TNPG Question Thread

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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#401 Post by Sir_Galahad » Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:47 pm

Bob78164 wrote:
Sir_Galahad wrote:Fred continues to taunt me with lit questions. This was do-able but I still messed up.

Q1: Arrange these words to form a financial phrase
1. Adjusted
2. Cost
3. Living
4. Of

Q2: Arrange these parts of a peach starting with the innermost
1. Stone
2. Skin
3. Seed
4. Flesh

Q3: Arrange these Oscar-winning songs starting with the earliest
1. Lose Yourself
2. The Way We Were
3. Under The Sea
4. My Heart Will Go On

Q4: Arrange these literary characters according to when they first appeared starting with the earliest
1. Heathcliff
2. Atticus Finch
3. Macbeth
4. Peter Pan

I think I reversed Peter Pan and Heathcliff as I entered 3 1 4 2.
That appears to be the correct answer. What were the answers to your other questions? --Bob
Q1: 1-2-4-3
Q2: 3-1-4-2
Q3: 2-3-4-1
Q4: 3-1-4-2 (which is what I thought I had entered)
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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#402 Post by hf_jai » Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:20 pm

I guess I ought to post these, even tho missing the ones I did is incredibly embarrassing. But maybe they'll help someone else avoid the stupid stick that hit me on the last two nights:

Q1 Put time period from longest to shortest
1. year
2. century
3. week
4. millennium
Q2 Bones in order of where they are in the human body, starting with the head
1. nasal bone
2. tibia
3. clavicle
4. illium
For some absurd (and stupid!) reason, I confused the tibia with the humerus
Q1 Title of a 2006 book
1. The
2. of
3. Audacity
4. Hope
Q2 Events in order of how often they occur, starting with most often
1. Old Faithful erupts
2. Presidential election
3. (something) on Earth -- mm'd, but I guessed it was sunrise
4. Full moon
Q3 Put relative in order of where they appear on the family tree, starting at the top
1. grandmother
2. granddaughter
3. great grandfather
4. great grandson
I can't believe I missed this one, but I didn't have time to write the answers out and in the half second or so before I started to punch in my answer, I forgot that the second two were "great" -- I remember thinking, well, do they mean the males are listed before the females? Now is that stupid or what!

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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#403 Post by hanzz » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:33 pm

Alright, be prepared for a question overload. These are mine, my sister's, my uncle's, and my mom's questions from over the past couple days:

Q1: Place these quotes in the order that they were first introduced, starting with the earliest.
1) *something something* to kill a mockingbird.
2) Wherefore art thou, Romeo
3) Mighty Casey has struck out.
4) Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.
2-3-4-1. What a ridiculously hard Q1.

Q1: Form a city name.
1) Rapid
2) South
3) City
4) Dakota
Q2: Measurements, smallest to largest
1) Fluid ounce
2) Pinch
3) Teaspoon
4) Tablespoon

Q1: Title of a historical event
1) Of
2) War
3) The
4) Roses
Q2: Cities, east to west
1) Nashville
2) Little Rock
3) Ft. Worth
4) Dayton
4-1-2-3, this was mine. I got it wrong, I mixed up Nashville and Dayton. I went to the National Geography Bee in 2004. Shame. Shame. Shame.

Q1: US Presidential nickname
1) and
2) rough
3) old
4) ready
Q2: Peach parts, innermost to outermost
1) stone
2) flesh
3) seed
4) skin
Q3: Video game consoles, starting with the earliest
1) Playstation 2
2) Gameboy
3) Atari
4) Wii
Q4: Physicians date of birth, starting with the most recent
1) Robert Jarvik
2) Carl Jung
3) C. Everett Koop
4) Benjamin Spock
Ok, I tried looking all these up. Jarvik is 1946, Jung is the 1870s, Spock I'm guess means Benjamin Spock, born 1903, but I can't figure out for the life of me when or who "Coop" would be. So the order would be 2-4-1, and "Coop" could fall anywhere in there.

Edited to add: Thanks Bob! Koop was born 1916, so that makes the right answer 2-4-3-1

Q1: Song from a movie
1) The
2) Eye
3) Tiger
4) Of
Q2: Grammy Songs, starting with the earliest
1) Hotel California
2) Killing Me Softly
3) Wind Beneath my Wings
4) All I Wanna Do
It's (almost) never 1-2-3-4, so my uncle goes with 2-1-3-4
Q3: New England states, starting with the northernmost
1) New Hampshire
2) Massachusetts
3) Connecticut
4) Maine
Q4: Cuts of a lamb, from front to back
1) Shoulder
2) Rib
3) Leg
4) Loin
1-2-4-3, I guess the front leg is never eaten?
Q5: Books in order of publication
1) All Creatures Great and Small
2) Great Expectations
3) Greatest Generation
4) Great Gatsby
2-4-1-3, and just like that my uncle is OTC!

Q1: Country music song
1) By
2) Your
3) Man
4) Stand
Q2: Health products in order of introduction, starting with the earliest
1) Advil
2) Maalox
3) Scope
4) Pepsid AC
2-3-1-4, right?, anywho, my sister's out

Q1: Geographical nickname
1) hills
2) seven
3) rome
4) of
Q2: American Idol winners, starting with the most recent
1) Jordin Sparks
2) Kris Allen
3) Ruben Studdard
4) Taylor Hicks
2-1-4-3, glad I keep up on stuff like this
Q3: Cleaning products, starting with the most recent
1) Brillo
2) Pledge
3) Swiffer
4) Bounty
saw this on here, 3-4-2-1
Q4: Artists date of birth, starting with the earliest
1) Camille Pisarro (this is most likely the name)
2) David Hockney
3) Rembrandt
4) Ansel Adams
3-4-2, and I can't for the life of me find out who "Pisack" is....any help? More than likely it fits in between the large amount of time between Rembrandt and Adams.

Edited to add: Looks like "Pisack" is "Pisarro", born 1830. Take that with a small grain of salt. Which would indeed put him between Rembrandt and Adams. So 3-1-4-2. Thanks, hbomb!


Q1: Country name
1) America
2) United
3) States
4) Of
Q2: US Capitals, west to east
1) Baton Rouge
2) Sacramento
3) Montpelier
4) Harrisburg
Q3: Sounds, loudest to softest
1) Rustling leaves
2) jackhammer
3) Rocket launch
4) Vacuum
Q4: TV shows, starting with the most recent debut
1) The OC
2) Melrose Place
3) The Hills
4) Gossip Girl
Q5: Bestselling books, starting with the earliest

1) A Clear and Present Danger
2) Memoirs of a Geisha
3) Bridges of Madison County
4) Da Vinci Code
These are all a lot closer than you might think.
A Clear and PResent Danger - 1989
Bridges of Madison County - 1992
Memoirs of a Geisha - 1997
Da Vinci Code - 2003
So it's 1-3-2-4, which my mom did not put down.

Q1: Poem title
1) Taken
2) Road
3) Not
4) The
Q2: Treats, earliest to latest
1) Pez
2) Microwaveable popcorn
3) Cracker jack
4) Bubble gum
The answer is somewhere on this page I think, but anyway, sis got it wrong


Q1: Term in business
1) The
2) Box
3) Thinking
4) Outside
Q2: Fashion items, head to toe
1) Mules
2) Choker
3) Pedal pusher
4) Bustier
Only knew what a choker and a bustier were (thanks to Selena), and I figured pedal pusher would be something in the lower regions. So I figured a "mule" would have to fit somewhere on the trunk of the body or on the head of the body. Turns out its neither. It's a shoe. 2-4-3-1
Last edited by hanzz on Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#404 Post by Bob78164 » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:43 pm

hanzz wrote:Q4: Physicians date of birth, starting with the most recent
1) Robert Jarvik
2) Carl Jung
3) Coop?
4) Spock?
Ok, I tried looking all these up. Jarvik is 1946, Jung is the 1870s, Spock I'm guess means Benjamin Spock, born 1903, but I can't figure out for the life of me when or who "Coop" would be. So the order would be 2-4-1, and "Coop" could fall anywhere in there.
This is C. Everett Koop, Surgeon General under President Reagan. --Bob
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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#405 Post by hanzz » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:46 pm

Bob78164 wrote:
hanzz wrote:Q4: Physicians date of birth, starting with the most recent
1) Robert Jarvik
2) Carl Jung
3) Coop?
4) Spock?
Ok, I tried looking all these up. Jarvik is 1946, Jung is the 1870s, Spock I'm guess means Benjamin Spock, born 1903, but I can't figure out for the life of me when or who "Coop" would be. So the order would be 2-4-1, and "Coop" could fall anywhere in there.
This is C. Everett Koop, Surgeon General under President Reagan. --Bob
Thanks! Edited accordingly.
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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#406 Post by Estonut » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:49 pm

hanzz wrote:Q4: Artists date of birth, starting with the earliest
1) Pisack ?
2) David Hockney
3) Rembrandt
4) Ansel Adams
3-4-2, and I can't for the life of me find out who "Pisack" is....any help? More than likely it fits in between the large amount of time between Rembrandt and Adams.
Picasso, perhaps?
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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#407 Post by Bob78164 » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:51 pm

hanzz wrote:
Bob78164 wrote:
hanzz wrote:Q4: Physicians date of birth, starting with the most recent
1) Robert Jarvik
2) Carl Jung
3) Coop?
4) Spock?
Ok, I tried looking all these up. Jarvik is 1946, Jung is the 1870s, Spock I'm guess means Benjamin Spock, born 1903, but I can't figure out for the life of me when or who "Coop" would be. So the order would be 2-4-1, and "Coop" could fall anywhere in there.
This is C. Everett Koop, Surgeon General under President Reagan. --Bob
Thanks! Edited accordingly.
Now you have it backwards. They asked for most recent. --Bob
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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#408 Post by hbomb1947 » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:51 pm

hanzz wrote:
Q4: Artists date of birth, starting with the earliest
1) Pisack ?
2) David Hockney
3) Rembrandt
4) Ansel Adams
3-4-2, and I can't for the life of me find out who "Pisack" is....any help? More than likely it fits in between the large amount of time between Rembrandt and Adams.
I wonder if choice no. 1 was the impressionist Camille Pissarro (born 1830).
(I assume it wasn't Picasso, since presumably you would have recognized his name).
Last edited by hbomb1947 on Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#409 Post by hanzz » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:56 pm

hbomb1947 wrote:
hanzz wrote:
Q4: Artists date of birth, starting with the earliest
1) Pisack ?
2) David Hockney
3) Rembrandt
4) Ansel Adams
3-4-2, and I can't for the life of me find out who "Pisack" is....any help? More than likely it fits in between the large amount of time between Rembrandt and Adams.
I wonder if choice no. 1 was the impressionist Camille Pisasrro (born 1830).
(I assume it wasn't Picasso, since presumably you would have recognized his name).
Yes! I think that's it. I think I remember a first name that started with "C", because I remember thinking, "Huh, that name sounds an awful lot like my friend's name Courtney Pietzack." I know it wasn't Picasso because I distinctly remember Fred pronouncing the "a" on the second syllable as in "hat" and not as in "dawn".

Anyway, so I guess I did put him in the right place, I just mixed up Hockney and Adams.
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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#410 Post by Estonut » Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:01 pm

hanzz wrote:Yes! I think that's it. I think I remember a first name that started with "C", because I remember thinking, "Huh, that name sounds an awful lot like my friend's name Courtney Pietzack." I know it wasn't Picasso because I distinctly remember Fred pronouncing the "a" on the second syllable as in "hat" and not as in "dawn".
I believe the 3 vowels in Pissarro are pronounced the same way as the same 3 in Picasso...
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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#411 Post by hanzz » Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:06 pm

Estonut wrote:
hanzz wrote:Yes! I think that's it. I think I remember a first name that started with "C", because I remember thinking, "Huh, that name sounds an awful lot like my friend's name Courtney Pietzack." I know it wasn't Picasso because I distinctly remember Fred pronouncing the "a" on the second syllable as in "hat" and not as in "dawn".
I believe the 3 vowels in Pissarro are pronounced the same way as the same 3 in Picasso...
Yeah, fairly weak argument on my part I guess. Still, the American pronunciations of the two sound fairly distinct.
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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#412 Post by kayak » Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:13 pm

Fisrt of all, I'd like to apologize for not posting earlier. I meant to be a regular thais last week, but fate had other plans.

I did qualify on Fri., so you might think I should apologize for an easy stack. I won't do that! I hope any remaining BBs play well these last two days.

Here are my questions, as I recall:

7/6 . a) Six Degrees of Separation
b) Put clothing Cos. in order by founding:
1 - Levi St. 2- Gucci 3 - Guess 4 - Benneton

7/7 a) Long Island Iced Tea
b) TV programs in order of debut:
1- The Simpsons 2 - Sat. Night Live 3- I love Lucy 4 - Cheers
c) Singers in chron. order by birth:
1 - Toni Braxton 2 - Beyonce Knowles 3 - Bono 4 - Killiey somebody??

7/8 a) As The Crow Flies
b) Court cases in chron. order
1 - Bush v Gore 2 - Roe v Wade 3 - Miranda v ? (Arizona?) 4 - US v Rosenthals
c) Cities in Geo order, N to S!
1 - San Diego 2 - Sioux Falls 3 - Santa Fe 4 - St. Paul
(I was still at my sister's in Sioux Falls - her kids got a huge kick out of this because they were listening.)
d) French days of the week, starting with Sun. (no clue, It's tough enough to write english that fast.)

7/8 My sister gives it a try:
a) Atlantic City New Jersey
b) Publications in order of frequency
1 - Vogue 2 - World Almanac(?) 3 - New A???? 4 - New York Times

7/9 1 am - I forgot to play until now. In the old days the quota may have been filled....
a) Forms of precipitation in order of intensity:
1 - Cloudburst 2 - Light Rain 3 - Drizzle 4 - Moderate rain
Ghost's killer. I think I entered 2341, to be different from Ghost. Still failed.

7/10 a) Name of a Historical US figure
1 - George 2 - General 3 - Custer 4 - Armstrong

b) Words to from phrase of Ancient (?) Astronomy something
1 - Music 2 - the 3 - of 4 - Spheres

c) US buildings in Geographic order, East to W.
1- White House 2- Graceland 3 - Gracie Mansion 4 - Hearst Castle

d) Movie kisses in chron. order
1- Harry/Sally 2- Michael/Fredo 3 - Jack / Rose 4 - Rhett / Scarlett

e) Put these islands in order as sung in the '88 hit "Kokomo" by the Beach Boys!
1 - Bahamas 2 - Bermuda 3 - Aruba 4 - Jamaica

So I passed! And I can't find my notes from the Super Millionaire game some years ago, but I swear I remember each of these from that game. And I THINK c and e were in the very stack I qualified from that year! So, I think I'm destined to be on the show!

7/1 answers
a) 2143
c) 3124
e) 3421

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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#413 Post by elwoodblues » Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:42 pm

And on the ninth day there was much rejoicing...

Q1: Names in order: President James Abram Garfield

Q2: Musical acts by first album, earliest:
1) Wu Tang Clan
2) Wham
3) Wings
4) Wilson Philips
Q3: Names in order (again!): Sault St. Marie, Mich.

Q4: Elected officials by salary, highest:
1) Congressman
2) President
3) Speaker of the House
4) Senate Majority Leader
I thought all congressmen made the same salary, but I went
Q5: Birth order, most recent:
1) Mr. T
2) Kenny G
3) Jay Z
4) Malcolm X
Yes, these were fairly easy, but that makes up for the off-the-wall questions I had been getting. I chose July 30. Woohoo!

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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#414 Post by themanwho » Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:47 pm

Well, waddywe got today?

Q1: Nickname for Ella Fitzgerald:

1. Of
2. Lady
3. Song
4. First
Q2 Novels by geographic location, starting at the Pacific Ocean and heading east

1. Zorba the Greek
2. Tess of the D'Urbervilles
3. Sarah, Plain and Tall
4. Anna Karenina
Q3 Cities by distance from Detroit, starting with the closest (What the Hell!)

1. Philadelphia
2. New Orleans
3. San Francisco
4. Chicago
Q4 Roman numerals in order around a clock, starting at 12 and heading counter-clockwise

1. XI
2 .II
3. IX
4. VII

American religious leaders by birth, starting with the earliest:

1. Mary Baker Eddy
2. Martin Luther King, Jr
3. William Penn
4. Jesse Jackson
And that's what we call a Happy Fred. Finally! Chose Aug 5 for a tape day. I'm making a video tomorrow morning. Thanks everyone for the help and encouragement!
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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#415 Post by Sir_Galahad » Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:13 pm

Fred tried to hit me with yet another lit question but I dodged that bullet tonight.

Q1: Arrange TV shows by number in the titles starting with the lowest
1. Adam 12
2. 60 Minutes
3. 10,000 Pyramid
4. 700 Club

Q2: Arrange these novels, earliest first
1. Breakfast at Tiffany's
2. Jurassic Park
4. Madame Bovary

Q3: Arrange these events in the Revolutionary War, earliest first
1. Shot heard round the world
2. Battle of Yorktown
3. Treaty of Paris
4. Boston Tea Party

Q4: Arrange these numbers, lowest first
1. square root of 36
2. square root of 4
3. 2 x 2
4. Pi

Q5: Arrange these food by their country of origin starting in the Atlantic and going east
1. Wienerschnitzel
2. Haggis
3. Borscht
4. Teriyaki

And Happy Fred says "Welcome to the club. We've been waiting for you"
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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#416 Post by BackInTex » Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:26 pm

My "in the pool stack"

Q1. Dishes in order by how long they take to cook, starting with the shortest
1. Hamburger well done
2. Apple Pie
3. Turkey
4. Eggs, overeasy
Q2. Letters in order to form the acronym for a popular test
1. T
2. A
3. G
4. M
Q3. Body parts in order by how many most people have, starting with the fewest
1. Teeth
2. Fingers
3. Eyes
4. Bones
Q4. Literary works by when 1st published, starting with the earliest (this is where I'll drop out if I do)
1. The Old Man in the Sea
2. The Devil Wears Prada
3. Mommy Dearest
4. Brothers Karamazov (Spocks pick for the outside, #2 pretty recent relatively speaking, its got to be the oldest, right?)
Q5. Beat, beat, beat, wait...that's my heart.

Q5. Diane Keaton movies by 1st theatrical release, starting with the earliest.
1. Sleeper
2. Somethings Got To Give
3. 1st Wives Club
4. Looking for Mr. Goodbar

I wrote the order, was "pretty sure", but given the last 9 nights....

OTC Thursday for the 29th.
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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#417 Post by Kazoo65 » Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:26 pm

Here are my 3 questions from tonight's episode of "Sad Fred and Me."

1. put words in order to make first line of famous song 1. start 2 spreading 4. the 3. news

2. movies in order starting w/earliest
1. Hocus Pocus
2. The Witches of Eastwick
3. Harry Potter & Sorcerer's Stone
4. something I don't remember-the order is 2413.

3. Put these dogs in order by average adult height, starting with the shortest.

1. chihauhua (ok, that's itty bitty)
2. mastiff (my uncle has one, it's a giant dog)
3. beagle
4. Old English sheepdog

I put in 1432 and heard Sad Fred. I think I reversed the sheepdog and the beagle.
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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#418 Post by ghostjmf » Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:27 pm


Name of comic book hero group

1. of

2. America

3. Justice

4. League

shampoo brands, earliest --------------------> most recent

1. Prell

2. Pantene something or other

3. Head & Shoulders

4. Pert

OK, I had a massive attack of dandruff when I was 12/13, none before or since; used
Head &
which was new at the time. Pretty sure
was already around. Remember dissolving pearl commercials. Unless that was another brand. My brand, when there was no dandruff, was Breck Dry Hair formula. And nowadays its Frizz-Ease by John Frieda, or however its spelled.
So WAGed 1,3,4,2
I actually had to look this up to make sure I was right here, though I got it right on phone:
1. Prell 1947
3. Head & Shoulders 1961
4. Pert 80s
2. Pantene etc; Pantene introduced in the 80s, Pro-V3 or whatever in 2006?
I am too down to pursue this to the death right now, even though I got it right, because


Medical conditions, from top --------------- down

1. gallstones

2. pneumonia

3. plantar's wart

4. gingevitis

I'm shaking by now, because I know all these; hell, I have had #4, unfortunately; I also had one of the others as a child but I'm not gonna tell ya which one

Numbers, smallest to largest

1. sextillion

2. million

3. octillion

4. trillion
& got Sad Fred. This is inexplicable. I really must be Ms. Slowpoke?

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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#419 Post by gsn309 » Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:06 pm

out on Bob's loom/compound microscope/velcro/electric battery question 3 that appears on page 14 of this thread.

You know I've been studying these and some of them I remember ,especially some Q5's, but for whatever reason that one didn't resonate.
I put the battery first, even though the compound microscope is 1590! And the electric battery is 1800.

I will try tomorrow but it is pretty apparent I'll be rooting from the sidelines for all you OTC'ers at the end of the week.

(oh, other questions were order "A Streetcar Named Desire" and put weights in order from the heaviest: kilogram/ounce/quarter pound/half ton)

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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#420 Post by Becky » Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:07 pm


I've been at a conference since last Friday, so haven't been able to read through all the messages, etc. but, I remember a question about "South Carolina" that had people confused.

Well, it was MY Q1 tonight:
Put the following historical events in chronological events--starting with the earliest:

1. FBI created
2. Jamestown founded
3. Paul Revere's Ride
4. Secession of South Carolina (I heard "founding of SC).

After I got Sad Fred, I asked Hubby--what was that last option,
he said, "secession of something"--so maybe this will help!

--Becky :(

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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#421 Post by hf_jai » Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:19 pm

Out on Q2, but at least it was something I honestly didn't know, instead of something stupid.

Q1 Put these "products" in order of release, starting with the earliest
1. Polaroid Camera
2. Morse Code
3. beanie babies
4. cell phones
Q2 Actresses in order of winning their first Emmy, starting with the earliest:
1. America somebody
2. Jennifer Anniston
3. Sarah Jessica Parker
4. Somebody Huffman
Melly already posted this one, but I either missed seeing it or forgot it. I thought I remembered reading a discussion here that Anniston didn't get her Emmy until much later in her show's run?

Like Kazoo, I suspect "my night" has passed.

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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#422 Post by mrkelley23 » Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:30 pm

1. Put these words in order to form the title of a famous orchestral work:

1. The
2. Peter (thought Fred said Teeter)
3. Wolf
4. And
2. States in order of achieving statehood, from earliest:

1. Hawaii
2. California
3. Pennsylvania
4. Texas
3. Put these Monopoly properties in the order you would encounter them in a normal Monopoly game, beginning at GO

1. Oriental Avenue
2. Pennsylvania Avenue
3. Park Place
4. New York Avenue
4. Put these words in alphabetical order

1. Mnemonic (I heard it as Pneumonic, and wrote Pn on my paper. Bad idea)
2. Tsunami
3. Pneumonia
4. Psychology
I'm still not sure about the words, except for #2. I finally figured out, with not much time to spare, that word 1 must have been Mnemonic, so I quickly entered 1342. And Fred continued!
5. Put these plays in chronological order, starting with the earliest:

1. King Lear
2. Driving Miss Daisy
3. Our Town
4. Proof
Wheelhouse!!!! After so many nights of frustration, I even took extra time to make sure I punched it in right. 1324
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Still not in!

#423 Post by Jeemie » Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:42 pm

Only one day to go- and my video, which I'm getting ready to submit tomorrow.


Q1 Title of an HBO show

1- Sex
2- And
3- City
4- The
Q2 Historical events, from most recent

1- Bella Abzug elected
2- Ginsberg becomes Supreme Court Justice
3- Althea Gibson wins French open
4- Amelia Earhart

Unfortunately, I couldn't remember Gibson and died.

Q1 US tourist attractions, North to South

1- Seattle Space Needle
2- Golden Gate Bridge
3- San Diego Zoo
4- Disneyland
Q2 20th Century Events, from earliest

1- Unabomber arrested
2- Israel becomes a nation again
3- Nixon pardoned
4- King Tut's tomb uncovered
Q3- Country stars by birth, from earliest

1- Shania Twain
2- Vince Gill
3- Taylor Swift
4- Dolly Parton
Q4 Law and Order Shows, from earliest

1- Criminal Intent
2- Trial By Jury
3- Law and Order
4- Special Victims Unit
She mixed up Criminal Intent and SVU.
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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#424 Post by BackInTex » Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:45 pm

hf_jai wrote:Out on Q2, but at least it was something I honestly didn't know, instead of something stupid.

Q1 Put these "products" in order of release, starting with the earliest
1. Polaroid Camera
2. Morse Code
3. beanie babies
4. cell phones
Q2 Actresses in order of winning their first Emmy, starting with the earliest:
1. America somebody
2. Jennifer Anniston
3. Sarah Jessica Parker
4. Somebody Huffman
Melly already posted this one, but I either missed seeing it or forgot it. I thought I remembered reading a discussion here that Anniston didn't get her Emmy until much later in her show's run?

Like Kazoo, I suspect "my night" has passed.

I posted it. It was what pissed me off. Aniston won before Parker even though Parker was nominated 3-4 times before she was. Only those two would be able to get that right. And, now you and I also, of course.
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Re: TNPG Question Thread

#425 Post by Jeemie » Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:53 pm

BackInTex wrote:
hf_jai wrote:Out on Q2, but at least it was something I honestly didn't know, instead of something stupid.

Q1 Put these "products" in order of release, starting with the earliest
1. Polaroid Camera
2. Morse Code
3. beanie babies
4. cell phones
Q2 Actresses in order of winning their first Emmy, starting with the earliest:
1. America somebody
2. Jennifer Anniston
3. Sarah Jessica Parker
4. Somebody Huffman
Melly already posted this one, but I either missed seeing it or forgot it. I thought I remembered reading a discussion here that Anniston didn't get her Emmy until much later in her show's run?

Like Kazoo, I suspect "my night" has passed.

I posted it. It was what pissed me off. Aniston won before Parker even though Parker was nominated 3-4 times before she was. Only those two would be able to get that right. And, now you and I also, of course.
BTW, the other two are America Ferrera (Ugly Betty) and Felicity Huffman (Desperate Housewives).
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