Transcript 11/29/18 Tom Zulewski (Tommynator) (carryover)

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Transcript 11/29/18 Tom Zulewski (Tommynator) (carryover)

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Thu Dec 06, 2018 7:43 pm

Tom Zulewski (BB Tommynator)
Sports writer
Cedar City, Utah

When Jesse Owens won the 200 meters at the 1936 Olympics, the silver medalist was the brother of who?
A: Baseball’s Jackie Robinson B: Boxing’s Joe Louis
C: Football’s Red Grange D: Basketball’s Bob Cousy

Tom says
Jackie Robinson
was a track star at UCLA.

A: Baseball’s Jackie Robinson

Commercial break

Which of these Gandhis is not related to the other three Gandhis listed?
A: Mahatma Gandhi B: Indira Gandhi
C: Rajiv Gandhi D: Rahul Gandhi

Tom answers D: Rahul Gandhi.
The correct answer is A: Mahatma Gandhi.
Tom wins $50,000.

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Re: Transcript 11/29/18 Tom Zulewski (Tommynator) (carryover

#2 Post by Bob78164 » Thu Dec 06, 2018 8:24 pm

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Tom Zulewski (BB Tommynator)
Sports writer
Cedar City, Utah

When Jesse Owens won the 200 meters at the 1936 Olympics, the silver medalist was the brother of who?
A: Baseball’s Jackie Robinson B: Boxing’s Joe Louis
C: Football’s Red Grange D: Basketball’s Bob Cousy

Tom says
Jackie Robinson
was a track star at UCLA.

A: Baseball’s Jackie Robinson

Commercial break

Which of these Gandhis is not related to the other three Gandhis listed?
A: Mahatma Gandhi B: Indira Gandhi
C: Rajiv Gandhi D: Rahul Gandhi

Tom answers D: Rahul Gandhi.
The correct answer is A: Mahatma Gandhi.
Tom wins $50,000.

Commercial break
As I understand it, Mahatma is actually a sobriquet meaning "great-souled." (It comes from "maha," as in "maharaja," and "atma.") So I think the reference should be to Mohandas Gandhi. --Bob
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Re: Transcript 11/29/18 Tom Zulewski (Tommynator) (carryover

#3 Post by silverscreenselect » Fri Dec 07, 2018 8:41 am

Bob78164 wrote: As I understand it, Mahatma is actually a sobriquet meaning "great-souled." (It comes from "maha," as in "maharaja," and "atma.") So I think the reference should be to Mohandas Gandhi. --Bob
That's like saying that the answer to a baseball question should be "George Herman Ruth" instead of "Babe Ruth." It only really matters if the real first name figures into the answer.

As an aside, I remember playing an early version of the Jeopardy board game back in the 1960s, when this came up, and the "answer" to one of the clues was something like "First name of the Indian political leader Gandhi." They had an answer book so that people could look up the answers and they specifically said not to accept Mahatma as a correct answer for this particular question.
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Re: Transcript 11/29/18 Tom Zulewski (Tommynator) (carryover

#4 Post by jarnon » Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:38 am

silverscreenselect wrote:As an aside, I remember playing an early version of the Jeopardy board game back in the 1960s, when this came up, and the "answer" to one of the clues was something like "First name of the Indian political leader Gandhi." They had an answer book so that people could look up the answers and they specifically said not to accept Mahatma as a correct answer for this particular question.
Years ago, i imagined my "ideal" Millionaire stack - hard questions that I could answer because of something in my life experience (like Jamal in Slumdog Millionaire). Here's one:

What is the first name of famed MIT linguist Chomsky?
A: Avram B: Noah
C: Noam D: Jacob

A: Avram
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Re: Transcript 11/29/18 Tom Zulewski (Tommynator) (carryover

#5 Post by earendel » Fri Dec 07, 2018 11:00 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Tom Zulewski (BB Tommynator)
Sports writer
Cedar City, Utah
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Re: Transcript 11/29/18 Tom Zulewski (Tommynator) (carryover

#6 Post by ghostjmf » Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:43 am


I did not know the one that was a college track star & would need all the help I could get here. In all the stuff I've read/seen on Owens, I've never heard/seen this.

Way to go, sports expert!

100K: This one I knew, though I probably wouldn't get to see it..

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Re: Transcript 11/29/18 Tom Zulewski (Tommynator) (carryover

#7 Post by Tommynator » Tue Dec 11, 2018 8:35 pm

I had Mahatma in my head for the briefest of moments, but got too hung up in the "how they're related" part of the question instead of treating them individually.

Mahatma was the one who led the fight for independence from Britain around the turn of the 20th century, and he was in his 40s before Indira was even born. She married into the Gandhi family.

Such is life when you know these things after the fact, but I'm not the least bit mad. I have $50,000!!!!! (not yet, but soon!)

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Re: Transcript 11/29/18 Tom Zulewski (Tommynator) (carryover

#8 Post by Estonut » Wed Dec 12, 2018 2:23 am

Tommynator wrote:She married into the Gandhi family.
She did, but a different Gandhi family. It is a common surname in that part of India. She is not related to the family of Mahatma Gandhi.
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Re: Transcript 11/29/18 Tom Zulewski (Tommynator) (carryover

#9 Post by Tommynator » Wed Dec 12, 2018 10:45 am

Estonut wrote:
Tommynator wrote:She married into the Gandhi family.
She did, but a different Gandhi family. It is a common surname in that part of India. She is not related to the family of Mahatma Gandhi.
Gandhi = our Smith or Jones.

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