Spock wrote:
To generalize my problem with your broad bush is that you apparently believe that the proportion of 14-Year Old girls in very tough situations on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation with its 3rd World living conditions and massive social ills is exactly the same as the proportion in, say, Burlington, Vermont.
I don't know what "your problem" is, other than the fact that people on Indian reservations live in near poverty conditions. Maybe it took reading a book by Alexandra Fuller to give you that insight, but most of us are aware of it already. The percentage of all people on Indian reservations who are in "very tough situations" is higher than in say, Burlington, VT. And considering that most Indian reservations in this country are located in red states, you can't blame the problems on Democratic legislators at any level.
There are problems with prosecuting crime on Indian reservations, but that has more to do with the rather odd legal relationship between the Indian "nations" and the Federal government. And, again, that would apply to criminal prosecutions in general, not just those for child sexual abuse.
But the question I've posed about five times already still remains. What makes you think, other than perhaps reading this one novel, that the police are not interested in prosecuting this sort of crime?