2525 - Annum 6, 2/12/25

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2525 - Annum 6, 2/12/25

#1 Post by Vandal » Tue Feb 11, 2025 11:08 pm

2525 - Annum 6

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- The summer Olympics are cancelled due to war.

2- A popular writer from California, known mostly novels and short stories set in Alaska and the Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush, dies at age 40.

3- An American League team wins the World Series four games to one, capturing their record-setting fourth World Series title. A 21-YO lefty pitcher for Boston goes all 14 innings in the game 2 win.

4- A Mexican revolutionary crosses the international border with more than 500 men and raids a US town, killing 17 Americans

5- A cleft-chinned, steely-eyed and virile star of international cinema who rose from being "the ragman's son" is born.

6- An Irish author publishes a portrayal of a character's Dublin childhood and youth, his quest for identity through art and his gradual emancipation from the claims of family, religion and Ireland itself. (Sounds like fun).

Two points each:

In what city were the Olympics scheduled to be held in #1?

Who is the writer in #2?
Which short story, set in the harsh Klondike, recounts the haphazard trek of a new arrival who has ignored an old-timer's warning about the risks of traveling alone?

What is the winning team in #3?
Where was the losing team from?
Who is the lefty pitcher?

Who is the Mexican revolutionary in #4?
What state did he invade?

Who is the actor in #5?

What is the novel described in #6?
Who is the author?

What year did all these events take place? (Five points)

Total points: 27
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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/13/25

#2 Post by jarnon » Tue Feb 11, 2025 11:35 pm

2525 - Annum 6

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- The summer Olympics are cancelled due to war.

2- A popular writer from California, known mostly novels and short stories set in Alaska and the Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush, dies at age 40.

3- An American League team wins the World Series four games to one, capturing their record-setting fourth World Series title. A 21-YO lefty pitcher for Boston goes all 14 innings in the game 2 win.

4- A Mexican revolutionary crosses the international border with more than 500 men and raids a US town, killing 17 Americans

5- A cleft-chinned, steely-eyed and virile star of international cinema who rose from being "the ragman's son" is born.

6- An Irish author publishes a portrayal of a character's Dublin childhood and youth, his quest for identity through art and his gradual emancipation from the claims of family, religion and Ireland itself. (Sounds like fun).

In what city were the Olympics scheduled to be held in #1? Berlin

Who is the writer in #2? Jack London
Which short story, set in the harsh Klondike, recounts the haphazard trek of a new arrival who has ignored an old-timer's warning about the risks of traveling alone? Call of the Wild

What is the winning team in #3? Red Sox
Where was the losing team from? also Boston
Who is the lefty pitcher? Babe Ruth

Who is the Mexican revolutionary in #4? Pancho Villa
What state did he invade? California

Who is the actor in #5? Issur Danielovitch

What is the novel described in #6? Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Who is the author? James Joyce

What year did all these events take place? 1916
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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/13/25

#3 Post by mrkelley23 » Wed Feb 12, 2025 6:23 am

2525 - Annum 6

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- The summer Olympics are cancelled due to war.

2- A popular writer from California, known mostly novels and short stories set in Alaska and the Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush, dies at age 40.

3- An American League team wins the World Series four games to one, capturing their record-setting fourth World Series title. A 21-YO lefty pitcher for Boston goes all 14 innings in the game 2 win.

4- A Mexican revolutionary crosses the international border with more than 500 men and raids a US town, killing 17 Americans

5- A cleft-chinned, steely-eyed and virile star of international cinema who rose from being "the ragman's son" is born.

6- An Irish author publishes a portrayal of a character's Dublin childhood and youth, his quest for identity through art and his gradual emancipation from the claims of family, religion and Ireland itself. (Sounds like fun).

Two points each:

In what city were the Olympics scheduled to be held in #1? Berlin

Who is the writer in #2? Jack London
Which short story, set in the harsh Klondike, recounts the haphazard trek of a new arrival who has ignored an old-timer's warning about the risks of traveling alone? The Call of the Wild

What is the winning team in #3? Boston Redsox
Where was the losing team from? New york
Who is the lefty pitcher? Babe Ruth

Who is the Mexican revolutionary in #4? Pancho Villa
What state did he invade? Texas

Who is the actor in #5? Kirk Douglas

What is the novel described in #6? Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Who is the author? James Joyce

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1916

Total points: 27
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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/13/25

#4 Post by kroxquo » Wed Feb 12, 2025 6:59 am

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- The summer Olympics are cancelled due to war.

2- A popular writer from California, known mostly novels and short stories set in Alaska and the Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush, dies at age 40.

3- An American League team wins the World Series four games to one, capturing their record-setting fourth World Series title. A 21-YO lefty pitcher for Boston goes all 14 innings in the game 2 win.

4- A Mexican revolutionary crosses the international border with more than 500 men and raids a US town, killing 17 Americans

5- A cleft-chinned, steely-eyed and virile star of international cinema who rose from being "the ragman's son" is born.

6- An Irish author publishes a portrayal of a character's Dublin childhood and youth, his quest for identity through art and his gradual emancipation from the claims of family, religion and Ireland itself. (Sounds like fun).

Two points each:

In what city were the Olympics scheduled to be held in #1? Amsterdam

Who is the writer in #2? Jack London
Which short story, set in the harsh Klondike, recounts the haphazard trek of a new arrival who has ignored an old-timer's warning about the risks of traveling alone? To Build a Fire

What is the winning team in #3? Red Sox
Where was the losing team from? Philadelphia
Who is the lefty pitcher? Babe Ruth

Who is the Mexican revolutionary in #4? Pancho Villa
What state did he invade? New Mexico

Who is the actor in #5? Omar Sharif

What is the novel described in #6? Ulysses
Who is the author? James Joyce

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1916
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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/13/25

#5 Post by littlebeast13 » Wed Feb 12, 2025 7:28 am

1- The summer Olympics are cancelled due to war.

2- A popular writer from California, known mostly novels and short stories set in Alaska and the Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush, dies at age 40.

3- An American League team wins the World Series four games to one, capturing their record-setting fourth World Series title. A 21-YO lefty pitcher for Boston goes all 14 innings in the game 2 win.

4- A Mexican revolutionary crosses the international border with more than 500 men and raids a US town, killing 17 Americans

5- A cleft-chinned, steely-eyed and virile star of international cinema who rose from being "the ragman's son" is born.

6- An Irish author publishes a portrayal of a character's Dublin childhood and youth, his quest for identity through art and his gradual emancipation from the claims of family, religion and Ireland itself. (Sounds like fun).

Two points each:

In what city were the Olympics scheduled to be held in #1? - London?

Who is the writer in #2? - Jack London?
Which short story, set in the harsh Klondike, recounts the haphazard trek of a new arrival who has ignored an old-timer's warning about the risks of traveling alone? - I'll bet it's the short story we read in 10th grade with the dog and the meat tucked under the guy's armpits, but damned if I can remember the title...

What is the winning team in #3? - Red Sox
Where was the losing team from? - Pittsburgh?
Who is the lefty pitcher? - George Herman Babe Ruth

Who is the Mexican revolutionary in #4? - Pancho Villa
What state did he invade? - Arizona

Who is the actor in #5? - John Fiedler

What is the novel described in #6? - Ulysses?
Who is the author? - James Joyce?

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) - 1916
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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/13/25

#6 Post by BackInTex » Wed Feb 12, 2025 7:49 am

2/13 or 2/12?
In what city were the Olympics scheduled to be held in #1? London

Who is the writer in #2? Jack London
Which short story, set in the harsh Klondike, recounts the haphazard trek of a new arrival who has ignored an old-timer's warning about the risks of traveling alone? Call of the Wild

What is the winning team in #3? Yankees
Where was the losing team from? Dodgers
Who is the lefty pitcher? Cy Young

Who is the Mexican revolutionary in #4? Pancho Villa
What state did he invade? Texas

Who is the actor in #5? Ricardo Montalban

What is the novel described in #6? Potatoe Potatoe, Let's call the whole thing off
Who is the author? George Bernard Shaw

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1916
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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/13/25

#7 Post by earendel » Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:13 am

Vandal wrote:
Tue Feb 11, 2025 11:08 pm
2525 - Annum 6

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- The summer Olympics are cancelled due to war.

2- A popular writer from California, known mostly novels and short stories set in Alaska and the Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush, dies at age 40.

3- An American League team wins the World Series four games to one, capturing their record-setting fourth World Series title. A 21-YO lefty pitcher for Boston goes all 14 innings in the game 2 win.

4- A Mexican revolutionary crosses the international border with more than 500 men and raids a US town, killing 17 Americans

5- A cleft-chinned, steely-eyed and virile star of international cinema who rose from being "the ragman's son" is born.

6- An Irish author publishes a portrayal of a character's Dublin childhood and youth, his quest for identity through art and his gradual emancipation from the claims of family, religion and Ireland itself. (Sounds like fun).
In what city were the Olympics scheduled to be held in #1? BERLIN

Who is the writer in #2? JACK LONDON
Which short story, set in the harsh Klondike, recounts the haphazard trek of a new arrival who has ignored an old-timer's warning about the risks of traveling alone? TO BUILD A FIRE

What is the winning team in #3? BOSTON RED SOX
Where was the losing team from? BROOKLYN ROBINS
Who is the lefty pitcher?

Who is the Mexican revolutionary in #4? PANCHO VILLA
What state did he invade? NEW MEXICO

Who is the actor in #5? KIRK DOUGLAS

What is the novel described in #6? A PORTRIAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN
Who is the author? JAMES JOYCE

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1916
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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/13/25

#8 Post by PanicinDetroit » Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:20 am

Number 6
1- The summer Olympics are cancelled due to war.

2- A popular writer from California, known mostly novels and short stories set in Alaska and the Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush, dies at age 40.

3- An American League team wins the World Series four games to one, capturing their record-setting fourth World Series title. A 21-YO lefty pitcher for Boston goes all 14 innings in the game 2 win.

4- A Mexican revolutionary crosses the international border with more than 500 men and raids a US town, killing 17 Americans

5- A cleft-chinned, steely-eyed and virile star of international cinema who rose from being "the ragman's son" is born.

6- An Irish author publishes a portrayal of a character's Dublin childhood and youth, his quest for identity through art and his gradual emancipation from the claims of family, religion and Ireland itself. (Sounds like fun).

Two points each:

In what city were the Olympics scheduled to be held in #1?

Who is the writer in #2? JACK LONDON
Which short story, set in the harsh Klondike, recounts the haphazard trek of a new arrival who has ignored an old-timer's warning about the risks of traveling alone? TO BUILD A FIRE

What is the winning team in #3? YANKEES
Where was the losing team from?
Who is the lefty pitcher?

Who is the Mexican revolutionary in #4? PANCHO Villa
What state did he invade? CALIFORNIA

Who is the actor in #5? KIRK DOUGLAS

What is the novel described in #6? ULYSSES
Who is the author?Joyce

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1916

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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/13/25

#9 Post by franktangredi » Wed Feb 12, 2025 9:19 am

In what city were the Olympics scheduled to be held in #1?

Who is the writer in #2?
Which short story, set in the harsh Klondike, recounts the haphazard trek of a new arrival who has ignored an old-timer's warning about the risks of traveling alone?

What is the winning team in #3?
Where was the losing team from?
Who is the lefty pitcher?

Who is the Mexican revolutionary in #4?
What state did he invade?

Who is the actor in #5?

What is the novel described in #6?
Who is the author?

What year did all these events take place? (Five points)

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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/12/25

#10 Post by Bob78164 » Wed Feb 12, 2025 10:52 am

Happy birthday, Mr. President! (Shouldn't the title have today's date?)
2525 - Annum 6

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- The summer Olympics are cancelled due to war.

2- A popular writer from California, known mostly novels and short stories set in Alaska and the Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush, dies at age 40.

3- An American League team wins the World Series four games to one, capturing their record-setting fourth World Series title. A 21-YO lefty pitcher for Boston goes all 14 innings in the game 2 win.

4- A Mexican revolutionary crosses the international border with more than 500 men and raids a US town, killing 17 Americans

5- A cleft-chinned, steely-eyed and virile star of international cinema who rose from being "the ragman's son" is born.

6- An Irish author publishes a portrayal of a character's Dublin childhood and youth, his quest for identity through art and his gradual emancipation from the claims of family, religion and Ireland itself. (Sounds like fun).

Two points each:

In what city were the Olympics scheduled to be held in #1? Antwerp

Who is the writer in #2? Jack London
Which short story, set in the harsh Klondike, recounts the haphazard trek of a new arrival who has ignored an old-timer's warning about the risks of traveling alone? The Call of the Wild

What is the winning team in #3? Boston Red Sox
Where was the losing team from? Chicago
Who is the lefty pitcher? Babe Ruth

Who is the Mexican revolutionary in #4? Sancho Panza
What state did he invade? Texas

Who is the actor in #5? Cary Grant

What is the novel described in #6? Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Who is the author? James Joyce

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1916
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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/13/25

#11 Post by elwoodblues » Wed Feb 12, 2025 1:44 pm

Vandal wrote:
Tue Feb 11, 2025 11:08 pm
2525 - Annum 6

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- The summer Olympics are cancelled due to war.

2- A popular writer from California, known mostly novels and short stories set in Alaska and the Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush, dies at age 40.

3- An American League team wins the World Series four games to one, capturing their record-setting fourth World Series title. A 21-YO lefty pitcher for Boston goes all 14 innings in the game 2 win.

4- A Mexican revolutionary crosses the international border with more than 500 men and raids a US town, killing 17 Americans

5- A cleft-chinned, steely-eyed and virile star of international cinema who rose from being "the ragman's son" is born.

6- An Irish author publishes a portrayal of a character's Dublin childhood and youth, his quest for identity through art and his gradual emancipation from the claims of family, religion and Ireland itself. (Sounds like fun).

Two points each:

In what city were the Olympics scheduled to be held in #1? I'll guess Paris

Who is the writer in #2? Jack London
Which short story, set in the harsh Klondike, recounts the haphazard trek of a new arrival who has ignored an old-timer's warning about the risks of traveling alone?

What is the winning team in #3? Boston Red Sox
Where was the losing team from? I'll guess Chicago
Who is the lefty pitcher? Babe Ruth

Who is the Mexican revolutionary in #4? Pancho Villa
What state did he invade? Texas

Who is the actor in #5? Kirk Douglas

What is the novel described in #6?
Who is the author? Oscar Wilde

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1916

Total points: 27

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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/13/25

#12 Post by MarleysGh0st » Wed Feb 12, 2025 2:46 pm

In what city were the Olympics scheduled to be held in #1? Berlin

Who is the writer in #2?
Which short story, set in the harsh Klondike, recounts the haphazard trek of a new arrival who has ignored an old-timer's warning about the risks of traveling alone?

What is the winning team in #3?
Where was the losing team from?
Who is the lefty pitcher?

Who is the Mexican revolutionary in #4? Pancho Villa
What state did he invade? Arizona

Who is the actor in #5? Kirk Douglas

What is the novel described in #6? Ulysses
Who is the author?

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1916

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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/13/25

#13 Post by mellytu74 » Wed Feb 12, 2025 3:09 pm

1- The summer Olympics are cancelled due to war.
2- A popular writer from California, known mostly novels and short stories set in Alaska and the Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush, dies at age 40.
3- An American League team wins the World Series four games to one, capturing their record-setting fourth World Series title. A 21-YO lefty pitcher for Boston goes all 14 innings in the game 2 win.
4- A Mexican revolutionary crosses the international border with more than 500 men and raids a US town, killing 17 Americans
5- A cleft-chinned, steely-eyed and virile star of international cinema who rose from being "the ragman's son" is born.
6- An Irish author publishes a portrayal of a character's Dublin childhood and youth, his quest for identity through art and his gradual emancipation from the claims of family, religion and Ireland itself. (Sounds like fun).
Two points each:

In what city were the Olympics scheduled to be held in #1? - Antwerp

Who is the writer in #2? - Jack London
Which short story, set in the harsh Klondike, recounts the haphazard trek of a new arrival who has ignored an old-timer's warning about the risks of traveling alone? - Call of the Wild

What is the winning team in #3? - Boston Red Sox
Where was the losing team from? - New York (Giants)
Who is the lefty pitcher? - Babe Ruth

Who is the Mexican revolutionary in #4? - Zapata
What state did he invade? - New Mexico

Who is the actor in #5? - Kirk Douglas

What is the novel described in #6? - Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Who is the author? - James Joyce

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) - 1916

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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/13/25

#14 Post by SportsFan68 » Wed Feb 12, 2025 5:50 pm

Vandal wrote:
Tue Feb 11, 2025 11:08 pm
2525 - Annum 6

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- The summer Olympics are cancelled due to war.

2- A popular writer from California, known mostly novels and short stories set in Alaska and the Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush, dies at age 40.

3- An American League team wins the World Series four games to one, capturing their record-setting fourth World Series title. A 21-YO lefty pitcher for Boston goes all 14 innings in the game 2 win.

4- A Mexican revolutionary crosses the international border with more than 500 men and raids a US town, killing 17 Americans

5- A cleft-chinned, steely-eyed and virile star of international cinema who rose from being "the ragman's son" is born.

6- An Irish author publishes a portrayal of a character's Dublin childhood and youth, his quest for identity through art and his gradual emancipation from the claims of family, religion and Ireland itself. (Sounds like fun).

Two points each:

In what city were the Olympics scheduled to be held in #1? I'll guess Paris.

Who is the writer in #2? Jack London
Which short story, set in the harsh Klondike, recounts the haphazard trek of a new arrival who has ignored an old-timer's warning about the risks of traveling alone? I've read this! If it's the one you're looking for. "To Build a Fire"

What is the winning team in #3? Boston Red Sox
Where was the losing team from? New York
Who is the lefty pitcher? Even if this is correct, you don't have to count it; I asked Steelers Fan. His guess: Babe Ruth

Who is the Mexican revolutionary in #4? Pancho Villa
What state did he invade? New Mexico

Who is the actor in #5? Kirk Douglas

What is the novel described in #6? If this is right, I've read this one too. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Who is the author? James Joyce

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1916

Total points: 27
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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/13/25

#15 Post by tlynn78 » Wed Feb 12, 2025 6:31 pm

In what city were the Olympics scheduled to be held in #1? Berlin

Who is the writer in #2? Jack London
Which short story, set in the harsh Klondike, recounts the haphazard trek of a new arrival who has ignored an old-timer's warning about the risks of traveling alone? something about a fire..

What is the winning team in #3? nope
Where was the losing team from? nope
Who is the lefty pitcher? nope

Who is the Mexican revolutionary in #4? Pancho Villa
What state did he invade? New Mexico

Who is the actor in #5? cleft? gotta be Kirk Douglas

What is the novel described in #6? nope
Who is the author? James Joyce?

What year did all these events take place? (Five points) 1916
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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/13/25

#16 Post by Hotseat Or Bust! » Wed Feb 12, 2025 9:08 pm

2.) Jack London, 3.) Red Sox, Babe Ruth, 5.) Kirk Douglas, 6.) James Joyce.

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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/12/25

#17 Post by Earl the Squirrel » Wed Feb 12, 2025 11:58 pm

2525 - Annum 6

In the year ____, the following events occurred:

1- The summer Olympics are cancelled due to war.

2- A popular writer from California, known mostly novels and short stories set in Alaska and the Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush, dies at age 40.

3- An American League team wins the World Series four games to one, capturing their record-setting fourth World Series title. A 21-YO lefty pitcher for Boston goes all 14 innings in the game 2 win.

4- A Mexican revolutionary crosses the international border with more than 500 men and raids a US town, killing 17 Americans

5- A cleft-chinned, steely-eyed and virile star of international cinema who rose from being "the ragman's son" is born.

6- An Irish author publishes a portrayal of a character's Dublin childhood and youth, his quest for identity through art and his gradual emancipation from the claims of family, religion and Ireland itself. (Sounds like fun).

Two points each:

In what city were the Olympics scheduled to be held in #1?


Who is the writer in #2?
Which short story, set in the harsh Klondike, recounts the haphazard trek of a new arrival who has ignored an old-timer's warning about the risks of traveling alone?

Jack London - Call of the Wild

I didn't realize he was so young when he died. I mean, I knew he was young, but apparently I was so young when we studied him that 40 didn't seem so young at the time. How things have changed....ha!

What is the winning team in #3?
Where was the losing team from?
Who is the lefty pitcher?

Boston Red Sox - NYC - Babe Ruth

Who is the Mexican revolutionary in #4?
What state did he invade?

Pancho Villa - New Mexico

Back in my glorious, misspent youth Pancho Villa tequila was my drink of choice. No worm, but what do you expect for a big ass bottle priced at 2.99?

Who is the actor in #5?

Kirk Douglas/Izzy Demsky

What is the novel described in #6?
Who is the author?

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce

What year did all these events take place? (Five points)


Total points: 27

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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/12/25

#18 Post by Vandal » Thu Feb 13, 2025 8:15 pm



Jack London
To Build a Fire

The Red Sox
Brooklyn (Robins)
Babe Ruth

Pancho Villa
New Mexico

Kirk Douglas

James Joyce
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man



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earl ~~ 23
sprots ~~ 23
mrkelley ~~ 21
tangredi ~~ 21
jarnon ~~ 21
krox ~~ 19
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elwood ~~ 17
tgirl ~~ 17
lb ~~ 16
panic ~~ 15
Bob#s ~~ 15
marley ~~ 11
hotseat ~~ 10
BiT ~~ 9
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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/12/25

#19 Post by elwoodblues » Fri Feb 14, 2025 10:24 pm

I am pretty sure I played this game.

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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/12/25

#20 Post by Vandal » Sat Feb 15, 2025 7:07 am

elwoodblues wrote:
Fri Feb 14, 2025 10:24 pm
I am pretty sure I played this game.
You did and sorry about the skip. You made the big scoreboard so all is well. I corrected the post above.
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Re: 2525 - Annum 6, 2/12/25

#21 Post by SportsFan68 » Sun Feb 16, 2025 8:07 pm

This was a good one for me -- just lucky to have read To Build a Fire and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
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