Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#26 Post by Pastor Fireball » Tue Oct 30, 2018 7:34 pm

Going back to SSS mentioning Jack Cassidy's The Eiger Connection...

I just realized that Eiger is two letters away from being Steiger, as in Rod Steiger.

If Sidney Poitier is correct on #3, they could connect via In the Heat of the Night.

And the "St" addition to "Eiger" just happens to be the abbreviation for Saint, who is definitely made in Heaven...
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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#27 Post by silverscreenselect » Tue Oct 30, 2018 9:33 pm

Pastor Fireball wrote:Going back to SSS mentioning Jack Cassidy's The Eiger Connection...

I just realized that Eiger is two letters away from being Steiger, as in Rod Steiger.

If Sidney Poitier is correct on #3, they could connect via In the Heat of the Night.

And the "St" addition to "Eiger" just happens to be the abbreviation for Saint, who is definitely made in Heaven...
Steiger also appeared with Lee J. Cobb in On the Waterfront, Omar Sharif in Dr. Zhivago, and Claire Bloom in The Illustrated Man (and there's probably some others as well), so I don't think that narrows it down enough.

I think Frank mentioned toppling dominos as a clue. Maybe there's a movie with Domino in the title that plays into this.
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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#28 Post by franktangredi » Tue Oct 30, 2018 10:18 pm

silverscreenselect wrote: I think Frank mentioned toppling dominos as a clue. Maybe there's a movie with Domino in the title that plays into this.
No, that wasn't a clue, not this time. I just meant that once you figure out the Tangredi, the matches will be crystal clear. There won't be any ambiguity whatsoever. A couple of people on this list should give it away.

And don't look for any hidden clues in that wording, either.

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Re: Game #186: Consolidation with Tangredi

#29 Post by mrkelley23 » Wed Oct 31, 2018 7:43 pm

Tangredi: actor on list is/was married to an Oscar winner, whose co-star in that Oscar winning movie is also on the list.

33. CHAD LOWE was married to Hilary Swank, who won for Million Dollar Baby (98. Morgan Freeman)

89. OLIVIER MARTINEZ was married to Halle Berry, who won for Monster's Ball (38. Billy Bob Thornton)

50. MICHAEL DOUGLAS was married to Catherine Zeta Jones, who won for Chicago (90. John C. Reilly)

Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

Identify the 100 actors in the clues below. (Every other clue is a quotation.) Then, match them into 60 pairs according to a Tangredi, or principle you must discover for yourself.

Eighteen actors will be used twice and one actor will be used three times (not necessarily in different capacities.) There shouldn’t be any alternate matches unless I got really careless.

No name will be matched with itself.

1. This co-founder of a major Hollywood studio also hosted the very first Academy Awards ceremony.

2. “I even made poor Louis take me on Crusade. How's that for blasphemy? I dressed my maids as Amazons and rode bare-breasted halfway to Damascus. Louis had a seizure and I damn near died of windburn, but the troops were dazzled.”

3. According to this actor, Larry Gates slapping him was in the original script, but his slapping Larry Gates back was his own suggestion.

4. “Don't call me ‘Son.’ I'm a lawyer and an officer in the United States Navy, and you're under arrest, you son of a bitch.”

5. This actress was named “Babe of the Year” by GQ the same year her then-husband was named “Sexiest Man Alive” by People.
6. “Put. That. Coffee. Down. Coffee's for closers only. “

7. She was the first of her first husband’s eight wives and the fifth of her second husband’s eight wives.

8. “When he was nine years old he ran away from a fight. I saw it; I was so embarrassed I almost threw up. I said, ‘I'm gonna make a man outta you if I have to break you in two tryin'.’ And I made a man out of him. When he was sixteen, we had a fight. Hit me in the jaw - a big kid. Haven't seen him for two years. Kids ... work your heart out...”

9. He was born the same year his current stepmother played her Oscar-winning role; forty years later, he received an Oscar nomination of his own.

10. “Say ‘Auf Wiedersehen’ to your Nazi balls!”

11. The Oscar record she set in 1963 lasted only eleven years.

12. “Up there, we know we're lost and done for whether we're dead or alive. Three years we've had of it, four years! And every day a year, and every night a century! And our bodies are earth, and our thoughts are clay, and we sleep and eat with death!”

13. This British actor was born Zvi Mosheh Skikne in Lithuania.

14. “Well, if I was gonna kill you, I wouldn't do a dumb thing like hitting you on the head. First of all, I don't like the fingerprint angle. Of course, I could always wear gloves. Press your hands against the pipe after you were dead and make you look like a suicide. Except it don't seem hardly likely that you'd beat yourself to death with a club. I'd murder you so it didn't look like murder.”

15. He won a Best Director Oscar for a film in which he starred and a Worst Actor Razzie for a film which he directed.

16. “You truly love each other and so you might have been truly happy. Not one couple in a century has that chance, no matter what the story books say. And so I think no man in a century will suffer as greatly as you will.”

17. She was far better known for her work on stage and television, but she did make a number of memorable films – including her one-scene role as the mother of the title character of an Oscar-winning comedy.

18. “I was crazy that day. We were going to our son's funeral and you were worried about what I wore on my feet. I'm sure it sounds like nothing to you, but it stuck with me and I just wanted to tell you about it.”

19. His film career included adaptations of works by Jane Austen, Theodore Dreiser, Anton Chekhov, Daphne du Maurier, John Osborne, one of the Bronte sisters – and, of course, Shakespeare.

20. “I'm not one to use hyperbole, ladies and gentlemen, but I'll tell you this, for the first time in my life I had the caca scared out of me!”

21. While filming what turned out to be his Oscar-winning role, this actor and a friend were taken hostage and almost shot by a gun-toting gang of Brazilian robbers.

22. “Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?”

23. He is the father of an actor in one of the preceding clues.

24. “He looks as if ... as if he knows what I look like without my shimmy.”

25. She was part of the all-star cast of a movie based on a novel written by an author whom she herself would play five years later.

26. “Why don't you let me be in the show? Are you afraid of my Guatemalan-ness?”

27. Of a trilogy in which he starred, he has said that the 1995 film was about what could be, the 2004 film was about what should have been, and the 2013 film was about what is.

28. “I am Carrot Top: confident, clever, capable of running his life and yours, and everybody else's. And I'm Golo the Giant: cowardly, stupid, longing to be loved, clumsy and in need of comforting. And I'm Marguerite too: vain, jealous, obsessed with self, looking at my face in the mirror – ‘Are my teeth nice? Is my hair growing thin?’ And I'm Reynaldo: the thief, the opportunist, full of compromise and lies like any other man. I have in me all these things.”

29. This actress was the only child of a prominent stockbroker and a cereal heiress.

30. “Children don't have to defend themselves. When a child is taken, they automatically move forward. Isn't that nice?”
31. He received his only Oscar nomination in competition with two other actors from the same movie. (None of them won, but the other two had already won Oscars the previous two years.)

32. “Poor cat! Poor slob! Poor slob without a name! The way I see it, I haven't got the right to give him one. We don't belong to each other. We just took up one day by the river. I don't want to own anything until I find a place where me and things go together.”

33. Kid brother of a prominent member of the Brat Pack, he won an Emmy award for his portrayal of a young man living with AIDS.

34. “I arrived last night. Right in time for English Department cocktails. The c**k was mine. The tail belonged to a lovely young thing with a passion for D.H. Lawrence.”
35. He starred in one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes, as an aging Broadway actor in the throes of a midlife crisis.
36. “The notary will tell you that I'm leaving you my whole estate. It may surprise you, but it's the truth. The lawyer will give you all the documents because your father was my son. He was the Soubeyran I'd hoped for all my life, whom I tormented to death because I didn't know who he was. If I had told him about the spring, he'd still be playing his harmonica, and you'd all be living in our family home. No one knows it, but I'm too ashamed to face anyone, even the trees.”

37. Only two actors have played James Bond in more films than he.

38. “They turned me loose from the nervous hospital. Said I was well. I got hired on by a Mr. Bill Cox fixing lawnmowers and whatnot. That grass out there in the yard has grown up quite a bit. I reckon I might cut it for you.”
39. Her film career has included adaptations of works by Feodor Dostoevski, Ernest Hemingway, Shirley Jackson, Henrik Ibsen, Ray Bradbury, John Le Carre – and, of course, Shakespeare.
40. “Somebody once wrote, ‘Hell is the impossibility of reason.’ That's what this place feels like. Hell.”
41. When this child actor refused to cry during a scene, his director – who also happened to be his uncle – threatened to shoot his dog. (It worked.)

42. “You wrote to me once, listing the four chief virtues: wisdom, justice, fortitude and temperance. As I read the list, I knew I had none of them. But I have other virtues, Father. Ambition. That can be a virtue when it drives us to excel. Resourcefulness, courage - perhaps not on the battlefield, but there are many forms of courage. Devotion, to my family and to you. But none of my virtues were on your list. Even then, it was as if you didn't want me for your son.”
43. Reportedly, she once had an entire movie set rebuilt so that she would not have to show her right profile.

44. “Andy brought AIDS into our offices, into our bathroom, brought AIDS to our annual God damn family picnic!”

45. He played the killer on three episodes of Columbo, including the first episode of the regular series.

46. “I removed my undergarments and climbed on top of him. He woke up then. He said the only word other than his name that I ever heard him utter. He said, ‘Good.’ It didn't take very long, and that once was all that was needed.”

47. In two different films, this British actress has played the mother of the actress in Clue #5.
48. “Don't f**k with the babysitter!”

49. A song in the most recent Tony winner for Best Musical is named for this suave actor.

50. “I am not a vigilante. I am just trying to get home to my little girl's birthday party and if everyone will just stay out of my way, nobody will get hurt.”

51. She won her country’s national beauty pageant in 1936, succeeding Maria Nagy.

52. “Oh, you got a letter? I got run over! Helen gets her hair chopped off, Julie gets a body in her trunk, and you get a letter? That's balanced!”

53. This actor is most associated with two movie quotes – one from a 1940 film that provided him with one of his nicknames, the other from a 1942 film that provided him with the title of his 1965 autobiography.

54. “Now what kind of an attitude is that, ‘These things happen?’ They only happen because this whole country is just full of people who, when these things happen, they just say ‘These things happen,’ and that's why they happen!”

55. She won a Tony award for a role that had previously won the same award for Glynis Johns.

56. “When your husband makes love to you, it's my face he sees. When your baby's hungry, it's my breast that feeds him. Look at you! When push comes to shove, you can't even breathe!”

57. His film career included adaptations of works by Daphne du Maurier, Edna Ferber, Tennessee Williams, George Orwell, John Osborne, John Le Carre – and, of course, Shakespeare.

58. “And what am I supposed to do, huh? Go back to taxi dancin'? Ten cents so some slob can sweat gin all over me? I'm never doin' that again! So you go back there and you tell ol' rich Mr. Chocolate Man that he ain't closing me down!”
59. He starred in the film biography of the man who wrote the lyrics to “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling.”

60. “You know something, Fantan? This world is so full of crap, a man's gonna get into it sooner or later whether he's careful or not.”
61. This actress – who tragically died of leukemia at the age of 32 – had her most memorable movie moment playing the trumpet in a film with a harmonica score.
62. “Some people think the Crucifixion only took place on Calvary. They better wise up! Taking Joey Doyle's life to stop him from testifying is a crucifixion. And dropping a sling on Kayo Dugan because he was ready to spill his guts tomorrow, that's a crucifixion. And every time the mob puts the pressure on a good man, tries to stop him from doing his duty as a citizen, it's a crucifixion. And anybody who sits around and lets it happen, keeps silent about something he knows that happened, shares the guilt of it just as much as the Roman soldier who pierced the flesh of our Lord to see if he was dead.”

63. Before becoming a star of ‘B’ westerns, he was named Most Valuable Player in the Rose Bowl.

64. “Oh, no! Not the bees! Not the bees! Aaaaahhhhh! Oh, they're in my eyes! My eyes! Aaaahhhhh! Aaaaagghhh!”

65. She appeared in a classic 1937 movie about aspiring young actresses, but achieved her greatest popularity as the star of a 1950s sitcom – and, no, her name is not Lucy.

66. “I know you like me. I know it. For the last year or two, you've been pretending like you hate me. I love you very much. I love you as much as I love anybody, as much as I love myself. And in a few years when I haven't been around to be on your tail about something or irritating you, you could remember that time that I bought you the baseball glove when you thought we were too broke. You know? Or when I read you those stories? Or when I let you goof off instead of mowing the lawn? Lots of things like that. And you're gonna realize that you love me. And maybe you're gonna feel badly, because you never told me. But don't - I know that you love me. So don't ever do that to yourself, all right?”

67. He received an Oscar nomination for playing an actor who is the answer to one of the preceding clues.
68. “Anita Bryant did not win tonight. Anita Bryant brought us together!”

69. Some of her screen roles were subsequently reprised by June Allyson, Anne Bancroft … and Jerry Lewis.

70. “Criss-cross.”

71. After seeing this actor in a Hitchcock film, a British critic wrote, “For the first time on our screen we have the British equivalent of a Clark Gable or a Ronald Colman, playing in a purely national idiom.”

72. “May 23rd. My first batch of subjects arrived today, and I have to admit that I am very excited. This could be the dawn of a new age. Nuclear power is meaningless in a world where a virus can kill an entire population and leave its wealth intact.”

73. I can’t swear that she is the only actress ever deliberately electrocuted on screen by a Capuchin monkey, but I’d be willing to take the bet.
74. “You needn't take it any further, sir. You've proved to me that all this ultraviolence and killing is wrong, wrong, and terribly wrong. I've learned me lesson, sir. I've seen now what I've never seen before. I'm cured! Praise God!”

75. One of his first stage roles was as Stanley Kowalski in Un Tram Che Si Chiama Desiderio; one of his last screen roles was as the voice of Mufasa in Il Re Leone.

76. “Three tomatoes are walking down the street- a poppa tomato, a momma tomato, and a little baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind. Poppa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato, and smooshes him ... and says, ‘Catch up.’”

77. Her film career included adaptations of works by Charles Dickens, Sinclair Lewis, George Bernard Shaw, W. Somerset Maugham, Damon Runyon – and, of course, Shakespeare.

78. “It is clear that we are just an advanced breed of primates on a minor planet orbiting around a very average star, in the outer suburb of one among a hundred billion galaxies. But ever since the dawn of civilization, people have craved for an understanding of the underlying order of the world. There ought to be something very special about the boundary conditions of the universe. And what can be more special than that there is no boundary? And there should be no boundary to human endeavor. We are all different. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there is life, there is hope.”

79. This actress said, “"To sit out the McCarthy era in a house on Rodeo Drive as [the wife of a major MGM star] is not so bad. But the atmosphere that prevailed eventually destroyed my marriage. My ideas ran against the political currents of the time. By 1957, we were divorced."

80. “John, the kind of control you're attempting simply is ... it's not possible. If there is one thing the history of evolution has taught us it's that life will not be contained. Life breaks free, it expands to new territories and crashes through barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously, but, uh ... well, there it is.”

81. She received her only Oscar nomination in competition with two other actresses from the same movie. (None of them ever won.)

82. “I've come to see lots of nice people who hate it and deplore it and protest their own innocence, then help it along and wonder why it grows. People who would never beat up a Jew. People who think anti-Semitism is far away in some dark place with low-class morons. That's the biggest discovery I've made. The good people. The nice people.”

83. She served as matron of honor at the second wedding of the actor in Clue #53.

84. “He looks like that fellow in the movies - Ralph Bellamy.”

85. She completes the following list: Cate Blanchett; Michael Caine; Diane Keaton; Dianne Wiest; Dianne Wiest.

86. “I'm hard to get, Steve. All you have to do is ask me.”

87. On one of my least favorite episodes of The Twilight Zone, he played a Confederate soldier who has a chance to defeat the entire Union army, but won’t do it because he refused to traffic with the Devil.

88. “You know what I'm realizing? My life is just going to go. Like that. This series of milestones. Getting married. Having kids. Getting divorced. The time that we thought you were dyslexic. When I taught you how to ride a bike. Getting divorced ... again. Getting my master’s degree. Finally getting the job I wanted. Sending Samantha off to college. Sending you off to college. You know what's next? Huh? It's my f**king funeral! Just go, and leave my picture!”
89. In his best-known film role, this French actor cuckolded a former Sexiest Man Alive. (It did not end well for him.)
90. “Okay, now you're talking above my head. I don't know all of this industry jargon, YP, MP. All I know is that I can't get a record contract, we cannot get a record contract unless we take those tapes to the record company. And granted, the tapes themselves are, ah, uh, um, oh, you own them, all right, but the magic that is on those tapes, that f**king heart and soul that we put onto those tapes, that is ours and you don't own that. Now I need to take that magic and get it over the record company. And they're waiting for us, we were supposed to be there a half hour ago. We look like a**holes, man.”

91. Joan Crawford accused this younger actress of “setting the cause of Hollywood glamor back 20 years” by accepting an Oscar in a home-made dress.
92. “I don't know if you'd be particularly interested in hearing anything about me. My life, I mean. Most of it doesn't add up to much that I could relate as a way of life that you'd approve of…. I'd like to be able to tell you why, but I don't really... I mean, I move around a lot because things tend to get bad when I stay. And I'm looking ... for auspicious beginnings, I guess.... I'm trying to, you know, imagine your half of this conversation. My feeling is, that if you could talk, we probably wouldn't be talking. That's pretty much how it got to be before I left.”
93. The film version of a Broadway hit ended with a “curtain call” in which this actress gave the girl playing her daughter a well-deserved spanking.

94. “What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss?”

95. The film version of the fifth longest-running musical in Broadway history was generally well-received, but this actor’s singing of one of the lead roles was universally panned.

96. “Sondheim! Send in the clowns!”

97. It’s a toss-up which of his screen characters was the most purely evil: the serial killer, the necromancer, or the Nazi.

98. “I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.”

99. His film career included adaptations of works by Henry James, James Jones, Theodore Dreiser, Tennessee Williams, Nathanael West, Irwin Shaw – and NOT Shakespeare.
100. “Those imbeciles. Haven't they got any eyes? Have they forgotten what a star looks like? I'll show them! I'll be up there again, so help me!”

Tangredi: Actor on the list is/was married to an Oscar winner, who co-starred in their winning role with another actor on the list.
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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#30 Post by silverscreenselect » Wed Oct 31, 2018 9:11 pm

96. “Sondheim! Send in the clowns!”

This is Mel Brooks, who was married to Anne Bancroft, who co-starred in The Miracle Worker with Patty Duke.

I feel so stupid for missing this. I even thought to myself that Diane Cilento was once married to Sean Connery, which of course links with Kevin Costner for The Untouchables.
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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#31 Post by silverscreenselect » Wed Oct 31, 2018 9:23 pm

Penelope Cruz, married to Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men with Josh Brolin.
James Brolin, married to Barbra Streisand in Funny Girl with Omar Sharif.
Mel Ferrer, married to Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday with Gregory Peck.
Malcolm McDowell married to Mary Steenburgen in Melvin and Howard with Jason Robards
Lauren Bacall married to Humphrey Bogart in The African Queen with Katharine Hepburn
Patricia Arquette married to Nicolas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas with Elisabeth Shue
Madonna married to Sean Penn in Milk with Josh Brolin
Ethel Merman married for about two minutes to Ernest Borgnine in Marty with Betsy Blair
Richard Burton married to Elizabeth Taylor in Butterfield 8 with Laurence Harvey (also with Burton in Va. Woolf but Frank said no actor was matched with himself)
Debra Winger married to Timothy Hutton in Ordinary People with Donald Sutherland
Joanne Woodward married to Paul Newman in The Color of Money with Tom Cruise
Colleen Dewhurst married to George C Scott in Patton with Karl Malden
Claire Bloom married to Rod Steiger in Heat of the Night with Sidney Poitier
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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#32 Post by franktangredi » Wed Oct 31, 2018 9:26 pm

silverscreenselect wrote:Penelope Cruz, married to Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men with Josh Brolin.
James Brolin, married to Barbra Streisand in Funny Girl with Omar Sharif.
Mel Ferrer, married to Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday with Gregory Peck.
Malcolm McDowell married to Mary Steenburgen in Melvin and Howard with Jason Robards
Lauren Bacall married to Humphrey Bogart in The African Queen with Katharine Hepburn
Patricia Arquette married to Nicolas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas with Elisabeth Shue
Madonna married to Sean Penn in Milk with Josh Brolin
Ethel Merman married for about two minutes to Ernest Borgnine in Marty with Betsy Blair
Richard Burton married to Elizabeth Taylor in Butterfield 8 with Laurence Harvey (also with Burton in Va. Woolf but Frank said no actor was matched with himself)
Debra Winger married to Timothy Hutton in Ordinary People with Donald Sutherland
Oh, look. They're toppling like dominoes.

I really thought you were going to hit it when you started focusing on Jack Cassidy.

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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#33 Post by mellytu74 » Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:58 am

1. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS SR married to Mary Pickford, who was in Coquette with 63. JOHNNY MACK BROWN

31. FRANCHOT TONE married to Joan Crawford who was in Mildred Pierce with EVE ARDEN

100. GLORIA SWANSON married to Wallace Beery, who was in The Champ with 41. JACKIE COOPER

35. BRIAN AHERNE married to Joan Fontaine who was in Suspicion with 84. CARY GRANT

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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#34 Post by mellytu74 » Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:17 am

83. BRENDA MARSHALL married to William Holden, who was in Stalag 17 with 22. PETER GRAVES

12. LEW AYERS married to Ginger Rogers, who was in Kitty Foyle with 59. DENNIS MORGAN

69. CAROLE LOMBARD married to Clark Gable who was in It Happened One Night with 43. CLAUDETTE COLBERT

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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#35 Post by mellytu74 » Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:37 am

One last one before I go into a three-hour meeting

Ava Gardner married to Frank Sinatra, who was in From Here to Eternity with Montgomery Clift.

See you at noon.

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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#36 Post by silverscreenselect » Thu Nov 01, 2018 8:11 am

Nicolas Cage, married to Patricia Arquette in Boyhood with Ethan Hawke
Jeff Goldblum, married to Geena Davis, in Accidental Tourist with William Hurt
Alec Baldwin, married to Kim Basinger in LA Confidential with Russell Crowe
Chris Sarandon, married to Susan Sarandon in Dead Man Walking with Sean Penn

And the one that Frank thought would start this:

Jack Cassidy, married to Shirley Jones, in Elmer Gantry with Jean Simmons
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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#37 Post by mellytu74 » Thu Nov 01, 2018 7:35 pm

Look up a couple I KNEW I knew

14. “Well, if I was gonna kill you, I wouldn't do a dumb thing like hitting you on the head. First of all, I don't like the fingerprint angle. Of course, I could always wear gloves. Press your hands against the pipe after you were dead and make you look like a suicide. Except it don't seem hardly likely that you'd beat yourself to death with a club. I'd murder you so it didn't look like murder.”

HUME CRONYN in Shadow of a Doubt

That gives us

14. HUME CRONYN was married to Jessica Tandy, winner for Driving Miss Daisy with 98. MORGAN FREEMAN

And I was looking for this guy:

52. “Oh, you got a letter? I got run over! Helen gets her hair chopped off, Julie gets a body in her trunk, and you get a letter? That's balanced!”


52. RYAN PHILLIPE was married to Reese Witherspoon, winner for Walk the Line with 42. JOAQUIN PHOENIX

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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#38 Post by mellytu74 » Thu Nov 01, 2018 8:26 pm

Was also looking for this one:

72. “May 23rd. My first batch of subjects arrived today, and I have to admit that I am very excited. This could be the dawn of a new age. Nuclear power is meaningless in a world where a virus can kill an entire population and leave its wealth intact.”



72. SINEAD CUSACK married to Jeremy Irons, winner for Reversal of Fortune with 46. GLENN CLOSE

53. RONALD REAGAN was married to Jane Wyman, winner for Johnny Belinda with 12. LEW AYERS

70. ROBERT WALKER was married to Jennifer Jones, winner for Song of Bernadette with 8. LEE J COBB

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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#39 Post by mellytu74 » Thu Nov 01, 2018 8:45 pm

93. The film version of a Broadway hit ended with a “curtain call” in which this actress gave the girl playing her daughter a well-deserved spanking.

Could this be The Bad Seed? It would give us NANCY KELLY to go with Edmond O'Brien, who won for The Barefoot Contessa with 7. AVA GARDNER

29. DINA MERRILL was married to Cliff Robertson, who won for Charly with 39. CLAIRE BLOOM

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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#40 Post by mellytu74 » Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:04 pm

24. VIVIAN LEIGH was married to Laurence Olivier who won for Hamlet with 77. JEAN SIMMONS

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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#41 Post by silverscreenselect » Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:08 pm

Javier Bardem married to Penelope Cruz in Vicki Christina Barcelona with Scarlet Johannsen (Bardem was also in the film, but Frank said no one is matched with himself)

And Laurence Olivier married to Vivian Leigh in Streetcar with Karl Malden.

And Paul Bettany married to Jennifer Connelly in A Beautiful Mind with Russell Crowe
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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#42 Post by mellytu74 » Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:22 pm

87. On one of my least favorite episodes of The Twilight Zone, he played a Confederate soldier who has a chance to defeat the entire Union army, but won’t do it because he refused to traffic with the Devil.

I just realized this is GARY MERRILL

51. ZSA ZSA GABOR married to George Sanders, who won for All About Eve with 87. GARY MERRILL

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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#43 Post by mellytu74 » Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:55 pm

Last one before bed.

76. UMA THURMAN married to Gary Oldman, winner for Darkest Hour with 47. KRISTIN SCOTT THOMAS

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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#44 Post by silverscreenselect » Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:23 am

Hank Azaria married to Helen Hunt in As Good as It Gets with Jack Nicholson
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Re: Game #186: Consolidation with Tangredi

#45 Post by Pastor Fireball » Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:56 am

25. She was part of the all-star cast of a movie based on a novel written by an author whom she herself would play five years later.
This has to be correct because she was in Howards End with Emma Thompson, who was married to 67. KENNETH BRANAGH.
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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#46 Post by silverscreenselect » Fri Nov 02, 2018 1:57 pm

mellytu74 wrote:87. On one of my least favorite episodes of The Twilight Zone, he played a Confederate soldier who has a chance to defeat the entire Union army, but won’t do it because he refused to traffic with the Devil.

I just realized this is GARY MERRILL

51. ZSA ZSA GABOR married to George Sanders, who won for All About Eve with 87. GARY MERRILL
And Gary Merrill was married to Bette Davis who was in Dangerous with Franchot Tone.

I don't see it, but I would think that Frank would figure out a way to get Robert Stephens and Elsa Lanchester into this puzzle.
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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#47 Post by franktangredi » Fri Nov 02, 2018 2:26 pm

silverscreenselect wrote:
mellytu74 wrote:87. On one of my least favorite episodes of The Twilight Zone, he played a Confederate soldier who has a chance to defeat the entire Union army, but won’t do it because he refused to traffic with the Devil.

I just realized this is GARY MERRILL

51. ZSA ZSA GABOR married to George Sanders, who won for All About Eve with 87. GARY MERRILL
And Gary Merrill was married to Bette Davis who was in Dangerous with Franchot Tone.

I don't see it, but I would think that Frank would figure out a way to get Robert Stephens and Elsa Lanchester into this puzzle.
I thought Robert Stephens would have made things too obvious. As for Elsa Lanchester ... are you sure she isn't here? Not saying she is but ... are you sure?

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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#48 Post by mellytu74 » Mon Nov 05, 2018 9:58 am

franktangredi wrote:
silverscreenselect wrote:
mellytu74 wrote:87. On one of my least favorite episodes of The Twilight Zone, he played a Confederate soldier who has a chance to defeat the entire Union army, but won’t do it because he refused to traffic with the Devil.

I just realized this is GARY MERRILL

51. ZSA ZSA GABOR married to George Sanders, who won for All About Eve with 87. GARY MERRILL
And Gary Merrill was married to Bette Davis who was in Dangerous with Franchot Tone.

I don't see it, but I would think that Frank would figure out a way to get Robert Stephens and Elsa Lanchester into this puzzle.
I thought Robert Stephens would have made things too obvious. As for Elsa Lanchester ... are you sure she isn't here? Not saying she is but ... are you sure?

20. “I'm not one to use hyperbole, ladies and gentlemen, but I'll tell you this, for the first time in my life I had the caca scared out of me!

ELSA LANCHESTER - Murder by Death!

So, 20. ELSA LANCHESTER, married to Charles Laughton who won for Six Wives of Henry VIII with ???? I suspect the co-start is among the unanswered clues.

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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#49 Post by Earl the Squirrel » Wed Nov 07, 2018 8:06 pm

mellytu74 wrote:
Earl the Squirrel wrote: Joanne Woodward, Michael Fassbender, Kay Kendall....

I'm going with movies that included a real life romance for $200, Tangredi.
I am not sure Matches Made in Heaven works ....Montgomery Clift? Karl Malden?

I am wondering if it is stuff in the sky ...

Clift - A Place in the Sun
Paul Bettany - After the Rain

but I am not sure this holds up.

I am at a complete loss here.
I'm still taking credit for the Tangredi. (Well, I always take credit for "the Tangredi". I named it, people!) I didn't read the whole thing, but I knew that with so many actor couples that it had to be something about husbands and wives. I must admit I just read a few of the answer posts, so I "could" have figured it out, I just didn't have want to.....ha!

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Re: Game #186: Movies Made in Heaven

#50 Post by mellytu74 » Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:30 am

If I have time today, I will do a proper consolidation, since we haven't had one yet and I have to figure out where the completion for Elsa-Charles and Henry VIII comes from.

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