flockofseagulls104 wrote: I am not 'In the tank' for any politician. I am against the democrats, who are 150% more corrupt, intellectually and morally bankrupt than the repubs, who are no paragons themselves.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck....
You may say you're not in the tank for Trump but you parrot (interesting how you accuse me of that) all the standard right-wing lines. You engage in some sort of warped logic process that Trump's misdeeds and his advisors' misdeeds weren't "proven" but there are 400 pages worth of findings, even in Barr's redacted version. And by the way, those findings to a significant extent corroborate what the "fake news" has been reporting for the past two years. The news got it right.
But the Democrats are worse because .... Hillary's e-mails, I guess. As far as the Democrats having no policy, you must have missed the measures that the Democrats have passed already in the House (which will rot because Mitch McConnell won't consider them). What are the Republican policies other than "build the wall"? Where's their idea for health care? We won't see that until 2021 if ever. Their only policies are to do what it takes to win elections by any means, fair or foul.