2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/25

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2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/25

#1 Post by Vandal » Sun Feb 09, 2025 10:18 pm

2525 - Annum 4

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- Hockey's all-time leading scorer is inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame.

2- The impeachment trial of the sitting president concludes.

3- An American crime drama television series created by David Chase debuts on HBO.

4- Two teens kill 13 and injure 24 before committing suicide at a western US high school.

5- A late president's son dies in a plane crash off of Martha's Vineyard.

Two points each:

Who is the hockey player in #1?
Is he dead or alive?
In which city is the Hockey HoF located?

Who is the president in #2?
How many years was he president?

What is the TV show in #3?
Is the show's creator, David Chase, dead of alive?

What is the high school in #4?
In what state is it located?

Who the unfortunate pilot in #5?
How many others were on the plane?

What year did all these events take place? (Five points)

Total points: 27
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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/2025

#2 Post by Bob78164 » Sun Feb 09, 2025 11:40 pm

It may be . . . it could be . . .
1- Hockey's all-time leading scorer is inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame.

2- The impeachment trial of the sitting president concludes.

3- An American crime drama television series created by David Chase debuts on HBO.

4- Two teens kill 13 and injure 24 before committing suicide at a western US high school.

5- A late president's son dies in a plane crash off of Martha's Vineyard.

Two points each:

Who is the hockey player in #1? Wayne Gretzky
Is he dead or alive? Alive
In which city is the Hockey HoF located? Rochester, NY

Who is the president in #2? Bill Clinton
How many years was he president? 8

What is the TV show in #3? The Sopranos
Is the show's creator, David Chase, dead of alive? Alive

What is the high school in #4? Columbine
In what state is it located? Colorado

Who the unfortunate pilot in #5? John F. Kennedy, Jr.
How many others were on the plane? 1

What year did all these events take place? 1998
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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/2025

#3 Post by jarnon » Sun Feb 09, 2025 11:46 pm

2525 - Annum 4

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- Hockey's all-time leading scorer is inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame.

2- The impeachment trial of the sitting president concludes.

3- An American crime drama television series created by David Chase debuts on HBO.

4- Two teens kill 13 and injure 24 before committing suicide at a western US high school.

5- A late president's son dies in a plane crash off of Martha's Vineyard.

Who is the hockey player in #1? Wayne Gretzky
Is he dead or alive? Alive
In which city is the Hockey HoF located? Toronto

Who is the president in #2? Bill Clinton
How many years was he president? 8

What is the TV show in #3? The Sopranos
Is the show's creator, David Chase, dead of alive? Alive

What is the high school in #4? Columbine
In what state is it located? Colorado

Who the unfortunate pilot in #5? John Kennedy
How many others were on the plane? 1 (his wife)

What year did all these events take place? 1998
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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/2025

#4 Post by Earl the Squirrel » Mon Feb 10, 2025 12:17 am

2525 - Annum 4

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- Hockey's all-time leading scorer is inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame.

2- The impeachment trial of the sitting president concludes.

3- An American crime drama television series created by David Chase debuts on HBO.

4- Two teens kill 13 and injure 24 before committing suicide at a western US high school.

5- A late president's son dies in a plane crash off of Martha's Vineyard.

Two points each:

Who is the hockey player in #1?
Is he dead or alive?
In which city is the Hockey HoF located?

Wayne Gretzsky - Alive - Toronto

Who is the president in #2?
How many years was he president?

Bill Clinton - 8

What is the TV show in #3?
Is the show's creator, David Chase, dead of alive?

Sopranos - Alive

What is the high school in #4?
In what state is it located?

Columbine - Colorado

I wasn't sure of the exact year until this one...

Who the unfortunate pilot in #5?
How many others were on the plane?

John F Kennedy Jr - 3 his wife Carolyn and her sister (I think her name was Lauren)

I read an article not too long ago in People where Carolyn's mother hated her flying with him and begged him never to take both of her girls with him at the same time... I think the "Kennedy Curse" in this case was basically too much money and too much hubris. Although it was certainly a tragedy, I don't feel that bad for him, much like Kobe Bryant. He couldn't be assed to wait in traffic from one end of LA to the other. I feel bad for his daughter and the Bessette girls, but both of those men knew the risks...

What year did all these events take place? (Five points)


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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/2025

#5 Post by kroxquo » Mon Feb 10, 2025 6:04 am

2525 - Annum 4

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- Hockey's all-time leading scorer is inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame.

2- The impeachment trial of the sitting president concludes.

3- An American crime drama television series created by David Chase debuts on HBO.

4- Two teens kill 13 and injure 24 before committing suicide at a western US high school.

5- A late president's son dies in a plane crash off of Martha's Vineyard.

Two points each:

Who is the hockey player in #1? Wayne Gretzky
Is he dead or alive? Alive
In which city is the Hockey HoF located? Toronto

Who is the president in #2? Clinton
How many years was he president? 8

What is the TV show in #3? The Wire
Is the show's creator, David Chase, dead of alive? Alive

What is the high school in #4? Columbine
In what state is it located? Colorado

Who the unfortunate pilot in #5? JFK Jr.
How many others were on the plane? 1

What year did all these events take place? 1998(Five points)

Total points: 27
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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/2025

#6 Post by MarleysGh0st » Mon Feb 10, 2025 7:24 am

Who is the hockey player in #1? Gordie Howe
Is he dead or alive? Dead
In which city is the Hockey HoF located? Toronto

Who is the president in #2?
Bill Clinton
How many years was he president? 8

What is the TV show in #3? The Sopranos
Is the show's creator, David Chase, dead of alive? Alive

What is the high school in #4? Columbine
In what state is it located? Colorado

Who the unfortunate pilot in #5? JFK, Jr.
How many others were on the plane? 2 (His wife and sister-in-law?)

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1999

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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/2025

#7 Post by mrkelley23 » Mon Feb 10, 2025 7:44 am

2525 - Annum 4

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- Hockey's all-time leading scorer is inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame.

2- The impeachment trial of the sitting president concludes.

3- An American crime drama television series created by David Chase debuts on HBO.

4- Two teens kill 13 and injure 24 before committing suicide at a western US high school.

5- A late president's son dies in a plane crash off of Martha's Vineyard.

Two points each:

Who is the hockey player in #1? Wayne Gretzky
Is he dead or alive? Alive
In which city is the Hockey HoF located? Toronto

Who is the president in #2? Clinton
How many years was he president? 8

What is the TV show in #3? The Sopranos
Is the show's creator, David Chase, dead of alive? Alive

What is the high school in #4? Columbine
In what state is it located? Colorado

Who the unfortunate pilot in #5? John F Kennedy Jr.
How many others were on the plane? one

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1999

Total points: 27
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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/2025

#8 Post by PanicinDetroit » Mon Feb 10, 2025 7:52 am

Number 4
1- Hockey's all-time leading scorer is inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame.

2- The impeachment trial of the sitting president concludes.

3- An American crime drama television series created by David Chase debuts on HBO.

4- Two teens kill 13 and injure 24 before committing suicide at a western US high school.

5- A late president's son dies in a plane crash off of Martha's Vineyard.

Two points each:

Who is the hockey player in #1? WAYNE GRETZKY
Is he dead or alive? ALIVE
In which city is the Hockey HoF located? TORONTO

Who is the president in #2? BILL CLINTON
How many years was he president? 8

What is the TV show in #3? THE SOPRANOS?
Is the show's creator, David Chase, dead of alive? ALIVE

What is the high school in #4? COLUMBINE
In what state is it located? COLORADO

Who the unfortunate pilot in #5? JOHN F. KENNEDY, JR.
How many others were on the plane? 1

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1999

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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/2025

#9 Post by BackInTex » Mon Feb 10, 2025 7:54 am

Who is the hockey player in #1? Gordy Howe
Is he dead or alive? Dead
In which city is the Hockey HoF located? Winnipeg

Who is the president in #2? William Jefferson Clinton
How many years was he president? 8

What is the TV show in #3? The Sopranos
Is the show's creator, David Chase, dead of alive? Alive

What is the high school in #4? Columbine
In what state is it located? Colorado

Who the unfortunate pilot in #5? John Fitzgeranld Kennedy, Jr.
How many others were on the plane? 1 other

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1995
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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/2025

#10 Post by franktangredi » Mon Feb 10, 2025 8:21 am

Who is the hockey player in #1?
Is he dead or alive?
In which city is the Hockey HoF located?

Who is the president in #2?
How many years was he president?

What is the TV show in #3?
Is the show's creator, David Chase, dead of alive?

What is the high school in #4?
In what state is it located?

Who the unfortunate pilot in #5?
How many others were on the plane?

What year did all these events take place? (Five points)

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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/2025

#11 Post by littlebeast13 » Mon Feb 10, 2025 9:34 am

2525 - Annum 4

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- Hockey's all-time leading scorer is inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame.

2- The impeachment trial of the sitting president concludes.

3- An American crime drama television series created by David Chase debuts on HBO.

4- Two teens kill 13 and injure 24 before committing suicide at a western US high school.

5- A late president's son dies in a plane crash off of Martha's Vineyard.

Two points each:

Who is the hockey player in #1? - Wayne Gretsky
Is he dead or alive? - Alive
In which city is the Hockey HoF located? - Moosejaw, whatever province Moosejaw is located in (Unless Moosejaw is the Canadian Springfield)....

Who is the president in #2? - William Jefferson "Bubba" Clinton
How many years was he president? - 8

What is the TV show in #3? - The Sopranos
Is the show's creator, David Chase, dead of alive? - Alive, as is this Bored's creator of the same name (I hope)....

What is the high school in #4? - Columbine
In what state is it located? - Colorado

Who the unfortunate pilot in #5? - JFK, Jr.
How many others were on the plane? - Dunno, nobody?

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) - 1999
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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/2025

#12 Post by earendel » Mon Feb 10, 2025 9:55 am

Vandal wrote:
Sun Feb 09, 2025 10:18 pm
2525 - Annum 4

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- Hockey's all-time leading scorer is inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame.

2- The impeachment trial of the sitting president concludes.

3- An American crime drama television series created by David Chase debuts on HBO.

4- Two teens kill 13 and injure 24 before committing suicide at a western US high school.

5- A late president's son dies in a plane crash off of Martha's Vineyard.
Who is the hockey player in #1? WAYNE GRETZSKY
Is he dead or alive? ALIVE
In which city is the Hockey HoF located? TORONTO

Who is the president in #2? BILL CLINTON
How many years was he president? 8

What is the TV show in #3? THE SOPRANOS
Is the show's creator, David Chase, dead of alive? ALIVE

What is the high school in #4? COLUMBINE
In what state is it located? COLORADO

Who the unfortunate pilot in #5? JFK, JR.
How many others were on the plane? THREE

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1999
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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/2025

#13 Post by elwoodblues » Mon Feb 10, 2025 2:04 pm

Vandal wrote:
Sun Feb 09, 2025 10:18 pm
2525 - Annum 4

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- Hockey's all-time leading scorer is inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame.

2- The impeachment trial of the sitting president concludes.

3- An American crime drama television series created by David Chase debuts on HBO.

4- Two teens kill 13 and injure 24 before committing suicide at a western US high school.

5- A late president's son dies in a plane crash off of Martha's Vineyard.

Two points each:

Who is the hockey player in #1? Wayne Gretzky
Is he dead or alive? Alive
In which city is the Hockey HoF located? I will guess Toronto.

Who is the president in #2? Bill Clinton
How many years was he president? 8

What is the TV show in #3? The Sopranos
Is the show's creator, David Chase, dead of alive? Alive

What is the high school in #4? Columbine
In what state is it located? Colorado

Who the unfortunate pilot in #5? John F. Kennedy Jr.
How many others were on the plane? 2

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1999

Total points: 27

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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/2025

#14 Post by SportsFan68 » Mon Feb 10, 2025 5:29 pm

Vandal wrote:
Sun Feb 09, 2025 10:18 pm
2525 - Annum 4

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- Hockey's all-time leading scorer is inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame.

2- The impeachment trial of the sitting president concludes.

3- An American crime drama television series created by David Chase debuts on HBO.

4- Two teens kill 13 and injure 24 before committing suicide at a western US high school.

5- A late president's son dies in a plane crash off of Martha's Vineyard.
Two points each:

Who is the hockey player in #1? Gretzky
Is he dead or alive? Alive
In which city is the Hockey HoF located? Guessing Montreal

Who is the president in #2? Clinton
How many years was he president? 8

What is the TV show in #3? Sopranos
Is the show's creator, David Chase, dead of alive? Guessing alive

What is the high school in #4? Columbine.
In what state is it located? Colorado

Who the unfortunate pilot in #5? John Kennedy Jr.
How many others were on the plane? One

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1999

Total points: 27
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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/2025

#15 Post by Hotseat Or Bust! » Mon Feb 10, 2025 8:36 pm

1.) Wayne Gretzky, Alive. 2.) Bill Clinton, 8 yrs. 3.) The Sopranos, Alive. 4.) Columbine, CO. 5.) JFK, Jr., 2. Year: 1999.

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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/2025

#16 Post by mellytu74 » Mon Feb 10, 2025 10:19 pm

Questions: Two points each:

Who is the hockey player in #1? - Gretzky
Is he dead or alive? - Alive
In which city is the Hockey HoF located? - Toronto

Who is the president in #2? - Bill Clinton
How many years was he president? - Eight

What is the TV show in #3? - The Sopranos
Is the show's creator, David Chase, dead or alive? - Alive

What is the high school in #4? - Columbine
In what state is it located? - Colorado

Who the unfortunate pilot in #5? - JFK, Jr.
How many others were on the plane? - Two (wife and SIL)

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) - 1999

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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/25

#17 Post by tlynn78 » Tue Feb 11, 2025 5:46 pm

Two points each:

Who is the hockey player in #1? Gretzky
Is he dead or alive? alive
In which city is the Hockey HoF located? Toronto

Who is the president in #2? Clinton
How many years was he president? 8

What is the TV show in #3? nope
Is the show's creator, David Chase, dead of alive? I'll go with alive

What is the high school in #4? Columbine
In what state is it located? CO

Who the unfortunate pilot in #5? JFK, Jr
How many others were on the plane? his wife, and I believe, her sister. so him and 2 others

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1999
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Re: 2525 - Annum 4, 2/10/25

#18 Post by Vandal » Tue Feb 11, 2025 11:04 pm


Wayne Gretzky

Bill Clinton

The Sopranos


John F Kennedy Junior,
wife Carolyn Besette Kennedy
sister-in-law Lauren Besette



earl ~~ 27
melly ~~ 27
elwood ~~ 27

mrkelley ~~ 25
earendel ~~ 25
panic ~~ 25
hotseat ~~ 25
tgirl ~~ 25
marley ~~ 25
lb ~~ 23
sprots ~~ 23
krox ~~ 21
Bob#s ~~ 21
jarnon ~~ 21
tangredi ~~ 19
BiT ~~ 14
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