With a name like Boris

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Re: With a name like Boris

#101 Post by jarnon » Fri Oct 11, 2019 2:52 pm

BackInTex wrote:A legitimate journalist wouldn't speculate about broken laws unless there was some evidence other than the fact that someone had a meeting.
There's photographic proof of many meetings, including one with Don Jr. And their own lawyer wrote: "Parnas and Fruman assisted Mr. Giuliani in connection with his representation of President Trump." So I don't think it's illegitimate to speculate about Giuliani's involvement. "Allegedly" and "we don't know yet" are acceptable cover-your-ass qualifiers.
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Re: With a name like Boris

#102 Post by flockofseagulls104 » Fri Oct 11, 2019 5:06 pm

BackInTex wrote:
Bob78164 wrote:
BackInTex wrote:
A semi-legitimate journalist would have added an "if any" after the word laws and not put "allegedly". Giuliani may have allegedly committed murder, rape, incest, and bestiality in the process. We don't know because all of the allegers haven't come up with the allegations yet. Any thing can be alleged (Russian collusion, rape at a high school party, ect.).

A legitimate journalist wouldn't speculate about broken laws unless there was some evidence other than the fact that someone had a meeting.
If only more people on the right applied that standard to bullshit claims like "President Obama was born in Kenya." --Bob
If that's all we got to do, I'll make it happen.
Did anyone here on the right ever bring that up? It's the same thing with David Duke. The only relevance these 2 subjects ( and many more) have is for left wingers to bring up in arguments they can't win. You have a very stereotyped, prejudiced view of conservatives. It's all in your echo chamber. Just like the notion that Obama had a scandal free presidency. That notion is a laugh except in your echo chamber.
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Re: With a name like Boris

#103 Post by Bob78164 » Fri Oct 11, 2019 5:12 pm

flockofseagulls104 wrote:
BackInTex wrote:
Bob78164 wrote:If only more people on the right applied that standard to bullshit claims like "President Obama was born in Kenya." --Bob
If that's all we got to do, I'll make it happen.
Did anyone here on the right ever bring that up? It's the same thing with David Duke. The only relevance these 2 subjects ( and many more) have is for left wingers to bring up in arguments they can't win. You have a very stereotyped, prejudiced view of conservatives. It's all in your echo chamber. Just like the notion that Obama had a scandal free presidency. That notion is a laugh except in your echo chamber.
The guy in the Oval Office right now pushed that particular brand of bullshit hard.

Wearing a tan suit does not count as a scandal. --Bob
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Re: With a name like Boris

#104 Post by jarnon » Mon Oct 14, 2019 11:18 pm

N.Y. Times wrote:The aide, Fiona Hill, testified that Mr. Bolton told her to notify the chief lawyer for the National Security Council about a rogue effort by Mr. Sondland, Mr. Giuliani and Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, according to the people familiar the testimony.

“I am not part of whatever drug deal Sondland and Mulvaney are cooking up,” Mr. Bolton, a Yale-trained lawyer, told Ms. Hill to tell White House lawyers, according to two people at the deposition.
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Re: With a name like Boris

#105 Post by flockofseagulls104 » Tue Oct 15, 2019 10:46 am

flockofseagulls104 wrote:
silverscreenselect wrote:
flockofseagulls104 wrote: Slamming a book and a person using shit you drag up from the batphone when you, yourself, have no personal knowledge of either the book or the man. All for the purpose of trying to prevent someone else of maybe acquiring knowledge she might not have had before.
That's what most liberals seem to do. Let other people do their thinking for them. Decide for them what is 'good' and what is 'bad'. It's very easy that way.
The purpose of reviews, whether of books, movies, restaurants, or whatever, is to provide information about something that someone else has not experienced so that they can make an informed decision as to whether to spend their own time and money on it. Mark Levin's book sells for $ 16.59 in hardback and $14.99 on Kindle on Amazon. Before spending that kind of money on any book, I would like to know more about it.

I'll admit that knowing what I know about you and Levin, I suspected his book might be what the reviews indicated. I haven't listened to an entire show of his. Only a few seconds of listening to his ranting is enough. I don't have to eat an entire spoiled food dish to know it's bad.

But here's what I will do for you Flock. I'll make the same offer to you that I make to other people who ask me to write reviews of their books. If you provide me with a copy of Levin's book (or an Amazon gift card covering the price), I'll read it and provide you with a detailed review right here on this Bored. And I'll treat it the same as I do every other book I review and provide an objective review and back up whatever I have to say.
I don't think so. Do it yourself or don't. You've got to earn your way out of the echo chamber.
Some verification, perhaps, of Mark Levin's assertions.

https://www.projectveritas.com/2019/10/ ... ecnnpart1/

The batphone stuff is already out there, big surprise, but it's pretty weak. But I don't get the main feed.

https://www.thewrap.com/cnn-says-no-one ... ournalist/

Poarch wasn't an employee, just a contractor. So what? (At least, for a change, we have a NAMED source, something CNN doesn't use much). No 'journalists' were on tape. So what? (Assuming there are any at CNN.) I assume that this is just the first episode. And no (zero) response to Zucker's words and those of the other executives.

I'm sure the batphone staff is busy at work. They'll dig up something. Don't be surprised if Poarch is accused of being a child molester or something.

As soon as the batphone operators find something, the usual suspects will post it here. Don't worry. Our left-wing bored buddies won't have to deal with what to think about this. The best liberal minds are hard at work determining that for them.

Just confirming what you can see on a daily basis if you spend any time watching CNN.
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Re: With a name like Boris

#106 Post by silverscreenselect » Tue Oct 15, 2019 12:25 pm

flockofseagulls104 wrote: Poarch wasn't an employee, just a contractor. So what? (At least, for a change, we have a NAMED source, something CNN doesn't use much). No 'journalists' were on tape. So what? (Assuming there are any at CNN.) I assume that this is just the first episode. And no (zero) response to Zucker's words and those of the other executives.
Project Veritas’s #ExposeCNN operation relied on video footage taken by Cary Poarch, who said he was a “CNN insider” at the network’s D.C. bureau. But according to a CNN spokesperson, Poarch wasn’t a CNN employee and was instead a freelance satellite truck operator whose company had been contracted by the network. Poarch had given notice prior to the release of the tapes, the spokesperson said. Included in the videos, some of which contain noticeable cuts, are clips of people talking about CNN’s bias against President Donald Trump. One video featured comments made by Nick Neville, who is identified as a “media coordinator” at CNN. He said CNN president Jeff Zucker had an “ongoing feud with Trump since ‘The Apprentice.'” (Zucker green-lit “The Apprentice” when he was head of NBC Entertainment.)

The CNN spokesperson said that Neville was only a junior employee at the network, not a journalist, and would not have had access to Zucker or knowledge of the topics in which he was speaking about. Neville did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
This guy drove the satellite truck that they use for broadcasts. What's important isn't whether he's an employee or a contractor. It's what he had access to. People who drive satellite trucks don't sit in on executive board meetings or hobnob with the executives and powers-that-be at any company. So far, it appears that the people he spoke with, whose comments appear to have been selectively edited were similarly low level employees. Nick Neville, according to his LinkedIn page, is a year out of college and lists his job as a "news associate" but provides no details about the job. It appears that his job consisted of transcribing news stories into printed articles for the website and other news agencies. The rest of this also appears to be lower level people shooting off their mouths. You would probably get that at any company.

As for what Zucker said, most journalists don't have a high opinion of Fox News and this weekend certainly hasn't improved it. And hearings about the potential impeachment of a president should get a high priority.
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Re: With a name like Boris

#107 Post by silverscreenselect » Tue Oct 15, 2019 1:36 pm

It hasn't taken Cary Poarch long to cash in on his newfound fame. He's established a GoFundMe site that right now has over $68,000 raised. And he's not shy; he says flat out that contributions will help him and his family.
If you are moved by what you’ve read here, or better informed for what I’ve uncovered, please donate here on my page. I intend to use this money to establish a baseline of financial stability for my family for the next year and face down any legal challenges I may be presented with.
https://www.gofundme.com/f/ExposeCNN?ut ... hareflow_m
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Re: With a name like Boris

#108 Post by flockofseagulls104 » Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:22 pm

You apparently don't dispute that it was Zucker saying those things. Doing exactly what you accuse fox news of and despise them for. Telling a "news" organization what news to devote their efforts to. It doesn't seem to bother you at all, since you are in the tank for hating trump and republicans.
That is one of the many things Levin writes about.

Talk about being typical. I pretty much exactly anticipated your response. It came from the batphone response I posted, and then you attempt to discredit the source. Much easier than thinking about it for yourself.
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Re: With a name like Boris

#109 Post by silverscreenselect » Wed Oct 16, 2019 4:59 am

flockofseagulls104 wrote:Telling a "news" organization what news to devote their efforts to.
Were you born yesterday?

That's what producers of every news show do, whether it's CNN, Fox, NBC, CBS or anything. It's true now and it was even more true 50 years ago when they only had 30 minutes to cover the nightly news. You don't think the producers told Walter Cronkite how much time to devote to Vietnam each night? Producers determine how much time and emphasis to devote to various stories. That's why they cover the president, any president, rather than spend a lot of time covering obscure Congressional proceedings (that's why there's a C-Span).

"Devoting time to impeachment stories" isn't the same as "let's slant every story to show that Trump's guilty."

If it makes you feel any better, they've devoted a lot of time to covering Trump's decision to pull troops out of Turkey. And there's a big difference between covering a President's decision to pull troops out of a war zone and a President's decision to wear a tan suit.
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Re: With a name like Boris

#110 Post by flockofseagulls104 » Wed Oct 16, 2019 6:39 am

silverscreenselect wrote:
flockofseagulls104 wrote:Telling a "news" organization what news to devote their efforts to.
Were you born yesterday?

That's what producers of every news show do, whether it's CNN, Fox, NBC, CBS or anything. It's true now and it was even more true 50 years ago when they only had 30 minutes to cover the nightly news. You don't think the producers told Walter Cronkite how much time to devote to Vietnam each night? Producers determine how much time and emphasis to devote to various stories. That's why they cover the president, any president, rather than spend a lot of time covering obscure Congressional proceedings (that's why there's a C-Span).

"Devoting time to impeachment stories" isn't the same as "let's slant every story to show that Trump's guilty."

If it makes you feel any better, they've devoted a lot of time to covering Trump's decision to pull troops out of Turkey. And there's a big difference between covering a President's decision to pull troops out of a war zone and a President's decision to wear a tan suit.
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Re: With a name like Boris

#111 Post by BackInTex » Wed Oct 16, 2019 6:51 am

silverscreenselect wrote: If it makes you feel any better, they've devoted a lot of time to covering Trump's decision to pull troops out of Turkey. And there's a big difference between covering a President's decision to pull troops out of a war zone and a President's decision to wear a tan suit.
You are not helping your argument. The quotes are mine, as USA Today is on the same side at ABC. It must have been a mistake.

ABC News "mistakenly" airs video from Kentucky gun show as Syria bombing footage
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Re: With a name like Boris

#112 Post by flockofseagulls104 » Wed Oct 16, 2019 7:15 am

flockofseagulls104 wrote:
silverscreenselect wrote:
flockofseagulls104 wrote:Telling a "news" organization what news to devote their efforts to.
Were you born yesterday?

That's what producers of every news show do, whether it's CNN, Fox, NBC, CBS or anything. It's true now and it was even more true 50 years ago when they only had 30 minutes to cover the nightly news. You don't think the producers told Walter Cronkite how much time to devote to Vietnam each night? Producers determine how much time and emphasis to devote to various stories. That's why they cover the president, any president, rather than spend a lot of time covering obscure Congressional proceedings (that's why there's a C-Span).

"Devoting time to impeachment stories" isn't the same as "let's slant every story to show that Trump's guilty."

If it makes you feel any better, they've devoted a lot of time to covering Trump's decision to pull troops out of Turkey. And there's a big difference between covering a President's decision to pull troops out of a war zone and a President's decision to wear a tan suit.

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Re: With a name like Boris

#113 Post by silverscreenselect » Wed Oct 16, 2019 7:45 am

flockofseagulls104 wrote:
flockofseagulls104 wrote:
silverscreenselect wrote: Were you born yesterday?

That's what producers of every news show do, whether it's CNN, Fox, NBC, CBS or anything. It's true now and it was even more true 50 years ago when they only had 30 minutes to cover the nightly news. You don't think the producers told Walter Cronkite how much time to devote to Vietnam each night? Producers determine how much time and emphasis to devote to various stories. That's why they cover the president, any president, rather than spend a lot of time covering obscure Congressional proceedings (that's why there's a C-Span).

"Devoting time to impeachment stories" isn't the same as "let's slant every story to show that Trump's guilty."

If it makes you feel any better, they've devoted a lot of time to covering Trump's decision to pull troops out of Turkey. And there's a big difference between covering a President's decision to pull troops out of a war zone and a President's decision to wear a tan suit.
Again, what is your point? The President of the United States is major news, no matter who he is or what party he is from. And once the Mueller report was published and responded to by both sides, it became less important of a news story. If the Times had continued to push the Mueller story, you would have been on their case about beating a dead horse.

Trump goes out of his way to make outrageous statements and tweets virtually every single day. No other president has done that, so of course you'll get a lot of coverage about his statements. IF anything, the Times and other major outlets have given a lot of his more outrageous statements far more credence than they deserve, if anyone else had said them. Perhaps if Trump would actually shut up for a couple of days and not make these statements, then the press would report on other things.

And, by the way, this "article" by Byron York, who is a hard right-winger, is thinly disguised editorializing, which you criticize CNN and others for doing. Not only that, but it's obviously been proved wrong, less than two months later. The Times has moved on from statements Trump made this summer, which was news at the time, to what he's done since then. Your problem really isn't with the press: It's with Trump and the fact that the press won't blindly accept his moronic explanations for what he does.
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Re: With a name like Boris

#114 Post by tlynn78 » Wed Oct 16, 2019 8:59 am

BackInTex wrote:
silverscreenselect wrote: If it makes you feel any better, they've devoted a lot of time to covering Trump's decision to pull troops out of Turkey. And there's a big difference between covering a President's decision to pull troops out of a war zone and a President's decision to wear a tan suit.
You are not helping your argument. The quotes are mine, as USA Today is on the same side at ABC. It must have been a mistake.

ABC News "mistakenly" airs video from Kentucky gun show as Syria bombing footage

We won best team name (and first place) at trivia last night: "Marked Safe from Turkey's Kentucky Invasion"
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Re: With a name like Boris

#115 Post by silverscreenselect » Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:04 am

tlynn78 wrote:
BackInTex wrote:
silverscreenselect wrote: If it makes you feel any better, they've devoted a lot of time to covering Trump's decision to pull troops out of Turkey. And there's a big difference between covering a President's decision to pull troops out of a war zone and a President's decision to wear a tan suit.
You are not helping your argument. The quotes are mine, as USA Today is on the same side at ABC. It must have been a mistake.

ABC News "mistakenly" airs video from Kentucky gun show as Syria bombing footage

We won best team name (and first place) at trivia last night: "Marked Safe from Turkey's Kentucky Invasion"
Mike McIntire New York Times wrote:The difference between journalistic mistakes and fake news:
1.) It actually IS a mistake and not willful propaganda
2.) It's acknowledged and corrected
3.) Partisan opportunists seize on it anyway to claim bias
Snopes wrote:A source from ABC said the video was provided by someone who purported to be in a “sensitive position” on the border between Turkey and Syria. The network is investigating the incident.
https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/abc-v ... r-footage/

What you have is that someone apparently snookered ABC with this footage. And I'm sure that ABC is investigating how it happened and will try to make sure it doesn't happen again. A mistake, yes. Admitted and corrected. And it's not like there aren't plenty of images of the Turkish attacks out there already.

No one ever said that news agencies are infallible, especially in a fast moving fluid situation that occurs in war zones. Does anyone really think that network news footage of Vietnam was 100% accurate? And that was back in the days when technology built in time barriers before anyone could actually air a lot of that footage, while it shows up live today. But right wingers continue to search for and occasionally find these mistakes as "proof" of liberal bias while blithely ignoring or explaining away all of Trump and his enabler's blatant lies.
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Re: With a name like Boris

#116 Post by BackInTex » Wed Oct 16, 2019 2:04 pm

silverscreenselect wrote:explaining away all of Trump and his enabler's blatant lies.
Mueller did that already. Turns out, they weren't lies. He was telling the truth.
..what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms.
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Re: With a name like Boris

#117 Post by Bob78164 » Wed Oct 16, 2019 2:10 pm

BackInTex wrote:
silverscreenselect wrote:explaining away all of Trump and his enabler's blatant lies.
Mueller did that already. Turns out, they weren't lies. He was telling the truth.
It is impossible to actually read the Mueller Report and believe that. Donny knew that Russia was helping his campaign and welcomed the help. He avoided (in Mueller's view) criminal liability for conspiracy only because he didn't coordinate with Russia. He just sat back, let them do the work, and then took advantage of whatever they presented him with.

There once was a time when Republicans cared more about our country than about their Party. There once was a time when it would have been unthinkable to Republicans to support any political candidate who accepted help of this nature. It's hurting the country that that's no longer the case. But if it's the new normal (and that does appear to be the case), then the only cure is to inflict upon the national Republican Party the same fate it has already suffered in California.

Challenge, accepted. --Bob
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Re: With a name like Boris

#118 Post by tlynn78 » Wed Oct 16, 2019 2:46 pm

Bob78164 wrote:
BackInTex wrote:
silverscreenselect wrote:explaining away all of Trump and his enabler's blatant lies.
Mueller did that already. Turns out, they weren't lies. He was telling the truth.
It is impossible to actually read the Mueller Report and believe that. Donny knew that Russia was helping his campaign and welcomed the help. He avoided (in Mueller's view) criminal liability for conspiracy only because he didn't coordinate with Russia. He just sat back, let them do the work, and then took advantage of whatever they presented him with.

There once was a time when Republicans cared more about our country than about their Party. There once was a time when it would have been unthinkable to Republicans to support any political candidate who accepted help of this nature. It's hurting the country that that's no longer the case. But if it's the new normal (and that does appear to be the case), then the only cure is to inflict upon the national Republican Party the same fate it has already suffered in California.

Challenge, accepted. --Bob
LMAO - but you're fine with a Democrat party which actively cheats to rig their own primary.
To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead. -Thomas Paine
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Re: With a name like Boris

#119 Post by Bob78164 » Wed Oct 16, 2019 3:03 pm

tlynn78 wrote:
Bob78164 wrote:
BackInTex wrote:
Mueller did that already. Turns out, they weren't lies. He was telling the truth.
It is impossible to actually read the Mueller Report and believe that. Donny knew that Russia was helping his campaign and welcomed the help. He avoided (in Mueller's view) criminal liability for conspiracy only because he didn't coordinate with Russia. He just sat back, let them do the work, and then took advantage of whatever they presented him with.

There once was a time when Republicans cared more about our country than about their Party. There once was a time when it would have been unthinkable to Republicans to support any political candidate who accepted help of this nature. It's hurting the country that that's no longer the case. But if it's the new normal (and that does appear to be the case), then the only cure is to inflict upon the national Republican Party the same fate it has already suffered in California.

Challenge, accepted. --Bob
LMAO - but you're fine with a Democrat party which actively cheats to rig their own primary.
Didn't happen. And even if it had, that's still better than inviting and then welcoming foreign interference in our elections.

Or would you be okay with the eventual Democratic nominee asking our European allies to investigate Donny's foreign dealings in their countries? Not to mention those of his kids. --Bob
"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear." Thomas Jefferson

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Re: With a name like Boris

#120 Post by silverscreenselect » Wed Oct 16, 2019 3:52 pm

Bob78164 wrote: Or would you be okay with the eventual Democratic nominee asking our European allies to investigate Donny's foreign dealings in their countries? Not to mention those of his kids. --Bob
Methinks that when Trump is out of office, a lot of our allies will be looking into his dealings very, very closely.
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Re: With a name like Boris

#121 Post by silverscreenselect » Wed Oct 16, 2019 3:53 pm

Bob78164 wrote:
BackInTex wrote:
silverscreenselect wrote:explaining away all of Trump and his enabler's blatant lies.
Mueller did that already. Turns out, they weren't lies. He was telling the truth.
It is impossible to actually read the Mueller Report and believe that.
And that doesn't take into account the hundreds of other lies he's told since he's been in office.
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Re: With a name like Boris

#122 Post by jarnon » Wed Oct 16, 2019 4:14 pm

Going back to the original topic (Barr's worldwide investigation of Democratic wrongdoing in 2016), Trump just said he strongly supports Barr and thinks he'll find that Comey, McCabe and maybe even Obama were corrupt.
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Re: With a name like Boris

#123 Post by Bob78164 » Wed Oct 16, 2019 4:16 pm

jarnon wrote:Going back to the original topic (Barr's worldwide investigation of Democratic wrongdoing in 2016), Trump just said . . . .
Donny says a lot of things. Very few of them are worth anyone's attention. Why amplify the words of a serial liar? --Bob
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Re: With a name like Boris

#124 Post by tlynn78 » Wed Oct 16, 2019 4:50 pm

Bob78164 wrote:
tlynn78 wrote:
Bob78164 wrote:It is impossible to actually read the Mueller Report and believe that. Donny knew that Russia was helping his campaign and welcomed the help. He avoided (in Mueller's view) criminal liability for conspiracy only because he didn't coordinate with Russia. He just sat back, let them do the work, and then took advantage of whatever they presented him with.

There once was a time when Republicans cared more about our country than about their Party. There once was a time when it would have been unthinkable to Republicans to support any political candidate who accepted help of this nature. It's hurting the country that that's no longer the case. But if it's the new normal (and that does appear to be the case), then the only cure is to inflict upon the national Republican Party the same fate it has already suffered in California.

Challenge, accepted. --Bob
LMAO - but you're fine with a Democrat party which actively cheats to rig their own primary.
Didn't happen. And even if it had, that's still better than inviting and then welcoming foreign interference in our elections.

Or would you be okay with the eventual Democratic nominee asking our European allies to investigate Donny's foreign dealings in their countries? Not to mention those of his kids. --Bob
Didn't happen? Oh, you are precious. And as for your second query, that's already happened, as well. You really don't pay attention to anything outside your bubble, do you?
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Re: With a name like Boris

#125 Post by Bob78164 » Wed Oct 16, 2019 5:19 pm

tlynn78 wrote:
Bob78164 wrote:
tlynn78 wrote:
LMAO - but you're fine with a Democrat party which actively cheats to rig their own primary.
Didn't happen. And even if it had, that's still better than inviting and then welcoming foreign interference in our elections.

Or would you be okay with the eventual Democratic nominee asking our European allies to investigate Donny's foreign dealings in their countries? Not to mention those of his kids. --Bob
Didn't happen? Oh, you are precious. And as for your second query, that's already happened, as well. You really don't pay attention to anything outside your bubble, do you?
Also not true.

But I guess I shouldn't be surprised this doesn't bother you, as long as it's your side that's doing it. You're supporting a convicted criminal for Governor of Montana. --Bob
"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear." Thomas Jefferson

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