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The 2025 LSWE Rules!

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:33 pm
by littlebeast13
Well, let's get this show on the road. Now that I've scrapped and changed a few things, I'm reasonably ready to go. As usual, I've copied and pasted last year's rules, making changes where appropriate. Hopefully I didn't miss anything that makes the rules sound more confusing than they already are...

The 2025 Lyrically Speaking Winter (Not-so) Extravaganza themes:

Sesame Street Mondays: Each game will be sponsored by a certain letter of the alphabet, which I chose using a random number generator. The game will feature songs or artists beginning with that letter. No letters from last year (V, C, J, G, O ,P) will be used again.

I'm Not Even Going To Try To Come Up With A Name For It Tuesdays: Tuesday Wordplay gets bounced for the first time in LSWE history (Sorry, but there just aren't any good places to search popular music songs and lyrics anymore), and in its place comes a theme revolving around the number of members in featured bands. The first game will all be by duos, the second game by trios, etc. Really clever, huh?

Wild Wednesdays: Animal themed games. No squirrels included...

The Year In Music Thursdays: For each decade from the 1960's through the 1990's, I chose a year at random using a random number generator. All songs will be from (or were on the charts) in that chosen year. The final game will probably just be a generic 21st century music game...

Free For All Fridays: Some things never change, and Friday will be all about the variety. You'll find some LSWE staples as well as a few other surprises and songs I had to boot out of other days in the Friday games...

OK, with the new format revealed, let's cover the LSWE basics!

The game will be FIVE weeks long, beginning with the first game on Monday January 27th and concluding with the final game being posted on Friday February 28th. Games will be posted each weekday, Monday through Friday. All games will close at the posting of the answers the following day (Monday for Friday games) and all games will be open for at least 24 hours. I am going to strictly enforce the posting of the answers deadline this year, so please..... no dicking around! Get those answers in on time!

1 point for each correct title, 1 point for each correct artist. Any bonus points will be explained in each game.

Don't cheat. Just don't. No outside sources are allowed. Don't be a douche....

Please post your answers using the spoiler. Just in case you still aren't entirely familiar with the new(ish) Bored interface.... here's where you can find the buttons that will be relevant to playing the LSWE:


That should yield something that looks like....


JJ Cale Points - Arbitrary bonus points awarded by me for arbitrary reasons that tickle my fancy. You can earn up to three, or if you really impress me... you can get a 5 point supermax. Nobody has ever gotten exactly 4 JJC points in a single game before, and they never will so long as I'm alive...

Kroxquo Bonus - Name another song with artist that fits the theme of that day's game (or whatever I ask for), and receive two points (Or whatever I promise). You can NOT reuse an artist that you identified in that game. You CAN reuse theme elements you've identified in the game unless I specifically state otherwise.

TBone Attendance Bonus - Awarded every Monday for the previous week... you get 5 points if you played all 5 games, 3 points for playing 4 games, and 1 point for playing 3 games. You must at least attempt to answer something in a game to receive credit for playing that day (The anti-Present rule). At the end of the LSWE, everyone who played all 30 games will receive a 10 point bonus.

Annie Bonus - You can replace the word "girl" or "girls" in a song title with "squirrel" or "squirrels" (as appropriate, don't get cute) for a bonus point. Girl or girls in a parenthetical part of the title (I HATE parenthetical titles, and so should you) does not count for the Annie Bonus.

The Shithouse Rats Award - The player who cracked me up the most... either with a single post or a cumulative effort throughout the season, will win this prestigious honor and the 10 point bonus that comes with it.

Image Bonus - I'll ask you to find an image from somewhere off the internet that in some way relates to the theme of the game, or whatever I may ask for. You get 5 points for finding an appropriate image, and the poster of the most creative/clever/one I like best image for each game will get an extra 5 point bonus (The illustrious Image Bonus Bonus). Please, have lots of fun with this... it's my favorite LSWE bonus and I love what you guys come up with! And if you need help remembering how to post images, scroll down to where Esto helps out with this towards the bottom of the 2015 rules thread.
PLEASE NOTE that Google changed the way their Image Search allows you to get urls for images at some point during the 2018 LSWE, and that more difficult format is still being used now. After finding an image you want to use and clicking on it, try right clicking on the image display that comes up and selecting "Properties." Many times, you can copy and paste the correct link from there, but make sure it ends in a .jpg/.png type of extension. You can test the link in a new window to see if it is indeed the correct url.

Don't forget the Phil Collins Rule... answering the lead singer for a band song is fine if that lead singer had a reasonably well known solo career and actually sang lead on the song in question. Answering the band for a solo singer song will not get you credit at all.

Feel free to bring up any scoring issues with me. I'm not prefect and I make misteaks. All other issues may be addressed and have their cases made known... but my ultimate decisions are final. It's a Bored game for crying out loud!

And last but absolutely never least....


Participation makes the games MORE FUNNER! Please play if you are able! You won't regret it!

See you all Monday morning for the first game!

Re: The 2025 LSWE Rules!

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:10 pm
by Beebs52