the way to see the world's largest pile of mud!”

79. The son of one of America’s greatest comic actors, he had one of his best screen roles under the direction of his father’s onetime co-star Woody Allen.

80. “Tremendous changes have taken place in the pampered woman who was your wife. It's hard even for me to realize that I'm studying to be a lady welder. And doing very nicely, so it seems.”

81. In the past two years, he has played a fictional superhero and a real-life hero of a different kind, both of whom broke the color barrier in their respective fields.

82. “It was plain to see that my old pet needed someone, but if it were left up to Roger, we'd be bachelors forever. He was married to his work writing songs. Songs about romance of all things. Something he knew absolutely nothing about.”

83. Her three best films were directed by Orson Welles, John Frankenheimer and – most memorably – Alfred Hitchcock.

84. “No bucks, no Buck Rogers.”

85. She rose to prominence at the Abbey Theatre – where she won acclaim for her performance as Shaw’s Saint Joan – but in her most popular film, she played a Russian.

86. “In all our sacred history, the chosen ones have always been those who’ve suffered. Why, then, should God choose you? Why not me? ”

87. As a far as I know, he was the only Buddhist ever named Sexiest Man Alive.

88. “I know why you have come - I have seen it in your faces Sunday after Sunday as I've stood here before you. Fear has brought you here. Horrible, superstitious fear. Fear of divine retribution, a bolt of fire from the skies. The vengeance of the Lord and the justice of God. But you have forgotten the love of Jesus. You disregard His sacrifice. Death, fear, flames, horror and black clothes. Hold your meeting then, but know if you do this in the name of God and in the house of God, you blaspheme against Him and His Word.”

89. This actor received seven fewer Oscar nominations than his wife.

90. “I didn't bring your breakfast because you didn't eat your din-din.”
Last edited by franktangredi on Mon Nov 27, 2017 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#2 Post by earendel » Mon Nov 27, 2017 11:04 am

franktangredi wrote:Game #174: Movie Matchup

Identify the 90 actors in the clues below. (Every other clue is a quotation.) Then, match them into 48 pairs according to a Tangredi, or principle you must discover for yourself. Six actors will used twice.
franktangredi wrote:12. “I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit-flavored one, and since then I'm afraid I've lost my liking for them.”
RICHARD HARRIS (as Dumbledore)
franktangredi wrote:24. “Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together ... mass hysteria!”
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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#3 Post by silverscreenselect » Mon Nov 27, 2017 11:36 am

franktangredi wrote:Game #174: Movie Matchup

3. Her biographical roles included one singer who survived a plane crash and another who survived alcoholism.


11. Like Jessica Tandy and Joanne Woodward before her, she received the Kennedy Center Honors in tandem with her husband.


28. “Get away from her, you bitch!”


29. In a 1951 film, this actor won what is arguably the most suspenseful tennis match in film history.


37. Before winning his Oscar, this actor had appeared on both The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits, as well as playing a villain on Batman.


61. What the Guinness Book of World Records cites as the “most portrayed movie character” – more than 70 actors in more than 200 films – was portrayed in fourteen of those films by this actor.

I would guess this to be Sherlock Holmes, which would make the actor BASIL RATHBONE

71. In 2003, this actor wrote, produced, directed, and starred in a biopic about a groundbreaking black filmmaker – who also happened to be his own father.


81. In the past two years, he has played a fictional superhero and a real-life hero of a different kind, both of whom broke the color barrier in their respective fields.


83. Her three best films were directed by Orson Welles, John Frankenheimer and – most memorably – Alfred Hitchcock.


87. As a far as I know, he was the only Buddhist ever named Sexiest Man Alive.

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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#4 Post by frogman042 » Mon Nov 27, 2017 1:10 pm

2. “I never dreamed that any mere physical experience could be so stimulating!”
I know this - but can't place it.

4. “My Lord, may I also remind my learned friend that his witness, by her own admission, has already violated so many oaths that I am surprised the Testament did not leap from her hand when she was sworn here today! I doubt if anything is to be gained by questioning you any further!”
Frank's Fav Actor - Charles Laughton in Witness For The Prosecution.

9. This actor was directed four times by Blake Edwards but only once by his own big brother.

14. “Three tomatoes are walking down the street- a poppa tomato, a momma tomato, and a little baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind. Poppa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato, and smooshes him ... and says, “Catch up.”
Uma Thurman - Pulp Fiction

16. “This is mine, Alan. All mine. I made him, I built him. And no Boy Scout is going to come in here and take it away from me just because he happens to be Vice President of the United States.”
WAG: Angela Landsbury? In the Manchurian Candidate?

17. She starred opposite Charlie Chaplin in her third film and is still working.
Claire Bloom?

18. “Most fish languages are a combination of bubbles and mouth movement. At the moment, all I can make is large bubbles and they keep telling me I'm shouting.”
Rex Harrison? Dr. Doollittle?

21. A busy leading lady of the 1940s, she had not made a movie in twelve years when she suddenly and spectacularly emerged as a Broadway star, appearing on the cover of Time magazine and winning a Tony award.
WAG - Lauren Bacall?

22. “I'm not talking about your damn word here, Jerry! What the hell were you thinking? Jesus! Look, I don't want to cut you out of the loop here. This here is a good deal. I assume that if you are not interested in getting a finder’s fee, you won't mind if we move on with the deal independently.”
Harvey Presnell - Fargo

24. “Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together ... mass hysteria!”
Bill Murray - Ghostbusters

26. “You know, sometimes I wished people was like dogs, Luke. Comes a time, a day like, when the bitch just don't recognize the pups no more, so she don't have no hopes nor love to give her pain. She just don't give a damn.”
Geraldine Page?

29. In a 1951 film, this actor won what is arguably the most suspenseful tennis match in film history.
Farley Granger in Strangers on a Train

30. “What do you like? Are you a talker? A button freak? Maybe you like to get your chest walked around with high heeled shoes. Or make 'em watch you tinkle. Or maybe you get off wearing women's clothes. Goddamned hypocrite squares!”
Jane Fonda - Klute

32. “You can’t see this on a marketing report.”
Robert Loggia in Big

37. Before winning his Oscar, this actor had appeared on both The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits, as well as playing a villain on Batman.
I don't think Burgess Merideth ever won an Oscar

38. “Forty years I been asking permission to piss. I can't squeeze a drop without say-so.”
Morgan Freeman - The Swahshank Redemtion

40. “I am the Creator - of a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions.”
I don't recall the line but sounds like Andy Griffith in A Face in the Crowd

50. “I'm going to blow my brains out right on this program a week from today. So tune in next Tuesday.”
Peter Finch - Network

58. “I'm an architect for Christ sake, I build fifty-story skyscrapers, I assemble cities of the future, I can certainly put together a goddamn diaper.”
Tom Selleck - 3 Men and a Baby

60. “We had just gotten away from the cops. He just got shot. It was my fault he got shot. He's a f**kin' bloody mess - he's screaming. I swear to god, I thought he was gonna die right then and there. I'm tryin' to comfort him, telling him not to worry, everything's gonna be okay, I'm gonna take care of him. And he asked me what my name was. I mean, the man was dyin' in my arms. What the f**k was I supposed to do? Tell him, ‘Sorry, I can't give out that f**kin' information! It's against the rules! I don't trust you enough!’ Or maybe I should've, but I couldn't! F**k you and f**k Joe!”
From Reservoir Dogs - I think Harvey Keitel? said it.

61. What the Guinness Book of World Records cites as the “most portrayed movie character” – more than 70 actors in more than 200 films – was portrayed in fourteen of those films by this actor.
Wag Sherlock Holmes as the character - Basil Rathbone?

71. In 2003, this actor wrote, produced, directed, and starred in a biopic about a groundbreaking black filmmaker – who also happened to be his own father.
Mario Van Peebles

74. “You cannot have it both ways. A dancer who relies upon the doubtful comforts of human love can never be a great dancer. Never.”
Is this from 'The Red Shoes'?

75. As a child actress under her original name, she appeared in three episodes of The Twilight Zone and entertained us in the film version of a classic Broadway musical.
WAG - Ann Jillian - who played either Baby or Dainty June in Gypsy

79. The son of one of America’s greatest comic actors, he had one of his best screen roles under the direction of his father’s onetime co-star Woody Allen.
Josh Mostel?

87. As a far as I know, he was the only Buddhist ever named Sexiest Man Alive.
Richard Gere?

90. “I didn't bring your breakfast because you didn't eat your din-din.”
Bette Davis - in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane

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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#5 Post by jarnon » Mon Nov 27, 2017 3:08 pm

11. Like Jessica Tandy and Joanne Woodward before her, she received the Kennedy Center Honors in tandem with her husband.

15. In the mid-1960s, this Hollywood legend stopped making feature films and took on the lead in a hit television western series.

19. This actress of mixed Spanish and Lebanese descent first achieved popularity in the title role of a telenovela.

40. “I am the Creator - of a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions.”

61. What the Guinness Book of World Records cites as the “most portrayed movie character” – more than 70 actors in more than 200 films – was portrayed in fourteen of those films by this actor.

87. As a far as I know, he was the only Buddhist ever named Sexiest Man Alive.
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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#6 Post by kroxquo » Mon Nov 27, 2017 4:30 pm

6. “He was a man who loved the outdoors, and bowling, and as a surfer he explored the beaches of Southern California, from La Jolla to Leo Carrillo and up to Pismo. He died, like so many young men of his generation, he died before his time. In your wisdom, Lord, you took him, as you took so many bright flowering young men at Khe Sanh, at Langdok, at Hill 364.”

John Goodman in The Big Lebowski?

12. “I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit-flavored one, and since then I'm afraid I've lost my liking for them.”

Richard Harris in Harry Potter I

15. In the mid-1960s, this Hollywood legend stopped making feature films and took on the lead in a hit television western series.

Barbara Stanwyck

16. “This is mine, Alan. All mine. I made him, I built him. And no Boy Scout is going to come in here and take it away from me just because he happens to be Vice President of the United States.”

Angela Lansbury in The Manchurian Candidate?

21. A busy leading lady of the 1940s, she had not made a movie in twelve years when she suddenly and spectacularly emerged as a Broadway star, appearing on the cover of Time magazine and winning a Tony award.

Lauren Bacall?

22. “I'm not talking about your damn word here, Jerry! What the hell were you thinking? Jesus! Look, I don't want to cut you out of the loop here. This here is a good deal. I assume that if you are not interested in getting a finder’s fee, you won't mind if we move on with the deal independently.”

Harve Presnell in Fargo

24. “Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together ... mass hysteria!”

Bill Murray in Ghostbusters

28. “Get away from her, you bitch!”

Sigourney Weaver in Aliens

37. Before winning his Oscar, this actor had appeared on both The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits, as well as playing a villain on Batman.

Burgess Meredith

38. “Forty years I been asking permission to piss. I can't squeeze a drop without say-so.”

Morgan Freeman in The Shawshank Rdemption

50. “I'm going to blow my brains out right on this program a week from today. So tune in next Tuesday.”

Peter Finch in Network

60. “We had just gotten away from the cops. He just got shot. It was my fault he got shot. He's a f**kin' bloody mess - he's screaming. I swear to god, I thought he was gonna die right then and there. I'm tryin' to comfort him, telling him not to worry, everything's gonna be okay, I'm gonna take care of him. And he asked me what my name was. I mean, the man was dyin' in my arms. What the f**k was I supposed to do? Tell him, ‘Sorry, I can't give out that f**kin' information! It's against the rules! I don't trust you enough!’ Or maybe I should've, but I couldn't! F**k you and f**k Joe!”

Harvey Keitel in Reservoir Dogs

61. What the Guinness Book of World Records cites as the “most portrayed movie character” – more than 70 actors in more than 200 films – was portrayed in fourteen of those films by this actor.

Basil Rathbone?

77. In two different movie musicals, he recreated roles originated on Broadway by Alfred Drake.

Gordon MacRae?

78. “I know your brand of family fun. Tomorrow you'll probably kill the desk clerk, hold up a McDonalds, and drive us a thousand miles out of the way to see the world's largest pile of mud!”

Maybe one of the Vacation movies. Beverly D'Angelo?

79. The son of one of America’s greatest comic actors, he had one of his best screen roles under the direction of his father’s onetime co-star Woody Allen.

Josh Mostel

87. As a far as I know, he was the only Buddhist ever named Sexiest Man Alive.

Richard Gere

90. “I didn't bring your breakfast because you didn't eat your din-din.”

Faye Dunaway in Mommie Dearest?
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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#7 Post by Pastor Fireball » Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:03 am

First pass...

11. Like Jessica Tandy and Joanne Woodward before her, she received the Kennedy Center Honors in tandem with her husband.


12. “I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit-flavored one, and since then I'm afraid I've lost my liking for them.”

I think this is a reference to those weird jellybeans in the Harry Potter films, but I don't know offhand who said it.

35. She is the Tony-winning and Emmy-winning mother of an Oscar-winning actress.

Has BLYTHE DANNER won a Tony?

37. Before winning his Oscar, this actor had appeared on both The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits, as well as playing a villain on Batman.

The only male Oscar winner I can think of who played a Batman villain was ART CARNEY.

49. This American actress has been nominated for both a Golden Globe and an Emmy for playing the daughter-in-law of my favorite actress.

Who played Dame Maggie's daughter-in-law on Downton Abbey?

50. “I'm going to blow my brains out right on this program a week from today. So tune in next Tuesday.”

PETER FINCH in Network

52. “This is my Peter - uh, my friend Peter. We just met at the intersexual - homosection - INTERSECTION!”


57. She was the only actress not related to John Huston to win an Oscar under his direction.


69. Acting is a secondary career to this Panamian star, who has won eight Grammy awards and five Latin Grammy awards.

The only Panamanian I can think of is RUBEN BLADES.

87. As a far as I know, he was the only Buddhist ever named Sexiest Man Alive.


90. “I didn't bring your breakfast because you didn't eat your din-din.”

I can hear BETTE DAVIS saying "din-din" in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?
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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#8 Post by mellytu74 » Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:31 am

oh boy oh boy oh boy!!

quick lunchtime

2. “I never dreamed that any mere physical experience could be so stimulating!”


3. Her biographical roles included one singer who survived a plane crash and another who survived alcoholism.


4. “My Lord, may I also remind my learned friend that his witness, by her own admission, has already violated so many oaths that I am surprised the Testament did not leap from her hand when she was sworn here today! I doubt if anything is to be gained by questioning you any further!”


5. She was one of the first stars to receive a Best Actress nomination for playing a thoroughly evil woman. (How evil? She deliberately let her lover’s kid brother drown, that’s how evil.)

GENE TIERNEY (leave her to heaven)

7. On screen she has played someone who grew up to be Lillian Gish and the mother of someone who grew up to be Anthony Hopkins.


8. “Hello, Flo.... Yes. Here's Anna.... I'm so happy for you today, I could not help calling you and congratulate you.... Wonderful, Flo! Never better in my whole life!”


15. In the mid-1960s, this Hollywood legend stopped making feature films and took on the lead in a hit television western series.


16. “This is mine, Alan. All mine. I made him, I built him. And no Boy Scout is going to come in here and take it away from me just because he happens to be Vice President of the United States.”


20. “Every night it's the f**king chicken! Holy God Almighty! Is it possible just once we could get something to eat for dinner around here that's not the goddamned f**king chicken?”


21. A busy leading lady of the 1940s, she had not made a movie in twelve years when she suddenly and spectacularly emerged as a Broadway star, appearing on the cover of Time magazine and winning a Tony award.


24. “Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together ... mass hysteria!”


30. “What do you like? Are you a talker? A button freak? Maybe you like to get your chest walked around with high heeled shoes. Or make 'em watch you tinkle. Or maybe you get off wearing women's clothes. Goddamned hypocrite squares!”


32. “You can’t see this on a marketing report.”


38. “Forty years I been asking permission to piss. I can't squeeze a drop without say-so.”


39. The Epic That Never Was, a 1965 BBC documentary, detailed an ill-fated film left uncompleted, supposedly as the result of injuries sustained by this actress in a car accident..


40. “I am the Creator - of a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions.”


41. She raised eyebrows in Hollywood by marrying the man who, a year earlier, had played her son in her signature role.


43. His long career included films based on works by Rudyard Kipling, H.P. Lovecraft, and James Hilton.


46. “Have her then, but you're a lordly fool. She's been plucked since I saw her last, and not by you. It takes a woman to know it.”


47. The warning in the preceding clue was directed at this actor.


51. Her on-screen children included Cary Grant, George Brent, and Joseph Cotton.


52. “This is my Peter - uh, my friend Peter. We just met at the intersexual - homosection - INTERSECTION!”

56. “You're poorer than any of these people you call scum, because I'll guarantee at least they've got some friends. While you with your jungle and your long claws, as you call 'em, you'll wind up your miserable existence without anything you can call friend. You may be a high mogul to yourself, Mr. Kirby, but to me you're a failure - failure as a man, failure as a human being, even a failure as a
father. When your time comes, I doubt if a single tear will be shed over you.”


61. What the Guinness Book of World Records cites as the “most portrayed movie character” – more than 70 actors in more than 200 films – was portrayed in fourteen of those films by this actor.

Holmes? BASIL RATHBONE if it is

64. “He's grown greedier over the years. Before he only wanted my money; now he wants my love as well. Well, he came to the wrong house, and he came twice. I shall see that he does not come a third time.”


68. “I'm someone else. I'm white ... white ... WHITE!”

SUSAN KOHNER Imitation of Life

71. In 2003, this actor wrote, produced, directed, and starred in a biopic about a groundbreaking black filmmaker – who also happened to be his own father.


73. He played a major role in one film about the life of Jesus and – 38 years later – gave his final performance in another film about the life of Jesus.


74. “You cannot have it both ways. A dancer who relies upon the doubtful comforts of human love can never be a great dancer. Never.”

Somebody from RED SHOES

75. As a child actress under her original name, she appeared in three episodes of The Twilight Zone and entertained us in the film version of a classic Broadway musical.

MORGAN BRITTANY (Suzanne Cupito)

77. In two different movie musicals, he recreated roles originated on Broadway by Alfred Drake.


79. The son of one of America’s greatest comic actors, he had one of his best screen roles under the direction of his father’s onetime co-star Woody Allen.


80. “Tremendous changes have taken place in the pampered woman who was your wife. It's hard even for me to realize that I'm studying to be a lady welder. And doing very nicely, so it seems.”


82. “It was plain to see that my old pet needed someone, but if it were left up to Roger, we'd be bachelors forever. He was married to his work writing songs. Songs about romance of all things. Something he knew absolutely nothing about.”

Who did the Pongo voice in 101 Dalmatians

83. Her three best films were directed by Orson Welles, John Frankenheimer and – most memorably – Alfred Hitchcock.


84. “No bucks, no Buck Rogers.”


85. She rose to prominence at the Abbey Theatre – where she won acclaim for her performance as Shaw’s Saint Joan – but in her most popular film, she played a Russian.


86. “In all our sacred history, the chosen ones have always been those who’ve suffered. Why, then, should God choose you? Why not me? ”

GLADYS COOPER (song of bernandette)

87. As a far as I know, he was the only Buddhist ever named Sexiest Man Alive.


88. “I know why you have come - I have seen it in your faces Sunday after Sunday as I've stood here before you. Fear has brought you here. Horrible, superstitious fear. Fear of divine retribution, a bolt of fire from the skies. The vengeance of the Lord and the justice of God. But you have forgotten the love of Jesus. You disregard His sacrifice. Death, fear, flames, horror and black clothes. Hold your meeting then, but know if you do this in the name of God and in the house of God, you blaspheme against Him and His Word.”


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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#9 Post by Pastor Fireball » Tue Nov 28, 2017 12:58 pm

mellytu74 wrote:68. “I'm someone else. I'm white ... white ... WHITE!”

SUSAN KOHNER Imitation of Life
Nice catch, because it looks like she's going to be the key to figuring out the Tangredi. She didn't make many films aside from Imitation of Life.
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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#10 Post by mellytu74 » Tue Nov 28, 2017 1:12 pm

49. This American actress has been nominated for both a Golden Globe and an Emmy for playing the daughter-in-law of my favorite actress.

Who played Dame Maggie's daughter-in-law on Downton Abbey?


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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#11 Post by mellytu74 » Tue Nov 28, 2017 1:33 pm

1. He received one Oscar nomination for playing a role that had previously earned another actor an Oscar nomination, and another Oscar nomination for playing that actor. Got that?

KENNETH BRANAGH - Hamlet (Olivier and Olivier in My Week with Marilyn)

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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#12 Post by mellytu74 » Tue Nov 28, 2017 1:43 pm

9. This actor was directed four times by Blake Edwards but only once by his own big brother.

This is probably RICHARD MULLIGAN. I can think of two Edwards pictures -- SOB, Micki & Maude.

And Richard appeared in Robert's Love with a Proper Stranger.

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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#13 Post by mellytu74 » Tue Nov 28, 2017 10:38 pm

21. A busy leading lady of the 1940s, she had not made a movie in twelve years when she suddenly and spectacularly emerged as a Broadway star, appearing on the cover of Time magazine and winning a Tony award.

It's NOT Leigh, Bacall or Lansbury!!

It's ALEXIS SMITH IN FOLLIES!!!!!!!! I was listening to this as I wrote this afternoon. Should have gotten this!

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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#14 Post by jarnon » Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:45 pm

There are enough answers now for a consolidation.

Identify the 90 actors in the clues below. (Every other clue is a quotation.) Then, match them into 48 pairs according to a Tangredi, or principle you must discover for yourself. Six actors will used twice.

1. He received one Oscar nomination for playing a role that had previously earned another actor an Oscar nomination, and another Oscar nomination for playing that actor. Got that?

2. “I never dreamed that any mere physical experience could be so stimulating!”

3. Her biographical roles included one singer who survived a plane crash and another who survived alcoholism.

4. “My Lord, may I also remind my learned friend that his witness, by her own admission, has already violated so many oaths that I am surprised the Testament did not leap from her hand when she was sworn here today! I doubt if anything is to be gained by questioning you any further!”

5. She was one of the first stars to receive a Best Actress nomination for playing a thoroughly evil woman. (How evil? She deliberately let her lover’s kid brother drown, that’s how evil.)

6. “He was a man who loved the outdoors, and bowling, and as a surfer he explored the beaches of Southern California, from La Jolla to Leo Carrillo and up to Pismo. He died, like so many young men of his generation, he died before his time. In your wisdom, Lord, you took him, as you took so many bright flowering young men at Khe Sanh, at Langdok, at Hill 364.”

7. On screen she has played someone who grew up to be Lillian Gish and the mother of someone who grew up to be Anthony Hopkins.

8. “Hello, Flo.... Yes. Here's Anna.... I'm so happy for you today, I could not help calling you and congratulate you.... Wonderful, Flo! Never better in my whole life!”

9. This actor was directed four times by Blake Edwards but only once by his own big brother.

10. “What gift do you think a good servant has that separates them from the others? It’s the gift of anticipation. And I'm a good servant; I'm better than good, I'm the best; I'm the perfect servant. I know when they'll be hungry, and the food is ready. I know when they'll be tired, and the bed is turned down. I know it before they know it themselves.”

11. Like Jessica Tandy and Joanne Woodward before her, she received the Kennedy Center Honors in tandem with her husband.

12. “I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit-flavored one, and since then I'm afraid I've lost my liking for them.”

13. She received her only Oscar nomination for reprising her Tony-winning role as a mother who discovers her daughter has unexpected behavioral issues.

14. “Three tomatoes are walking down the street- a poppa tomato, a momma tomato, and a little baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind. Poppa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato, and smooshes him ... and says, “Catch up.”

15. In the mid-1960s, this Hollywood legend stopped making feature films and took on the lead in a hit television western series.

16. “This is mine, Alan. All mine. I made him, I built him. And no Boy Scout is going to come in here and take it away from me just because he happens to be Vice President of the United States.”

17. She starred opposite Charlie Chaplin in her third film and is still working.

18. “Most fish languages are a combination of bubbles and mouth movement. At the moment, all I can make is large bubbles and they keep telling me I'm shouting.”

19. This actress of mixed Spanish and Lebanese descent first achieved popularity in the title role of a telenovela.

20. “Every night it's the f**king chicken! Holy God Almighty! Is it possible just once we could get something to eat for dinner around here that's not the goddamned f**king chicken?”

21. A busy leading lady of the 1940s, she had not made a movie in twelve years when she suddenly and spectacularly emerged as a Broadway star, appearing on the cover of Time magazine and winning a Tony award.

22. “I'm not talking about your damn word here, Jerry! What the hell were you thinking? Jesus! Look, I don't want to cut you out of the loop here. This here is a good deal. I assume that if you are not interested in getting a finder’s fee, you won't mind if we move on with the deal independently.”

23. This actress boosted my writing career by appearing in two readings of one of my plays at the Pasadena Playhouse – and then derailed my writing career by dropping out of a planned production there to star in The Mountaintop on Broadway. (I still don’t hate her as much as I do Norman Mailer, though.)

24. “Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together ... mass hysteria!”

25. This British actress – who is still active in her eighties – shares her name with a late American jazz and cabaret singer.

26. “You know, sometimes I wished people was like dogs, Luke. Comes a time, a day like, when the bitch just don't recognize the pups no more, so she don't have no hopes nor love to give her pain. She just don't give a damn.”

27. Fans of Doctor Who – and I know you’re out there – may remember this actor from his portrayal of the Valeyard, a manifestation of the Doctor’s dark side

28. “Get away from her, you bitch!”

29. In a 1951 film, this actor won what is arguably the most suspenseful tennis match in film history.

30. “What do you like? Are you a talker? A button freak? Maybe you like to get your chest walked around with high heeled shoes. Or make 'em watch you tinkle. Or maybe you get off wearing women's clothes. Goddamned hypocrite squares!”

31. She enjoyed a career resurgence in the same Broadway musical as the actress in Clue #21, although she was a bigger name at the time thanks to her recent stint in a popular sitcom.

32. “You can’t see this on a marketing report.”

33. She and her co-star in a hit 2002 movie won the MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss – and they sure as hell deserved it.

34. “I'm forty-seven. Forty-seven years old. You know how I stayed alive this long? All these years? Fear. The spectacle of fearsome acts. Somebody steals from me, I cut off his hands. He offends me, I cut out his tongue. He rises against me, I cut off his head, stick it on a pike, raise it high up so all on the streets can see. That's what preserves the order of things. Fear.”

35. She is the Tony-winning and Emmy-winning mother of an Oscar-winning actress.

36. “You can't fight her. No one ever got the better of her. Never, never. She was beaten in the end, but it wasn't a man, it wasn't a woman. It was the sea!”

37. Before winning his Oscar, this actor had appeared on both The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits, as well as playing a villain on Batman.

38. “Forty years I been asking permission to piss. I can't squeeze a drop without say-so.”

39. The Epic That Never Was, a 1965 BBC documentary, detailed an ill-fated film left uncompleted, supposedly as the result of injuries sustained by this actress in a car accident.

40. “I am the Creator - of a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions.”

41. She raised eyebrows in Hollywood by marrying the man who, a year earlier, had played her son in her signature role.

42. “You screwed it all up. You screwed up my mother, you screwed me up. He was a man. Right, a real man, see? Everything I wanted, he wanted for me! You stupid bastard. You got me so mad, drove me crazy. ‘I want my cake, Bedelia! You bitch!’ You calling me a bitch!”

43. His long career included films based on works by Rudyard Kipling, H.P. Lovecraft, and James Hilton.

44. “There is a dead cobra over there. Please do me the kindness of having it removed.”

45. She got an Oscar nomination for playing the wife of a Nobel Prize-winning poet.

46. “Have her then, but you're a lordly fool. She's been plucked since I saw her last, and not by you. It takes a woman to know it.”

47. The warning in the preceding clue was directed at this actor.

48. “The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies room.”

49. This American actress has been nominated for both a Golden Globe and an Emmy for playing the daughter-in-law of my favorite actress.

50. “I'm going to blow my brains out right on this program a week from today. So tune in next Tuesday.”

51. Her on-screen children included Cary Grant, George Brent, and Joseph Cotton.

52. “This is my Peter - uh, my friend Peter. We just met at the intersexual - homosection - INTERSECTION!”

53. His on-screen wives have included Susan Sarandon, the actress in Clue #35, and two of the three sisters in Crimes of the Heart.

54. “You ain't got to love me, but you gonna know that I love you.”

55. As the spokesman for a major British corporation, this actor/writer promised to take good care of us.

56. “You're poorer than any of these people you call scum, because I'll guarantee at least they've got some friends. While you with your jungle and your long claws, as you call 'em, you'll wind up your miserable existence without anything you can call friend. You may be a high mogul to yourself, Mr. Kirby, but to me you're a failure - failure as a man, failure as a human being, even a failure as a father. When your time comes, I doubt if a single tear will be shed over you.”

57. She was the only actress not related to John Huston to win an Oscar under his direction.

58. “I'm an architect for Christ sake, I build fifty-story skyscrapers, I assemble cities of the future, I can certainly put together a goddamn diaper.”

59. Best known for teaming with her second husband, this British actress won a BAFTA award for her role in the film version of a Nevil Shute novel about the Japanese occupation of Malaya.

60. “We had just gotten away from the cops. He just got shot. It was my fault he got shot. He's a f**kin' bloody mess - he's screaming. I swear to god, I thought he was gonna die right then and there. I'm tryin' to comfort him, telling him not to worry, everything's gonna be okay, I'm gonna take care of him. And he asked me what my name was. I mean, the man was dyin' in my arms. What the f**k was I supposed to do? Tell him, ‘Sorry, I can't give out that f**kin' information! It's against the rules! I don't trust you enough!’ Or maybe I should've, but I couldn't! F**k you and f**k Joe!”

61. What the Guinness Book of World Records cites as the “most portrayed movie character” – more than 70 actors in more than 200 films – was portrayed in fourteen of those films by this actor.

62. “As long as she ate the mouse, she can't see nor hear. Now sing.”

63. In a dual role, this actor got to both kill and be killed by Christoph Waltz.

64. “He's grown greedier over the years. Before he only wanted my money; now he wants my love as well. Well, he came to the wrong house, and he came twice. I shall see that he does not come a third time.”

65. In 1945, Warner Brothers introduced a cartoon character based on this actor’s most popular role.

66. “He found me first when I was fifteen. We were hunting; it was nearly dark. My horse fell; I was thrown. I woke to Richard touching me. He asked me if I loved him: 'Philip, do you love me?' And I told him yes. Do you know why I told him yes? So that one day I could tell you all about it. You cannot imagine what that 'yes' cost. Imagine snuggling to a chancred whore, and bending back your lips into something like a smile saying, 'Yes, I love you, and I find you beautiful.’ I don’t know how I did it.”

67. Her on-screen husbands have included Liam Neeson, Jeff Bridges, John Travolta, Joe Mantegna, William H. Macy, and the actors in two of the preceding clues.

68. “I'm someone else. I'm white ... white ... WHITE!”

69. Acting is a secondary career to this Panamian star, who has won eight Grammy awards and five Latin Grammy awards.

70. “Do you know about the early days at the Kimberly diamond mines? Do you know what they did to the native workers who stole diamonds? Don't worry, they didn't kill them. That would be like junking your Mercedes just because it had a broken spring.”

71. In 2003, this actor wrote, produced, directed, and starred in a biopic about a groundbreaking black filmmaker – who also happened to be his own father.

72. “My family, they got shot down by D.E.A. officers because of a drug problem. I left with the greatest guy on earth. He was a hitman, the best in town, but he died this morning. And if you don't help me, I'll be dead by tonight.”

73. He played a major role in one film about the life of Jesus and – 38 years later – gave his final performance in another film about the life of Jesus.

74. “You cannot have it both ways. A dancer who relies upon the doubtful comforts of human love can never be a great dancer. Never.”

75. As a child actress under her original name, she appeared in three episodes of The Twilight Zone and entertained us in the film version of a classic Broadway musical.

76. “F**kin' Dante! Poetry-writing faggot! Piece of sh*t mother**ker!”

77. In two different movie musicals, he recreated roles originated on Broadway by Alfred Drake.

78. “I know your brand of family fun. Tomorrow you'll probably kill the desk clerk, hold up a McDonalds, and drive us a thousand miles out of the way to see the world's largest pile of mud!”

79. The son of one of America’s greatest comic actors, he had one of his best screen roles under the direction of his father’s onetime co-star Woody Allen.

80. “Tremendous changes have taken place in the pampered woman who was your wife. It's hard even for me to realize that I'm studying to be a lady welder. And doing very nicely, so it seems.”

81. In the past two years, he has played a fictional superhero and a real-life hero of a different kind, both of whom broke the color barrier in their respective fields.

82. “It was plain to see that my old pet needed someone, but if it were left up to Roger, we'd be bachelors forever. He was married to his work writing songs. Songs about romance of all things. Something he knew absolutely nothing about.”

83. Her three best films were directed by Orson Welles, John Frankenheimer and – most memorably – Alfred Hitchcock.

84. “No bucks, no Buck Rogers.”

85. She rose to prominence at the Abbey Theatre – where she won acclaim for her performance as Shaw’s Saint Joan – but in her most popular film, she played a Russian.

86. “In all our sacred history, the chosen ones have always been those who’ve suffered. Why, then, should God choose you? Why not me?”

87. As a far as I know, he was the only Buddhist ever named Sexiest Man Alive.

88. “I know why you have come - I have seen it in your faces Sunday after Sunday as I've stood here before you. Fear has brought you here. Horrible, superstitious fear. Fear of divine retribution, a bolt of fire from the skies. The vengeance of the Lord and the justice of God. But you have forgotten the love of Jesus. You disregard His sacrifice. Death, fear, flames, horror and black clothes. Hold your meeting then, but know if you do this in the name of God and in the house of God, you blaspheme against Him and His Word.”

89. This actor received seven fewer Oscar nominations than his wife.

90. “I didn't bring your breakfast because you didn't eat your din-din.”
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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#15 Post by mellytu74 » Wed Nov 29, 2017 6:56 am

31. She enjoyed a career resurgence in the same Broadway musical as the actress in Clue #21, although she was a bigger name at the time thanks to her recent stint in a popular sitcom.

And, with Alexis Smith above, this must be The Munsters' YVONNE DECARLO

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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#16 Post by mrkelley23 » Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:30 am

13 sounds like it should be from The Bad Seed, but I have no idea who the actress who played the mom is.

33 might be the upside down in the rain kiss from Spiderman. If so, that's Kirsten Dunst.

37 is almost definitely Cliff Robertson. It definitely isn't Burgess Meredith, who never won an Oscar.

For some reason, I'm hearing a James Bond actor say the quote in 44.
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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#17 Post by franktangredi » Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:34 am

On this consolidation, two of the "definite" answers are wrong. In one case, the actor fits two of the specifications but not all three. In the other case, the quote is from a very similar - but much older - movie.

Of the answers with a question mark, four are right and three are wrong.

Both of the answers with alternates include the correct alternate.
jarnon wrote:There are enough answers now for a consolidation.

Identify the 90 actors in the clues below. (Every other clue is a quotation.) Then, match them into 48 pairs according to a Tangredi, or principle you must discover for yourself. Six actors will used twice.

1. He received one Oscar nomination for playing a role that had previously earned another actor an Oscar nomination, and another Oscar nomination for playing that actor. Got that?

2. “I never dreamed that any mere physical experience could be so stimulating!”

3. Her biographical roles included one singer who survived a plane crash and another who survived alcoholism.

4. “My Lord, may I also remind my learned friend that his witness, by her own admission, has already violated so many oaths that I am surprised the Testament did not leap from her hand when she was sworn here today! I doubt if anything is to be gained by questioning you any further!”

5. She was one of the first stars to receive a Best Actress nomination for playing a thoroughly evil woman. (How evil? She deliberately let her lover’s kid brother drown, that’s how evil.)

6. “He was a man who loved the outdoors, and bowling, and as a surfer he explored the beaches of Southern California, from La Jolla to Leo Carrillo and up to Pismo. He died, like so many young men of his generation, he died before his time. In your wisdom, Lord, you took him, as you took so many bright flowering young men at Khe Sanh, at Langdok, at Hill 364.”

7. On screen she has played someone who grew up to be Lillian Gish and the mother of someone who grew up to be Anthony Hopkins.

8. “Hello, Flo.... Yes. Here's Anna.... I'm so happy for you today, I could not help calling you and congratulate you.... Wonderful, Flo! Never better in my whole life!”

9. This actor was directed four times by Blake Edwards but only once by his own big brother.

10. “What gift do you think a good servant has that separates them from the others? It’s the gift of anticipation. And I'm a good servant; I'm better than good, I'm the best; I'm the perfect servant. I know when they'll be hungry, and the food is ready. I know when they'll be tired, and the bed is turned down. I know it before they know it themselves.”

11. Like Jessica Tandy and Joanne Woodward before her, she received the Kennedy Center Honors in tandem with her husband.

12. “I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit-flavored one, and since then I'm afraid I've lost my liking for them.”

13. She received her only Oscar nomination for reprising her Tony-winning role as a mother who discovers her daughter has unexpected behavioral issues.

14. “Three tomatoes are walking down the street- a poppa tomato, a momma tomato, and a little baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind. Poppa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato, and smooshes him ... and says, “Catch up.”

15. In the mid-1960s, this Hollywood legend stopped making feature films and took on the lead in a hit television western series.

16. “This is mine, Alan. All mine. I made him, I built him. And no Boy Scout is going to come in here and take it away from me just because he happens to be Vice President of the United States.”

17. She starred opposite Charlie Chaplin in her third film and is still working.

18. “Most fish languages are a combination of bubbles and mouth movement. At the moment, all I can make is large bubbles and they keep telling me I'm shouting.”

19. This actress of mixed Spanish and Lebanese descent first achieved popularity in the title role of a telenovela.

20. “Every night it's the f**king chicken! Holy God Almighty! Is it possible just once we could get something to eat for dinner around here that's not the goddamned f**king chicken?”

21. A busy leading lady of the 1940s, she had not made a movie in twelve years when she suddenly and spectacularly emerged as a Broadway star, appearing on the cover of Time magazine and winning a Tony award.

22. “I'm not talking about your damn word here, Jerry! What the hell were you thinking? Jesus! Look, I don't want to cut you out of the loop here. This here is a good deal. I assume that if you are not interested in getting a finder’s fee, you won't mind if we move on with the deal independently.”

23. This actress boosted my writing career by appearing in two readings of one of my plays at the Pasadena Playhouse – and then derailed my writing career by dropping out of a planned production there to star in The Mountaintop on Broadway. (I still don’t hate her as much as I do Norman Mailer, though.)

24. “Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together ... mass hysteria!”

25. This British actress – who is still active in her eighties – shares her name with a late American jazz and cabaret singer.

26. “You know, sometimes I wished people was like dogs, Luke. Comes a time, a day like, when the bitch just don't recognize the pups no more, so she don't have no hopes nor love to give her pain. She just don't give a damn.”

27. Fans of Doctor Who – and I know you’re out there – may remember this actor from his portrayal of the Valeyard, a manifestation of the Doctor’s dark side

28. “Get away from her, you bitch!”

29. In a 1951 film, this actor won what is arguably the most suspenseful tennis match in film history.

30. “What do you like? Are you a talker? A button freak? Maybe you like to get your chest walked around with high heeled shoes. Or make 'em watch you tinkle. Or maybe you get off wearing women's clothes. Goddamned hypocrite squares!”

31. She enjoyed a career resurgence in the same Broadway musical as the actress in Clue #21, although she was a bigger name at the time thanks to her recent stint in a popular sitcom.

32. “You can’t see this on a marketing report.”

33. She and her co-star in a hit 2002 movie won the MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss – and they sure as hell deserved it.

34. “I'm forty-seven. Forty-seven years old. You know how I stayed alive this long? All these years? Fear. The spectacle of fearsome acts. Somebody steals from me, I cut off his hands. He offends me, I cut out his tongue. He rises against me, I cut off his head, stick it on a pike, raise it high up so all on the streets can see. That's what preserves the order of things. Fear.”

35. She is the Tony-winning and Emmy-winning mother of an Oscar-winning actress.

36. “You can't fight her. No one ever got the better of her. Never, never. She was beaten in the end, but it wasn't a man, it wasn't a woman. It was the sea!”

37. Before winning his Oscar, this actor had appeared on both The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits, as well as playing a villain on Batman.

38. “Forty years I been asking permission to piss. I can't squeeze a drop without say-so.”

39. The Epic That Never Was, a 1965 BBC documentary, detailed an ill-fated film left uncompleted, supposedly as the result of injuries sustained by this actress in a car accident.

40. “I am the Creator - of a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions.”

41. She raised eyebrows in Hollywood by marrying the man who, a year earlier, had played her son in her signature role.

42. “You screwed it all up. You screwed up my mother, you screwed me up. He was a man. Right, a real man, see? Everything I wanted, he wanted for me! You stupid bastard. You got me so mad, drove me crazy. ‘I want my cake, Bedelia! You bitch!’ You calling me a bitch!”

43. His long career included films based on works by Rudyard Kipling, H.P. Lovecraft, and James Hilton.

44. “There is a dead cobra over there. Please do me the kindness of having it removed.”

45. She got an Oscar nomination for playing the wife of a Nobel Prize-winning poet.

46. “Have her then, but you're a lordly fool. She's been plucked since I saw her last, and not by you. It takes a woman to know it.”

47. The warning in the preceding clue was directed at this actor.

48. “The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies room.”

49. This American actress has been nominated for both a Golden Globe and an Emmy for playing the daughter-in-law of my favorite actress.

50. “I'm going to blow my brains out right on this program a week from today. So tune in next Tuesday.”

51. Her on-screen children included Cary Grant, George Brent, and Joseph Cotton.

52. “This is my Peter - uh, my friend Peter. We just met at the intersexual - homosection - INTERSECTION!”

53. His on-screen wives have included Susan Sarandon, the actress in Clue #35, and two of the three sisters in Crimes of the Heart.

54. “You ain't got to love me, but you gonna know that I love you.”

55. As the spokesman for a major British corporation, this actor/writer promised to take good care of us.

56. “You're poorer than any of these people you call scum, because I'll guarantee at least they've got some friends. While you with your jungle and your long claws, as you call 'em, you'll wind up your miserable existence without anything you can call friend. You may be a high mogul to yourself, Mr. Kirby, but to me you're a failure - failure as a man, failure as a human being, even a failure as a father. When your time comes, I doubt if a single tear will be shed over you.”

57. She was the only actress not related to John Huston to win an Oscar under his direction.

58. “I'm an architect for Christ sake, I build fifty-story skyscrapers, I assemble cities of the future, I can certainly put together a goddamn diaper.”

59. Best known for teaming with her second husband, this British actress won a BAFTA award for her role in the film version of a Nevil Shute novel about the Japanese occupation of Malaya.

60. “We had just gotten away from the cops. He just got shot. It was my fault he got shot. He's a f**kin' bloody mess - he's screaming. I swear to god, I thought he was gonna die right then and there. I'm tryin' to comfort him, telling him not to worry, everything's gonna be okay, I'm gonna take care of him. And he asked me what my name was. I mean, the man was dyin' in my arms. What the f**k was I supposed to do? Tell him, ‘Sorry, I can't give out that f**kin' information! It's against the rules! I don't trust you enough!’ Or maybe I should've, but I couldn't! F**k you and f**k Joe!”

61. What the Guinness Book of World Records cites as the “most portrayed movie character” – more than 70 actors in more than 200 films – was portrayed in fourteen of those films by this actor.

62. “As long as she ate the mouse, she can't see nor hear. Now sing.”

63. In a dual role, this actor got to both kill and be killed by Christoph Waltz.

64. “He's grown greedier over the years. Before he only wanted my money; now he wants my love as well. Well, he came to the wrong house, and he came twice. I shall see that he does not come a third time.”

65. In 1945, Warner Brothers introduced a cartoon character based on this actor’s most popular role.

66. “He found me first when I was fifteen. We were hunting; it was nearly dark. My horse fell; I was thrown. I woke to Richard touching me. He asked me if I loved him: 'Philip, do you love me?' And I told him yes. Do you know why I told him yes? So that one day I could tell you all about it. You cannot imagine what that 'yes' cost. Imagine snuggling to a chancred whore, and bending back your lips into something like a smile saying, 'Yes, I love you, and I find you beautiful.’ I don’t know how I did it.”

67. Her on-screen husbands have included Liam Neeson, Jeff Bridges, John Travolta, Joe Mantegna, William H. Macy, and the actors in two of the preceding clues.

68. “I'm someone else. I'm white ... white ... WHITE!”

69. Acting is a secondary career to this Panamian star, who has won eight Grammy awards and five Latin Grammy awards.

70. “Do you know about the early days at the Kimberly diamond mines? Do you know what they did to the native workers who stole diamonds? Don't worry, they didn't kill them. That would be like junking your Mercedes just because it had a broken spring.”

71. In 2003, this actor wrote, produced, directed, and starred in a biopic about a groundbreaking black filmmaker – who also happened to be his own father.

72. “My family, they got shot down by D.E.A. officers because of a drug problem. I left with the greatest guy on earth. He was a hitman, the best in town, but he died this morning. And if you don't help me, I'll be dead by tonight.”

73. He played a major role in one film about the life of Jesus and – 38 years later – gave his final performance in another film about the life of Jesus.

74. “You cannot have it both ways. A dancer who relies upon the doubtful comforts of human love can never be a great dancer. Never.”

75. As a child actress under her original name, she appeared in three episodes of The Twilight Zone and entertained us in the film version of a classic Broadway musical.

76. “F**kin' Dante! Poetry-writing faggot! Piece of sh*t mother**ker!”

77. In two different movie musicals, he recreated roles originated on Broadway by Alfred Drake.

78. “I know your brand of family fun. Tomorrow you'll probably kill the desk clerk, hold up a McDonalds, and drive us a thousand miles out of the way to see the world's largest pile of mud!”

79. The son of one of America’s greatest comic actors, he had one of his best screen roles under the direction of his father’s onetime co-star Woody Allen.

80. “Tremendous changes have taken place in the pampered woman who was your wife. It's hard even for me to realize that I'm studying to be a lady welder. And doing very nicely, so it seems.”

81. In the past two years, he has played a fictional superhero and a real-life hero of a different kind, both of whom broke the color barrier in their respective fields.

82. “It was plain to see that my old pet needed someone, but if it were left up to Roger, we'd be bachelors forever. He was married to his work writing songs. Songs about romance of all things. Something he knew absolutely nothing about.”

83. Her three best films were directed by Orson Welles, John Frankenheimer and – most memorably – Alfred Hitchcock.

84. “No bucks, no Buck Rogers.”

85. She rose to prominence at the Abbey Theatre – where she won acclaim for her performance as Shaw’s Saint Joan – but in her most popular film, she played a Russian.

86. “In all our sacred history, the chosen ones have always been those who’ve suffered. Why, then, should God choose you? Why not me?”

87. As a far as I know, he was the only Buddhist ever named Sexiest Man Alive.

88. “I know why you have come - I have seen it in your faces Sunday after Sunday as I've stood here before you. Fear has brought you here. Horrible, superstitious fear. Fear of divine retribution, a bolt of fire from the skies. The vengeance of the Lord and the justice of God. But you have forgotten the love of Jesus. You disregard His sacrifice. Death, fear, flames, horror and black clothes. Hold your meeting then, but know if you do this in the name of God and in the house of God, you blaspheme against Him and His Word.”

89. This actor received seven fewer Oscar nominations than his wife.

90. “I didn't bring your breakfast because you didn't eat your din-din.”

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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#18 Post by silverscreenselect » Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:37 am

jarnon wrote: 45. She got an Oscar nomination for playing the wife of a Nobel Prize-winning poet.
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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#19 Post by mellytu74 » Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:02 am

80. “Tremendous changes have taken place in the pampered woman who was your wife. It's hard even for me to realize that I'm studying to be a lady welder. And doing very nicely, so it seems.”

THIS is the much earlier movie.

It's CLAUDETTE COLBERT in Since You Went Away, not Goldie Hawn writing to Ed Harris in Swing Shift.

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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#20 Post by mellytu74 » Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:49 am

34. “I'm forty-seven. Forty-seven years old. You know how I stayed alive this long? All these years? Fear. The spectacle of fearsome acts. Somebody steals from me, I cut off his hands. He offends me, I cut out his tongue. He rises against me, I cut off his head, stick it on a pike, raise it high up so all on the streets can see. That's what preserves the order of things. Fear.”

I knew this was familiar - I just repeated it my head until I heard the actor.

DANIEL DAY LEWIS in Gangs of New York.

36. “You can't fight her. No one ever got the better of her. Never, never. She was beaten in the end, but it wasn't a man, it wasn't a woman. It was the sea!”


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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#21 Post by silverscreenselect » Wed Nov 29, 2017 10:20 am

jarnon wrote: 89. This actor received seven fewer Oscar nominations than his wife.
This would be RIP TORN, who has one nomination to wife Geraldine Page's eight.

And I hope Frank hasn't put the curse of Tangredi on him by referring to the still alive and kicking Torn in the past tense, although I sense his chances of getting another nomination in the future probably aren't too good.
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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#22 Post by Pastor Fireball » Wed Nov 29, 2017 11:04 am

Coming back for seconds...

13. She received her only Oscar nomination for reprising her Tony-winning role as a mother who discovers her daughter has unexpected behavioral issues.

As Mr. K noted, this is The Bad Seed. The Oscar nominee was NANCY KELLY.

23. This actress boosted my writing career by appearing in two readings of one of my plays at the Pasadena Playhouse – and then derailed my writing career by dropping out of a planned production there to star in The Mountaintop on Broadway. (I still don’t hate her as much as I do Norman Mailer, though.)

That was the play about MLK's assassination. It was ANGELA BASSETT.

35. She is the Tony-winning and Emmy-winning mother of an Oscar-winning actress.

I was right about this one. BLYTHE DANNER did win a Tony for the stage version of Butterflies Are Free.

48. “The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies room.”

This was from VAL KILMER in Top Gun.

59. Best known for teaming with her second husband, this British actress won a BAFTA award for her role in the film version of a Nevil Shute novel about the Japanese occupation of Malaya.

The novel/film was A Town Like Alice and the actress was VIRGINIA McKENNA.
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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#23 Post by mellytu74 » Wed Nov 29, 2017 11:37 am

82. “It was plain to see that my old pet needed someone, but if it were left up to Roger, we'd be bachelors forever. He was married to his work writing songs. Songs about romance of all things. Something he knew absolutely nothing about.”

As suspected, this was 101 Dalmatians.

ROD TAYLOR voiced Pongo.

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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#24 Post by mellytu74 » Wed Nov 29, 2017 11:40 am

77. In two different movie musicals, he recreated roles originated on Broadway by Alfred Drake.

No - HOWARD KEEL (Kismet and Kiss Me, Kate!)

I think we were all thinking Oklahoma and Carousel - but John Raitt did Carousel.

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Re: Game #174: Movie Matchup

#25 Post by silverscreenselect » Wed Nov 29, 2017 3:33 pm

franktangredi wrote: 67. Her on-screen husbands have included Liam Neeson, Jeff Bridges, John Travolta, Joe Mantegna, William H. Macy, and the actors in two of the preceding clues.
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