Transcript 11/22/2007 - Kerren Griffith (carryover)

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Transcript 11/22/2007 - Kerren Griffith (carryover)

#1 Post by BBTranscriptTeam » Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:19 am

Kerren Griffith
New York City, NY
Free-lance editor

Kerren is back with her boyfriend Tony and her stuffed rabbit companion "Rabbity". Last time Kerren said she wanted to go to Bora Bora. Meredith asks Tony if he's thought about what he'd like to do with the money. "Hell, yes!" he replies. "If she makes plans for Bora Bora, I'm there."

As much as Kerren likes Rabbity she likes pandas more and she went on a one-year mission to see all the pandas in the U.S. She was working on an outdated panda census, however, and missed a pair in Memphis, so she wants to go there and see Graceland, too.

$50K - Ronald McDonald currently holds what position within the McDonald's Corporation?

A - the Arch Chairman
B - President of Mcdonaldland
C - Chief Happiness Officer
D - The Big Cheeseburger

Kerren ponders for a few moments. "It's a terribly interesting question." She asks for the 50/50, leaving B and C.

It sounds like a very big marketing meeting. She gambles and goes with "C" as her final answer.

Kerren feels great - she's going to the South Seas and she's going to see pandas.

$100K - One of the great art forgers, Han van Meegeren, gained noteriety in the 1940s after forging several works in the style of what artist?

A - Georges Seurat
B - Johannes Vermeer
C - Rembrandt van Rijn
D - Claude Monet

Kerren says it's either Vermeer or Rembrandt. She decides to call Dierdra, a co-worker who is very bright. Dierdre's reaction when she hears Kerren is going for $100K is "Oh, my God." Kerren reads the question, spells the forger's name, and reads the names. Dierdre doesn't give an answer before time expires. "Dog my cats", says Kerren. She thinks it's Vermeer, and it turns out she was right. But she switched the question.

$100K (STQ) - Lake Victoria, the second-largest freshwater lake in the world, does not border which of these countries?

A - Kenya
B - Uganda
C - Tanzania
D - Rwanda

Kerren jokes that her favorite topic is bodies of water. She says this is a free guess but Meredith tells her it isn't. Kerren isn't a gambler and decides to walk away. She would have guessed Rwanda, which turns out to have been the right answer.

Commercial break

$50K - C (Chief Happiness Officer)
$100K - B (Johannes Vermeer)
$100K (STQ) - D (Rwanda)

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Re: Transcript 11/22/2007 - Kerren Griffith (carryover)

#2 Post by earendel » Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:12 am

BBTranscriptTeam wrote:Kerren Griffith
New York City, NY
Free-lance editor
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$50K - Ronald McDonald currently holds what position within the McDonald's Corporation?

A - the Arch Chairman
B - President of Mcdonaldland
C - Chief Happiness Officer
D - The Big Cheeseburger
Since Mcdonaldland already has a mayor, it's not B. I would have gone with "C" just on my experience working at Mickey D's.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$100K - One of the great art forgers, Han van Meegeren, gained noteriety in the 1940s after forging several works in the style of what artist?

A - Georges Seurat
B - Johannes Vermeer
C - Rembrandt van Rijn
D - Claude Monet
No idea. 50/50 won't help so it's time to either PAF or STQ. Let's go with STQ as Kerren finally did.
BBTranscriptTeam wrote:$100K (STQ) - Lake Victoria, the second-largest freshwater lake in the world, does not border which of these countries?

A - Kenya
B - Uganda
C - Tanzania
D - Rwanda
Much better. "D" final answer, leaving me with 50/50 and PAF to face the rest of the stack.
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#3 Post by ghostjmf » Mon Dec 31, 2007 3:48 pm

50K: I guessed correctly, but would have used 50/50 here.

100K: Know there was a famous Rembrandt forger, but think was caught in 60s. Know Vermeers are rarest of artists up there; think I know, anyway. Give up & STQ.

STQ 100K: PAF!

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